Course 01: Activity 1: Share Your Reflections

 Watch the video film “Khula Aakash” 2014 from the following link: and reflect on it. Think about what is ECCE? Why is it important? How does ECCE provide a basis for learning in school and life? Share your reflections. 


  1. ECCE provide a basis for learning in school and life

    1. This video was inspiring, informative and encouraging.It shows the importance of playway method and activity based learning.

    2. Good information because how to learn children in ECCE

    3. This video taught that how to deal with kids in preprimary sections.

    4. The video clearly showcases I do I understand I learn concept

    5. ECCE concept is very essential for the overall development of the child

    6. Veri helpfull and usefull vedio

    7. It is very informative for teaching learning

    8. ECCE is providing a basic platform for young children to grow and learn. Very informative for teaching learning process

  2. This course is very helpful for Foundation stage.

  3. The video is very informative to understand ECCE.

  4. This video explains some important points related to early childhood care and education in a very precise manner :
    1. Early childhood is a time where all learning should be through play based activities.
    2. If the environment is child - centered and allows children to learn through games and play, children will automatically learn all that is needed at their age.
    3. It is important to focus on all facets of development, including physical and motor development, cognitive, affective and social development.
    4. Proper and standardized training of ECCE teachers is a huge requirement in the country, similarly, a large number of ECCE teachers are needed to ensure a balanced teacher to pupil ratio at this level.

  5. Replies
    1. Good information for ECCE Children

    2. This video tells us the learning can be learnt through fun and engaging activities.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Every child is unique in his or her own ways.ECCE is providing a basic platform for young children to grow holistically and grow into a better citizen. This video is very informative and motivating.

  8. The video is giving lots of information about need and importance of ECCE. All the teachers, parents, community should work together for improvement of children education and care.

  9. This video was inspiring and shows every child has unique capabilities and we should nourish them.

  10. This video is very informative and useful for teachers.

  11. This video was inspiring and shows every child has unique capabilities and we should nourish them and built them perfectly.

  12. Informative video.ECCE is a base of human development.Every child is unique.Truly this video is a basic platform for young children to grow into a better citizen.

  13. As the view of india is changing in the world in different dimensions. This current education policy with concept of ecce and fln will make India noteworthy at international platforms soon in the upcoming days

  14. Superb material for learning

  15. The video is giving very important information about need and importance of ECCE. It's need of the time in view of NEP 2020 for all the teachers, parents, community should go together hand in hand for improvement of children education and care.

  16. Interesting Video. Equipping students with the vital tools to understand texts, express ideas constructively, and engage with mathematical concepts is essential for their holistic development.

  17. Video was really an eye opener. There are still many schools who do only written work and still majority of parents are there who feel activity is wastage of time.

  18. Intresting video.It is very important to understand about need of students of this age group and how we can help them in the best possible way. Lot to learn from this video

  19. Excellent video and very informative.

  20. This video was informative and encouraging.It shows the importance of learning with fun.

  21. "Khula Aakash" - A Short Film provides us an insight about the teaching methodologies that need to be adapted in ECCE to ensure the holistic development of the children during early years that will help the children in gaining knowledge and skills in later stages of their life.

  22. Here the mind is without fear and the Head is held high which will in turn develop them into well rounded personalities in the coming years of their lives,

  23. Such efforts will be great for early childhood in social and cognitive development. Schools will have abandon their conventional view regarding which child should be admitted into their schools as some school do not admit children if they do know their alphabets , numbers and spellings.

  24. This video explains some important points related to early childhood care and education in a very precise manner :
    Early childhood is a time where all learning should be through play based activities.

    Proper and standardized training of ECCE teachers is a huge requirement in the country, similarly, a large number of ECCE teachers are needed to ensure a balanced teacher to pupil ratio at this level.

  25. This video is very informative and useful for teachers

  26. ECCE refers to Early childhood care and education. It is very important to nurture the overall harmonious development of children in order to have their motor growth, cooperation skills and introduces them to the academic and creative climate.

  27. After going through the word docs as well as the video I can certainly say they ECCE is the basic requirements or the foundation for the early children towards learning. And learning through various methods according to the needs of the children is crucial and most importantly the children mental, physical, emotional well being are taken into consideration. It needs to be made mandatory in all schools and through such initiatives the school will be a place full of laughter, growth and happiness.

