Course 05: Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

 What is going to be the most challenging moment or issue while providing learning experiences related to all the developmental goals in the classroom and why?


  1. Understanding Vidya Pravesh and Balvatika

    1. Understanding different learning style

    2. Holding children's attention - these days students have very short attention spans.

    3. The most challenging moment will be catering to diverse learning needs and abilities while addressing all developmental goals. This is because every child learns at their own pace and has unique strengths and weaknesses. Meeting individual needs while ensuring inclusive and engaging learning experiences for all students will require careful planning, creativity, and flexibility.

  2. Some challenges could be equal opportunities to all children. Time to complete the activity on time. Children should also respond.

  3. Varied background of the child,their language, their varied experience and interests

  4. To provide equal opportunities to children with special needs and completion of the activities in the given time.

  5. Complition of activities within the given time

  6. Language barrier, concentration capacity, lack of resources, etc

  7. Personal differences, socioeconomic background of children, lack of resources

  8. Understanding different learning styles,lack of effective communication,communicating with parents, difficulty in concentration, struggling with Time management,,

  9. School must spend and provide props and materials to conduct balavatika classes. They cannot expect teachers to being everything. Just set of textbooks is not enough for kiddos.

  10. Challanges could be level of children, home environment, classs size, facilities, resource material, students response, parents cooperation..

  11. Understanding different learning styles ,lack of effective communication ,communicating with parents, difficulty in concentration, struggling with Time management,,

  12. Interests of children and lack of time are the most challenging for me

  13. Teacher student ratio should be judicious for individual attention.

  14. Class room us a confined place and learning experience can not be restricted to the classroom. Real development of the children can be achieved with real experiences..

  15. As a teacher, we are crippled with numerous challenges and some of them are withdrawal tendency of the students, non responsive attitude, not coping up with the learning and more importantly, the pressure to secure good marks in the examinations.Further, students are driven by several developmental goals or non clarity regarding their future endeavours.My daily challenges include career guidance, clearing the doubts of the students and motivating them for all their incoming future restrictions and obligations.

  16. As a teacher, we are crippled with numerous challenges and some of them are withdrawal tendency of the students, non responsive attitude, not coping up with the learning and more importantly, the pressure to secure good marks in the examinations.Further, students are driven by several developmental goals or non clarity regarding their future endeavours.My daily challenges include career guidance, clearing the doubts of the students and motivating them for all their incoming future restrictions and obligations

  17. Understanding level of children, commucating language home environment, individual attention, resource material, parents cooperation..

  18. Understanding level of children, communicating language, home environment, individual attention, resource material, parents cooperation..

  19. Interests of children, lack of time, overload with another works are the challengages for me

  20. lack of exopsure and opportunities, language barrier and support system

  21. Comfortable class room with proper heating system because ladakh is very cold in winter..

  22. 1. Personal differences
    2. Struggling with time management
    3. Parents cooperation

  23. The first challenge is lack of time, children come from low income groups,a lot of work pressure to teachers more over all these parents cooperation is a big challenge.

  24. Overload, lack of time, parents cooperation, individual differences are challenges.

  25. Individual differences,lack of parents cooperation, physical amenities, lack of time.

  26. No doubt at all, Balvatika will train up the students in developing vocabulary, acting, singing, dancing and various activities. It also encourage the students basic literacy and numeracy.

  27. The activity material has to be planned and arranged inorder to make learning experience profitable

  28. Alot of patience and consistency will be needing to achieve a visible change.

  29. Language barrier,task completion.

  30. Completion of activities and syllabus within time while doing other work of Vidyalaya

  31. Child's varied background and interest can be a challenge.

  32. Language barriers and understanding capacity of each child and time limit can be the different challenges faced in class.

  33. It is very useful concept in all teachers & students,parents but uneducated parents this concept not understand

  34. Challenges
    Strength of children in class
    It should not be beyond 25
    Otherwise teacher is not able to conduct activities or games within given school time.
    School should provide material for teaching
    School should give freedom to teacher to take such activities
    In some school other school work is given to pre primary teachers so that they will not get time to plan innovative activities for children

  35. Teacher student ratio and giving enough time to the slow learners

  36. All the three goals are difficult to manage, if the students are more in number.

  37. To address the children with special needs and to nurture them the way they want and to make sure that they come in equal pace along with the others would be really challenging

  38. One of the most challenging issues providing different learning experience is giving equal opportunity to all the learner with same activities of their own interests.

