Course 02: Activity 1: Share Your Reflection

 Reflect on the experiences provided by you to children in the early years. Are all children being provided the same set of instructions and have fixed testing schedules or variation in learning is accounted for? In your opinion, what are the benefits/limitations in using a learner-centred approach? Share your reflection. 


  1. This course highlights the need for shifting towards competency based education. It discusses the three developmental goals of foundation literacy and numeracy.

    1. Yes foundational education is most important

    2. Yes basic foundation is most important

    3. Yes foundation is very very important

    4. Shifting towards competency based education helps students to master a skill and provides a better and a clearer vission for their future.

    5. In order days students
      were categorise based on their class exams in a prescribed time. on
      textbook based concepts . Teacher completes the syllabus,same to all the students. But nowadays there is a shift from CBE helps the students to understand the key concepts apply knowledge to meaning full problems , skills and to addressing problems

    6. Yes Foundation course is important. Its a good move towards new education system

    7. Yes this foundation course is really very important

    8. In the present scenario, competency based education is very important.

    9. Competency based learning is essential to ensure that all children in the classroom are on the same page while learning a concept. It is time consuming and needs a lot of effort from the end of the teachers as well as caregivers but, helps the child build a strong foundation for future years

  2. Competency based education gives a deep insight on the learning pattern and individuals learning needs of students.

    1. It is only successful learning pattern

    2. Yes foundational education is very important

  3. Learner centered approach makes the child to learn with interest and this provides him life long learning. Child doesn't think learning a burden with the approach.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Learner centered approach gives real output and saves the time and energy of the learner.


  6. Learner centred approach is the best criteria for the students to cater their needs and to prepare them for further learning

  7. As a teacher its very useful to understand CBE , so that we give time and opportunities for slow bloomers also.

  8. It will help all the students to achieve a grade better than their ability.

  9. Students in a class have individual differences. As a teacher I give individual attention and teach them as per their capabilities.

  10. CBE is very necessary in today`s environment where learning means completing the syllabus only

  11. In Learner Centered Approach students are taught and supported based on their personal strengths and weaknesses and gives each child to participate in activities and provide the same chance for success.

  12. Children get lots of idea and knowledge from experimental learning.

  13. CBE helps us understand that alll children are not the same. A teacher should help the students and provide opportunities for them according to their level of learning and understanding

  14. I divided students as per their learning levels and gave them support/facilitate them as per their learning needs or requirements.

  15. Learner centred approach is the best approach to cater the needs of the students and to prepare them for further learning.

  16. Every child has his /her own individuality Sowe Should teach them according to his /her need .

  17. It is the need of time to bring the change in education system and cater the needs of children. It is good initiative by our education system.

  18. Albeit all the children or learners are provided with the same norms of pedagogical teaching, yet as a teacher, I must admit that each child is unique and their level of cognitive understanding is different.Some are quick learners while others take a longer time to comprehend.I basically focus on group learning limitations process by making the groups of students where they can interact with each other and this helps in the understanding patterns of slow learners.By doing so continuously, the slow learners also get ample of academic exposures.

  19. Albeit all the children or learners are provided with the same norms of pedagogical teaching, yet as a teacher, I must admit that each child is unique and their level of cognitive understanding is different.Some are quick learners while others take a longer time to comprehend.I basically focus on group learning limitations process by making the groups of students where they can interact with each other and this helps in the understanding patterns of slow learners.By doing so continuously, the slow learners also get ample of academic exposures

  20. A learner-centered approach in early childhood education provides the advantages of individualized learning, inclusivity, and holistic development. However, challenges such as resource constraints, standardized assessments, time limitations, and the need for teacher preparedness highlight the delicate balance required to effectively implement this approach in creating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment for all children.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Very good initiative as students get to learn new things and more effectively

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Very effective method of learning which helps the children in overall development

  25. It is very important that all the students achieve goals per thier level of understanding.

  26. Learner centered approach helps the teacher to identify and address each child's shortcomings.

  27. In a learner-centered environment, some students might struggle without a well-defined structure or clear instructions. Students require certain foundational knowledge and skills to effectively guide their own learning. Additionally, weaker students may require more guidance and support, which can be difficult to manage in a learner-centered setting.

  28. CBL will definitely make learning more effective and joyful for both teacher and students. It will strengthen the bond between teacher and students for sure.

  29. CBL will be good for children with new learning phase

  30. CBL is very important for each and every child. For children who are quick learners is still easy however slow learners need time and full attention. It will go ve a new face to the learning.

  31. Learner centered approach gives the real output and saves the time and energy of learners and it helps them to prepare them for further learning.

  32. There is variation in learning.

  33. Varied background of children, their support system at home and different pace of understanding has to be taken into account in a classroom. A classroom setup should be such that it supports a individual need, focuses on grasp of concept rather than focusing on completion of syllabus .
    CBE could be a game changer here .

  34. Benefits of Learner centred approach.

    It promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills, boosts confidence in learners


    Classroom would be noisy and busy most of the time. The discipline of the class would be at the bottom, also there is a chance that students might miss some important facts.

  35. The approach of Competency based education no doubt the students will be comfortable and learn easily

  36. As each student is unique in their own ways, So learner centric approach would be very fruitful in improving the students learning.

