
Showing posts from November, 2023

Course 06: Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

  Do we have to start teaching languages by introducing children to the alphabet? Should children be familiarised with the letters in sequence? Share your thoughts.

Course 6 - Activity 2: Share Your Thoughts

  Do we know that children have a natural inclination for learning language and learning through the medium of language? Share your thoughts.

Course 05: Activity 5: Share Your Ideas

What do you mean by ‘print-rich learning environment’? How can you create such an environment for children in your classroom? 

Course 05: Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

  What is going to be the most challenging moment or issue while providing learning experiences related to all the developmental goals in the classroom and why?

Course 4 - Activity 3: PTMs as a Powerful Method for Communication - Share Your Reflection

Think constructively on the following points: How often do you organise PTMs? What kind of discussions do you generally have with parents? Have you tried to explore how best they can help you and the school to work more effectively? Have you also tried to think about the general concerns of the parents and what could be the solutions from your side and/or from the school? Ponder over these questions with a creative and problem-solving mind and share your reflections.

Course 04: Activity 2: Share Your Ideas

  Take a moment and think about the difficulties you generally face in school and try to find out which difficulties can be solved by the SMC members and parents around you.  Now as teachers try to reflect on how these people should be approached and asked to make the situation better. Share your ideas.

Course 03: Activity 5: Share Your Thoughts

  Think of your own ways to create a learning environment for your children. Share your thoughts. 

Course 03: Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

  Do you believe that every child is unique and their learning style is different? If yes, how will you cater to the different needs of your students in your classroom? Share your thoughts.

Course 02: Activity 6: Share Your Thoughts

  What areas do you propose to monitor on a daily basis to ensure that children are following hygienic practices? Share your thoughts.

Course 02: Activity 1: Share Your Reflection

  Reflect on the experiences provided by you to children in the early years. Are all children being provided the same set of instructions and have fixed testing schedules or variation in learning is accounted for? In your opinion, what are the benefits/limitations in using a learner-centred approach? Share your reflection. 

Course 01: Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

  Visualise the significance of FLN Mission and ponder on what can be the role of ECCE in achieving the goals and objectives of FLN? Share your thoughts. 

Course 01: Activity 1: Share Your Reflections

  Watch the video film “Khula Aakash” 2014 from the following link: and reflect on it. Think about what is ECCE? Why is it important? How does ECCE provide a basis for learning in school and life? Share your reflections.