  28. For ECCE, activity-based learning is the most important pedagogy to achieve holistic development of child.

  29. The video highlights the importance of learning through play for children the age group of 3 to 6 years.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. its very fruitful for young children by play method we can easily develop all naccessary domins.they can learntmore and more things learning by doining.

  32. FLN is very interesting and impressive thought by the MoE. One must think and act according to the concept to understand the benefits and way forward of it.

  33. Children are like clay moulds which can be shaped according to their capabilities and eagerness to learn.Providing a spacious and learner- centric environment with the Teacher- Students ratio should not exceed 1:20 plus a helper to assist the teacher. Open space creates Thought of Creativity among the early learners of the FLN.

  34. The video was very helpful, it gave indepth knowledge of the importance of ECCE and play based learning.

  35. Best way of teaching and learning.

  36. ECCE is the best way of teaching and learning according to present scenario.

  37. ECCE provides a strong foundation for lifelong learning. It helps children build a curiosity for learning, develop language and communication skills, and enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities from an early age.

  38. It's really informative and interesting..

  39. The video was very helpful to know in depth about ECCE

  40. It makes learning fun and innovative for the learners

  41. ECCE will provides good platform for learners to thing in a joyful manner.

  42. ECCE is very effective for the child from 3 to 8 years and every teacher's should know about the ECCE first

  43. The short film was absolutely well made with good morals and ECCE is helpful towards those little angels

  44. After watching the video its very clear that ECCE(Early childhood care & education is an important part of the whole process of education,the foundation of the education depends on this early stage of education.The children who get the opportunity of this very stage will be success in life.

  45. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is a part of NEP-2020. It aims all round development of children in the age group of 0 to 9. Government plans to achieve it by 2030.

  46. Ecce means early education.
    Early education menas skill development
    This skill development occurs in various stages
    With many ways different activities
    Children in early age should get opportunity to explore themselves.
    They learn many things with their own
    Teacher should be trained accordingly for working with such kids
    Govt has taken initiative for children who are in this age group.
    By 2030 children upto 8 yrs should get basic skill development by this ecce program.

  47. Ecce education is very important for child's growth and development

  48. This video was very informative. It reveals the role of teachers in moulding the children .Early childhood care and education allow our kids to develop their social skills. ECCE teachers play a major role in supporting the overall development of children. They have multiple and dynamic roles.

  49. Great way of making learning a fun process.

  50. "Khula Aakash" - The name itself speaks volumes about the basic concept of ECCE. Every learning under the sky is there around us in our environment. All that is required is a small loving push, a little love and care and a guided approach. Every child has the potential to be the best. They just need the right opportunity and the right environment to foster their talent and have an overall holistic growth in terms of language, literacy, numeracy, social -ethical values, art, craft, movement etc. Here the role of the teacher is very important as they have to create an environment where children are not intimidated, instead bloom into lovely flowers that make up the garden of the world. The world of learning is like the Khula Aakash - vast and beautiful. Let the children just have the opportunity to explore at their own pace in their own unique way pursuing their interests.

  51. As the title or topic itself suggests, ECCE is the Foundation of Learning. As a child develops it's cognitive skills he/she begins to become more interested in their environment and surroundings. Giving the child the freedom to experience and understand things around him through play and learn is the most effective and efficient way of learning in Early childhood is. from birth to eight years of age. The proper teaching environment with the right educators and teaching aids also helps tremendously. It promotes brain development and has long term positive impact for later years.

  52. This video is inspiring and shows every child has unique capabilities and we should nourish them. I like such content

  53. This video is inspiring and it is very use full to both teachers andstudents

  54. This video was interesting and inspiring

  55. It is very important and inspiring

  56. More of such videos should be created

  57. Competency based assessment is a good practice of students of aged 3-9 to fulfill the competencies and learning outcomes.

  58. This is good platform to learn how can we engage the preprimary children

  59. Great video related to ECCE. It gives a clear picture of people's expectation, child's individuality and teacher's guiding hand. Hope FLN soon brings about it's expected change, aiming objectives👍

  60. Loved the video. Such a relaxed learning atmosphere has been created for the learners

  61. This video expressed the real needs of kids but in reality proper teacher training is lacking as according to the ability one's profession must be chosen but according to the opportunity given one is able to get into a profession. We need both professionally skilled and higher EQ level persons.