  39. Needed to have a consistent teaching routine and patience to achieve the goals.

  40. Previous knowledge and environment

  41. learnt its very important to have a look on small teaching learning process.... which I'll help learns to gain interest for his formal learning

  42. Balancing the different learning pace of the children as every child has his or her unique.

  43. Lack of time
    Language barrier
    Providing equal opportunities

  44. Language barrier, provide equal opportunity, don't have fund to buy aided teaching or play or toys materials.

  45. The most challenging thing here in such situation is time constraint and teacher student ratio. To cater all 3 goals we need to plan individual activities & time constraint can hamper this .Also inorder to involve students for longer period resources are required in plenty.

  46. The most challenging issue will be to cover all the students and 6im3 constrain, also children starts fighting if all students are not covered.E9me students may not bring the required material for the activities.

  47. The primary challenge is the lack of time. Children from low-income groups face additional obstacles, and teachers are under significant work pressure. Moreover, gaining the cooperation of these parents is a major difficulty.

  48. Lack of time and varied background

  49. When it is a class of about 30 - 40 children with different learning pace and we have time - bound periods as teachers

  50. Through my dedication and warmth, many have blossomed into eager learners. Though not every student has embarked on this journey yet, seeing those who have, fills me with joy and hope for all.

  51. Clear to understand, time barrier

  52. Learning experiences should be enriching to achieve developmental goals.There is a wide gap between theory and practical.Whatever we listen in trainings cannot be put into practice.We face some challenges in achieving the goals and objectives of our teaching.Mal nourishment and poor financial status of the students hinders the active participation of students in learning activities.

  53. Actually it is possible to build up the activities for all the concepts to be taught. The challenge we face include time management, involvement of all kids and manpower to handle all kids.

  54. Stoping Child from mishandling objects, tearing/destroying print and other meterial was the most challenging one.

  55. students from different background

    1. Diverse background, language barrier, different learning style, tight schedule

  56. As a teacher, we are crippled with numerous challenges and some of them are withdrawal tendency of the students, non responsive attitude, not coping up with the learning and more importantly, the pressure to secure good marks in the examinations.Further, students are driven by several developmental goals or non clarity regarding their future endeavours.My daily challenges include career guidance, clearing the doubts of the students and motivating them for all their incoming future restrictions and obligations.

  57. To provide equal opportunities to children with special needs and completion of the activities in the given time.

  58. Teacher student ratio and giving enough time to the slow learners

  59. As a teacher we come across with numerous of challenges with the child some of them are
    1. No responsive time of the students to engage in any activities.
    2. Children's are free learners they learn in their environment and if engaging environment is not present then they feel it difficult to get the things or the knowledge easily.
    3. Health and hygiene issues proofs to be of greater concerned for the physical development of child.
    4. Engaging child is a very difficult task for the teacher to compile the students with the activities that he most likely to prefer and do.
    5. Childrens are evolved learners and they engage in their environment that is the development goal 3 for you doing this the teacher has to be more conscious about the activities that the child likes to engage with.

  60. activities shown are really very interesting and such type of activities should be conducted in school so that Foundational literacy and numeracy could be easily achieved

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Very interesting training and will be fruitful for teachers and students

  63. Personal differences, socioeconomic background of children, lack of resources, parental support, communication etc.

  64. Classroom management
    Understanding students
    Language development
    Attention span and focus
    Lack of parents involvement

  65. Teacher student ratio should be maintained

  66. 1.Diverse learning needs.
    2.Availability of teaching resources for each learning need.
    3.Time needed for learning need.

  67. Challenges are there but we need to overcome them.It becomes difficult when the number in class is more

  68. Equal opportunities to all kids.get enough supplies of activity materials from school .Giving ample time to complete the activity.what kids understanding
    about all activities amd encourage them .

  69. Some challenges could be equal opportunities to all children. Time to complete the activity on time. Children should also respond.

  70. Challanges could be level of children, home environment, classs size, facilities, resource material, students response, parents cooperation.

  71. Chiidren will be coming from different backgrounds. The activities must be such that each child should be benefitted. This is one of the main challenges.