  37. Students learning become easy and intrusting

  38. It will target the particular competency where they need to improve

  39. It will achieve better for children in grade

  40. The three developmental goals of foundation literacy and numeracy are really very important. Early years play very powerful impact on child's overall development.

  41. I experienced when I gave same set of instructions to entire class then fewer of them were able to understand in one go. But once we adapted learner centric approach it helped to improve understanding of students in better manner but it is time consuming.

  42. experienced when I gave same set of instructions to entire class then fewer of them were able to understand in one go. But once we adapted learner centric approach it helped to improve understanding of students in better manner but it is time consuming.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Children can learn easily and interestingly

  45. LeRner centric will definitely benefit learners.learners will learn fast.

  46. Children who are quick learners will understand fast but slow learners need time and attention for better understanding and future studies.

  47. Competency based education gives a deep insight on the learning patterns and help students to master a skill and provides a better and a clearer vision for their future

  48. As per my opinion There will be variations in learning.

  49. Children who are fast lerners can understand but remaining can't

  50. In child centred education every child is given importance and slow learner are benefitted but the clever students get bored and start talking and the discipline is lost.
    It is difficult to manage the class then.

  51. I personally experienced when I gave same set of instructions to entire class then fewer of them were able to understand in one go. But once we adapted learner centric approach it helped to improve understanding of students in better manner.A learner-centered approach in early childhood education provides the advantages of individualized learning, inclusivity, and holistic development. However, challenges such as resource constraints, standardized assessments, time limitations, and the need for teacher preparedness highlight the delicate balance required to effectively implement this approach in creating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment for all children.

  52. Learner centre approach really help learner

  53. In current scenario competency based education and testing system is necessary. Rather than testing the children's ability one time a continuous assessment with varying standards is important to know the ability of the children individially.

  54. Shifting towards competency based learning enables the students to acquire the skills effectively for the future nerds.

  55. CBE is important for assessing each children learning

  56. Learner will achieve better in CBE.

  57. Competency based education

  58. I learned that students settle into a learning pattern when they complete grade 3.

  59. Competency based learning will help the children to settle and learn with their own ideas and skills

  60. It is need of time to bring the change in education system.

  61. I've found that learner-centered approaches in early childhood education offer benefits like personalized learning and increased engagement. However, challenges include resource constraints and complexities in assessment. Overall, while they require careful planning, these approaches can lead to more meaningful educational experiences for children.

  62. Competency based education it is need of time.

  63. Learner centred approach will revolutionize the teaching and impart knowledge that will retain longer. But only concern here is time constraints. In case we want to change methodology of teaching we need to be much more flexible in curriculum and deadlines too

  64. Learner centred approach allows the students to be constructive on their own pace and it also keeps the students engaged in classroom without feeling of inferiority

  65. Learner centered approach provides equity to all the students. It supports the students in learning the concepts well

  66. It's true that the certain set of foundational instructions are given to the whole class but later come to know that all do not understand it well. I have an experience that once I taught Simile and Metaphor to the whole class but found that one student said she didn't understand anything.when I explained her in her regional language ..she understood the concept very well. So learner centred education is really fruitful.

  67. Learner centred approach is the best suited for the students to cater their needs, strengths, weaknesses and to prepare them for further learning.

  68. Both learner-centered and standardized instruction are frequently used in the field of early childhood education. Each kid is unique, and while standards and rules are in place to make sure that children are exposed to basic skills and knowledge, each child's needs and abilities are also recognized.
    To some extent, learning variation is indeed taken into account. Teachers work hard to establish diverse educational settings that support students with a range of backgrounds, skills, and learning choices. This might involve personalizing instruction, offering additional help, or additional activities as per each student's needs. A learner-centered approach in early childhood education fosters active participation, motivation, and independent learning by allowing children to explore and learn at their own pace, thereby enhancing their logical abilities.
    However, there are also limitations to a purely learner-centered approach. It can be challenging to balance individualized learning with the need to cover essential content and skills. Without some degree of structure and guidance, there's a risk that important concepts may be overlooked or misunderstood. Additionally, providing personalized attention to every child in a classroom setting can be resource-intensive and may not always be feasible, especially in large class sizes or with limited resources.

  69. Learner centered approach is the only way to optimize learning for students catering their individual needs. Standarized system can't be completely avoided as it provides a common platform to assess students and efforts can be made to bring them all to minimum levels of learning. Students seeking help in learning can acheive much better through teacher's learner centered approach of teaching.

  70. It is very important in today's education system.

  71. learner centered approach will make every child feel important and making every one learn as per their abilities and interest is the need of the hour to create good citizens.

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  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Yes foundational education is very must important for students

  75. Competency based education promotes individualised learning and accomodates a variety of learning styles.

  76. Competency based learning develops critical thinking skills and analytical skills

  77. Competency based education provide attention to all learner according to their needs, that provides holistic development to the learners.

  78. Students have individual differences. As a teacher we need to give individual attention and teach them as per their capabilities.

  79. My experience with early children is that every child will learn in his own 0ac3, the learners are provided the same level of instructions..The benefits 9f using the learner center method helps to keep up the interest of 5ge child and making learning fun for them.

  80. Yes. Learner - centred approach is more fruitful and makes learning fun.


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