  62. This video was informative and encouraging.It shows the importance of playway method and activity based learning.

  63. Excellent video related to ECCE. It gives a clear picture of people's expectation, child's individuality and teacher's guiding hand.FLN soon brings about it's expected change, aiming objectives.We should really implement in all schools

  64. ECCE programs stimulate cognitive development by exposing children to various learning activities, fostering curiosity,and helping them develop essential cognitive skills such as memory, problem solving, and critical thinking
    Early exposure to language rich environment in ECCE helps children in develop strong language skills, including vocabulary, communication and literacy

  65. This video is very useful for teachers how to teach ECCE children

  66. The movie khula asman is a very informative tells us that small ones are very important.they need to be handled very carefully.sadly all schools are not properly equipped for this.we need to understand the pace of the young ones and give them the best environment to grow.

  67. very important information about need and importance of ECCE. It's need of the time in view of NEP 2020. needs systematic planning and execution of varities of activities to meet the optimal outcomes of ECCE

  68. This video is very useful for teachers.

  69. The concept of Khula Aakash is about giving equal and fair chance to each learner. This video is very important information about need and importance of ECCE. It's need of the time in view of NEP 2020. needs systematic planning and execution of varities of activities to meet the optimal outcomes of ECCE


  70. As the title or topic itself suggests, ECCE is the Foundation of Learning. As a child develops it's cognitive skills he/she begins to become more interested in their environment and surroundings. Giving the child the freedom to experience and understand things around him through play and learn is the most effective and efficient way of learning in Early childhood is. from birth to eight years of age. The proper teaching environment with the right educators and teaching aids also helps tremendously. It promotes brain development and has long term positive impact for later years
    Early childhood care and education (ECCE), which addresses the period from birth to 8 years old, is important because it capitalizes on a period of rich brain development for children and, when it is of good quality, can help them achieve their full potential. It can lay the foundation for good health and nutrition, learning and educational success, social-emotional learning, and economic productivity throughout life.

  71. The video is very inspiring and give important information about the needs and importance of ECCE. It is very useful to both teachers and students.

  72. children will interest in playing we teach by the playing method they want learn new things everyday that child in study in show more than interest. children give freedom with learning

  73. The video was inspiring and educative. Yes, ECCE is very important because the cognitive, physical, motor skills etc. developed at this stage makes learning easy and joyful.

  74. The video reflects the opportunities provided to all the children below age 0f 6 to explore the world for a better understanding. they shall attain over all development . Aim of ECCE is to provide equal and appropriate opportunities to children so that proper growth of country can happen as these children will grow into responsible citizens.

  75. Early childhood care and education prepares and equips children to interact with world around and understand and comprehend various aspects within their sphere in accordance with their age and cognitive growth
    By means of
    1.Dynamic Classroom setting which encourages live group activities on lessons taught
    2. Child centric leaning averse to teacher centric one.
    3.hands on learning and playful way of learning.
    4.teaching methodologies which encourages to understand and apply rather than basic learning methods such as rote learning and spaced repetition.
    5. Importance of outdoor activities most importantly the provision of playgrounds to children is essential for their physical growth.
    The video khula aakash
    provided with such valuable inputs which I had mentioned above .
    Thank you for your efforts.

  76. This video is very informative,educative and helpful in learning and understanding our children.

  77. This is a useful method to teach and develop kids in their early years. This is highly essential to let kids grow in their own pace. It will help them shine in academic and extra curricular activities at later stages.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Well according to my prospective, I think that it is a very useful vedio and feel that every child should be provided inclusive atmosphere along with the accurate identification and remedial measures if any.. Co curricular activities not only promote growth but contribute to inhance the child overall development.

  80. ECCE provides all the necessary things for learning

  81. - This emphasizes early childhood care and education.
    - Focus on the period before primary education (6-8 years).
    - Stresses creating a stimulating environment aligned with children's cognitive and linguistic
    - Highlights critical periods for language acquisition (2.5-5 years) and social behavior learning (3
    - Advocates for an education system tailored to children's interests, promoting holistic
    development through play and exploration.

  82. Children of this age group are very curious about know everything, so ECCE program is very helpful to make them a good person, able person.