  72. The biggest challenge in meeting all developmental goals in the classroom is balancing individual needs with group instruction. Every student learns differently and has different needs, so it’s tough to provide effective, personalized learning while keeping the whole class on track. Teachers must manage resources, differentiate instruction, and give feedback in a way that supports every student.

  73. Balancing individual needs can play a major role

  74. Diverse Learning Styles: Students have different ways of understanding and processing information, requiring varied instructional approaches to meet each student's needs effectively.

    Differentiated Instruction: Tailoring lessons to accommodate various developmental stages and learning needs requires careful planning and adaptability, which can be time-consuming.

    Resource Allocation: Limited resources and time can constrain the ability to provide individualized support while covering the entire curriculum.

    Assessment and Feedback: Assessing progress and providing constructive feedback aligning developmental goals.

  75. Challenges
    Strength of children in class
    It should not be beyond 25
    Otherwise teacher is not able to conduct activities or games within given school time.
    School should provide material for teaching
    School should give freedom to teacher to take such activities
    In some school other school work is given to pre primary teachers so that they will not get time to plan innovative activities for children

  76. The most challenging issue is balancing diverse developmental needs within a single classroom. Each student progresses at different rates across cognitive, emotional, and social domains. Ensuring that all students receive appropriate support while addressing varied learning paces and styles requires careful planning, differentiation, and constant adjustment to meet every child’s unique needs.

  77. Children coming from diverse backgrounds can learn efficiently if given a chance to share their experiences, opportunities to communicate with the teachers and peer group makes lot of difference in learning abilities

  78. lack of opportunities, language barrier and support system

  79. Various types of activities is the effective way of educating children and making them aware about their surrounding so that they will easily learn from their surrounding.

  80. Creating interest and curiosity to learn is more important to perform well at studies.. Spelling and language seem to be challenging

  81. To complete the activity within time limit and achieving inclusive educational goal

  82. The most challenging moment or issue while providing learning experiences related to all the developmental goals in the classroom is:
    1. Remote location and lack of resources
    2. Subject load and time boundation for syllabus completion, obstacle to hands on experiences on daily basis.
    3. Information outburst
    4. Student absenteesm
    5.slow and bright learners
    6. Inclusion of special students without any speical educator, needs the teacher for special attention as some students cant even do basic activties like toilet.

  83. To complete the activity in given time period for special attention seeker.

  84. The challenge lies in creating a flexible, inclusive curriculum that can address developmental goals while adapting to individual needs, fostering engagement, and maximizing available resources.

  85. Curriculum should be designed as per the needs of the students

  86. Balancing individual needs can play a major role.

  87. Limited resources and time can constrain the ability to provide individualized support while covering the entire curriculum.

  88. Very important stage to know about.

  89. The most challenging issue in providing learning experiences related to all developmental goals in the classroom is meeting the diverse needs of all students.

    Why it’s Challenging:
    Individual Differences: Children develop at different paces, requiring tailored support.
    Limited Resources: Time, teaching aids, and individual attention may be insufficient.
    Behavioral and Emotional Issues: Managing disruptions while addressing developmental goals can be difficult.
    Inclusion of Special Needs: Supporting children with disabilities alongside others requires extra effort.
    Balancing Academic and Non-Academic Growth: Ensuring all developmental areas, including social-emotional and physical development, are addressed.
    Creating an inclusive and flexible learning environment that supports diverse needs is key but challenging for teachers.

  90. 1. *Differentiated instruction*: Providing tailored instruction to meet the unique needs of each student can be time-consuming and require significant planning.
    2. *Limited resources*: Classrooms may not have access to sufficient resources, such as technology, materials, or support staff, to effectively support diverse learners.
    3. *Time management*: Managing the classroom time to accommodate various learning activities, assessments, and interventions can be complex.
    4. *Student engagement*: Keeping all students engaged and motivated, particularly those who may be struggling or bored, can be a significant challenge.

  91. children teacher ratio, time management, limited resources, engagement of students are the few challenges

  92. Learning experiences should be enriching to achieve developmental goals.There is a wide gap between theory and practical.Whatever we listen in trainings cannot be put into practice.We face some challenges in achieving the goals and objectives of our teaching.Mal nourishment and poor financial status of the students hinders the active participation of students in learning activities.