  83. Important video it's give us much more information about FLN and it's importance

  84. The vedio shows the importance of play based activities and environmental interactions that is definitely important as the pillars of preliminary education

  85. ECCE - Early Child Care and Education, As we are dealing with children of 3 to 6 years it is very important to help them to enhance their skills by giving them all sorts of activities. Mainly playway method in turn helps in the development of social skills among students

  86. Very informative video. It opens our eyes.

  87. Very Informative and learnt how to deal with ECCE learns.....and teach FLN

  88. This video is inspiring and it is very useful to both teachers and students.ECCE is also very effective for the child from 3 to 8 years.

  89. DEFINITION of ECCE- Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is a period from three to nine years of age which ensures holistic foundational development of a child by obtaining physical and motor development; cognitive development, socio-economical-ethical development, cultural/art development and the development of communication and early language literacy and numerous. The centres which initiate ECCE are known as Anganwadi in ICDS centres in NGOs they are known as Balwadi and in private school they are known as nursery; kg or kinder garden.

    Importance of ECCE- ECCE is important firstly it sets the strong base from age 3; as over 85% of childs cumulative brain development occurs before the age of 6 years, because of which setting base is important secondly as ECCE curriculum framework by MWCD talks about 'DOWNWARD EXTENSION' which can be prevented by ECCE.

    How basic learning takes place in school and life when provided ECCE?
    Throught quality play experience develops and can be said strengthens brain neuron connections which leads to basic learning, the crucial part of ECCE is pedagogy which has to be a playway method. Like the playfulness leads to 'NATURAL LEARNING' in which the child explores; interacts
    and observes materials; important thing that should be noted while practicing playful learning which is important that playful learning or early childhood education is NOT result oriented but a process oriented. FOR EXAMPLE story telling leads to overall development.

  90. This video taught that how to deal with kids in preprimary sections.

  91. Critical thinking is the new talk of education system for which are working on our secondary and higher secondary students but ECCE ensures this at a very early stage by sharpening their motor skills and thinking ability

  92. This video was inspiring, informative and encouraging.It shows the importance of play way method and activity based learning.

  93. Experiential and practical experience is very important for learning. Exposure to the environment is the best way of learning. Thank you for sharing such a detailed information and well explained video.

  94. This was a very interesting and informative video, which highlighted the importance of independent and interactive learning in holistic development of a child at early stages.

  95. ECCE is the basic requirements or the foundation for the early children towards learning. And learning through various methods according to the needs of the children is crucial and very important.

  96. The video was motivating because it showed several ways through which we can engage children in teaching learning process through play way method.

  97. ECCE is very important for children's future learning in life.
    ECCE provide a basis for learning in school and life. That's why, it is very important to have a play school where children will learn and enjoy and have fun in their life through play based approach, toy based approach, activities approach, etc.

  98. Every child is unique in his or her own ways.ECCE is providing a basic platform for young children to grow holistically and grow into a better citizen. This video is very informative and motivating.

  99. Every child learns in his own way . Every child learns from his environment by observing things naturally.To improve their learning we should create better environment for them.

  100. The methodology used is learning through play way method. They acquire knowledge by developing their skill. They observe and learn through experience.

  101. Amazing video, very informative, It shows the importance of playway method and activity based learning. Well explained

  102. ECCE approach of teaching and learning is the necessity of Today's generation. It teaches the children in a playful way where the kids develop the curiosity to learn.

  103. ECCE is early childhood care and education.
    It is important as 85% of the child brain development takes place before 6 yrs.
    The children who are taken good care during this period will achieve higher performance in their later life.
    The ECCE provide basis for learning as it focus on play based, activity based and experiential based learning.

  104. As the early learning is very important and effective for the age group of 3 to 6 yrs, as it developmental growth in all the domains such as cognitive, psychomotor and affective will be developed and improved and be active.

  105. Experiential learning always make the children understand the concepts. Activity and play way method helps them to grow holistically

  106. Early childhood care and education is important for life long learning and development. During age 3 to 6 brain is 90 percent developed and growth rate is also high. Safe and encouraging environment must be given to every child. Play way and discovery method must be followed.

  107. This video beautifully illustrates the foundational elements crucial for effective learning. From cultivating curiosity to fostering resilience, it's evident that a strong foundation is key to academic success and personal growth. Let's continue to build upon these principles to empower our students to thrive in their educational journey.