  93. Many challenges exist because most schools and even parents still follow the traditional path of education, like setting time for each subject, believing in the completion of the course more than the concept, and lacking resources.

  94. Doing handful playing activities can benefit a child in his learnin foundational numeracy journery

  95. Most challenging thing is attract students towards learning which not make them that education is a burden

  96. It's difficult to engage different intelligence level students in one basic type of work.

  97. Understanding different learning styles,lack of effective communication,communicating with parents, difficulty in concentration, struggling with Time management

  98. Vibha Prabhu29 December 2023 at 08:35
    Some challenges could be equal opportunities to all children. Time to complete the activity on time. Children should also respond

  99. Understanding different learning styles,lack of effective communication,communicating with parents, difficulty in concentration, struggling with Time management,,

  100. Interests of children and lack of time are the most challenging for me

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Most common study problems for students and how to tackle them:
    1. Low motivation. ...
    2. There are too many distractions. ...
    3. You have difficulty concentrating. ...
    4. You have difficulty remembering facts and figures and struggle with time management. ...
    5. You don't enjoy the subject you're studying. ...
    6. You lack the right resources. ...
    7. Organisation.

  103. One of the most challenging moments in providing learning experiences that address all developmental goals in the classroom is balancing the individual needs of each student while ensuring that all goals are met. Students develop at different rates and have varying learning styles, strengths, and challenges.

    For example, in a classroom with a wide range of developmental needs—academic, social, emotional, and physical—designing activities that are appropriately challenging for everyone can be difficult. Some students may need more scaffolding or individualized support, while others may be ready for more advanced tasks. The challenge lies in differentiating instruction without overwhelming any student or leaving others behind, ensuring that all students, regardless of their level, feel supported and are able to make progress toward meeting their developmental goals.

    Additionally, it's a challenge to integrate multiple developmental domains—cognitive, social-emotional, motor skills, and language—into every lesson. Achieving a balance where each area is nurtured adequately within the constraints of time, resources, and curriculum requirements can be complex but is necessary for holistic student development.

  104. Understanding level of children, communicating language, home environment, individual attention, resource material, parents cooperation..

  105. Meeting the diverse learning needs can be a challenge. Meeting the individual needs can be a challenge

  106. The most challenging issue is different types of learners because every child has his/her own learning style.

  107. Diverse Learning Styles: Students have different ways of understanding and processing information, requiring varied instructional approaches to meet each student's needs effectively.

  108. Learning challenges are unique difficulties that some people encounter in specific academic areas like reading, math, or even staying organized. It’s important to know that these challenges don’t reflect a person’s overall intelligence; rather, they often stem from differences in how individuals learn, temporary setbacks, or external factors like their environment.

  109. The most challenging issue in providing learning experiences for all developmental goals is addressing diverse learning needs and styles within a single classroom. Balancing cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development while ensuring inclusivity and engagement can be difficult due to varying student abilities and backgrounds.

  110. Understanding the level of learners

  111. These activities are possible only when teacher student ratio is appropriate

  112. Attention of the children and to understand the level of the learner

  113. The most challenging issue in providing learning experiences for all developmental goals is addressing the diverse needs, abilities, and learning styles of each student while ensuring equitable progress. Balancing cognitive, social-emotional, physical, and language development within a structured curriculum requires flexibility, differentiated instruction, and ample resources, which can be difficult to manage. Additionally, external factors such as classroom size, time constraints, and varying levels of parental support can further complicate effective implementation.

  114. A print-rich learning environment is a classroom setting filled with accessible and meaningful written language, such as labels, books, charts, and student-created work, to promote literacy development. To create this environment, teachers can incorporate word walls, labeled classroom objects, diverse reading materials, and interactive writing opportunities that encourage children to engage with print daily.

  115. Understanding different learning styles,lack of effective communication,communicating with parents, difficulty in concentration, struggling with Time management..short tempered students..

  116. The most challenging issue in providing learning experiences for all developmental goals is addressing diverse learning needs and styles within a single classroom.

  117. The most challenging moment will be catering to diverse learning needs and abilities while addressing all developmental goals. This is because every child learns at their own pace and has unique strengths and weaknesses. Meeting individual needs while ensuring inclusive and engaging learning experiences for all students will require careful planning, creativity, and flexibility.


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