    ECCE is the Foundation of Learning. As a child develops it's cognitive skills he/she begins to become more interested in their environment and surroundings. Giving the child the freedom to experience and understand things around him through play and learn is the most effective and efficient way of learning in Early childhood from birth to eight years of age. The proper teaching environment with the right educators and teaching aids also helps tremendously. It promotes brain development and has long term positive impact for later years.

  108. ECCE stands for Early Child Care and Education. It provides basic structure for learning wherein students learn to share, develop their own reasoning skills and so on. It provides a conducive environment to the children to learn and grow.

  109. Good and informative.It shows the how child learn and grow

  110. Informative. Safe and good environment must be given to every child

  111. Good and informative. It show the how to child learn and grow

  112. Regular communication with parents about their eating habits TO ensure such hygeine about children , we have to give demontrative classes to students....

  113. Very useful and informative content.

  114. Very informative video, according to me ECCE includes care, health, nutrition, play and early learning. It is important because it provides opportunities to learn and develop. ECCE helps children to make friends, develop socialism, make child independent and learn new new routines in school.

  115. Good information because how to learn children in ECCE

  116. Nice clip which help in understanding children's mind and search for method to teach such children.

  117. The period from birth to eight years old is one of remarkable brain development for children. When children are healthy, safe and learning well in their early years, they are better able to reach their full developmental potential as adults and participate effectively in economic, social, and civic life. ECCE is regarded as a means of promoting equity and social justice, inclusive economic growth and advancing sustainable development.

  118. Ye Jo pahal ki gyi h bhut achchi pahal h.bchche khel ke madhyam se achche se sikh jate h

  119. Implementation of this with adequate equipment can bring huge changes.

  120. The video was informative and much needed. Happy to see that our government is taking such progressive steps towards education

  121. It shows the importance of learning with fun.


  123. This video helps in understanding children's idea to teach in which way to teach. poster based learning also helps a lot in learning.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wonderful content to bring a harmony between teacher and student

  125. Playway method is the best method of learning.
    School should provide enough opportunities to the children to play, explore and learn at their own pace.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. This video is inspiring and shows every child has unique capabilities and we should nourish them. I like such content

  128. Good Education is every child right.Foundation must be strong for kid and our country growth

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Basically full form of ECCE is early childhood care and education which means providing care to the child as well as indulging it in activities related to basic literacy and numeracy. The video shown above was very inspiring and promotes the involvement of early childhood care and education in the life of child in the age group from 3 to 6 years. ECCE works by taking in to consideration of uniqueness of every child and works according to it, provides all the basic facilities and activities to the child. As the child learns in his own environment and according to its own pase so the teacher
    should keep in mind these factors before dealing with the child. ECCE builds the basic structure or prepare the child for the school and future prospects. It promotes activities and indulge child in various games puzzles art and craft work team work task,in storytelling to promote the development of various social-emotional skills, intelligence,self thinking, eagerness,DIY activities, curiosity,physical and mental development of child etc

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Veri helpfull and usefull vedio

  133. ECCE is foundational for holistic child development, significantly influencing their academic and life success. Quality ECCE programs ensure children are well-prepared for the challenges of school and beyond, promoting overall well-being and societal progress.

  134. Vedeo is helpful for Teachers.

  135. Competency based education gives a deep insight on the learning pattern and individuals learning needs of students.
    Every educationist must watch Khula Akash , its wonderful

  136. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is a comprehensive approach to supporting the development of young children from birth to eight years old. It encompasses early learning, health, nutrition, and social-emotional development.

  137. This is a useful method to teach and develop kids in their early years. This is highly essential to let kids grow in their own pace. It will help them shine in academic and extra curricular activities at later stages.

  138. This video taught that how to deal with kids in preprimary sections.

  139. This video is very informative.I have gained a lot of insight on how different children with different learning abilities learn

  140. Th given videoes encourage us to teach the childen in play way method they learn better by learning by doing

  141. This video depicts that ECCE concept is very essential for the overall development of the child

  142. This type of education system make children a complete learner

  143. It will help the students for overall development

  144. It is good for overall development of children.

  145. It is good to understand how to bring change in teaching process

  146. This video was inspiring, informative and encouraging.It shows the importance of playway method and activity based learning.

  147. Very informative session. The playway methods make learning enjoyable for the children.

  148. Very informative and interesting method of teaching.

  149. It's giving clear information about what is FLN and how much important for learners. Thank you NISHTHA

  150. FLN provides the strong base for the overall development of the children.


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