Course 6 - Activity 2: Share Your Thoughts

 Do we know that children have a natural inclination for learning language and learning through the medium of language? Share your thoughts.


  1. Foundational Language and Literacy


    2. It is important to include the mother tongue while teaching language to the children.

    3. Yes. Children are fast learners of language than adults. Since they have to capacity to imitate what is around them, they will definitely be able learn language easier. And also the language acquisition machine inside them will make it easier.

    4. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language, and they learn rapidly through interactions and experiences. Language plays a vital role in their cognitive, social, and emotional development. As they engage with their environment, children naturally absorb language patterns, vocabulary, and grammar, using it to communicate, express themselves, and make sense of the world around them.

    5. We should check their previous understanding and plan our activities accordingly to introduce language if they are well verse with the content and need little efforts to make them improve then we should give them a helpful hand to make them rise in their foundational years of learning. it can be done by using different methods like games, activities and much more

    6. Language plays a crucial role in learning and develops interest in subjects making children to enjoy the learning process

  2. Children aquaired the language automatically they have natural inclination of learning

  3. 9 January 2024 at 02:59
    The children have a natural inclination for learning languages after which they start learning other things using that language

  4. Children feel more comfortable in their mother tongue. So instructions should be given in mother tongue.

  5. Children specially small kids learn any language easily if regularly it is spoken to them. They can easily learn any concepts through the medium of any language that they are comfortable with.

  6. Children first language is their mother tongue and they speak and reciprocate in that language only as toddlers.They are aware of various vocabularies in their native language.But when they are exposed to learning language, it creates a problem for them .Since children have a natural inclination towards their mother tongue, the learning language acts as a barrier for the majority of the students as they cannot express their writings in Second Language.So, the role of teachers and parents are very crucial at this juncture.Simple expressive Second Language is the only option to teach them where the stakeholders are the Teachers and Parents.

  7. Children are more comfortable in communicating and understanding in their mother tongue or the language spoken to them at home. They understand, grasp and learn better.

  8. Language is a form of expression and children have lot to express and share. Hence learning language comes naturally to them. Reading story books is one sure shot way to encourage language development and also creative thinking .

  9. Children can learn more languages by reading simple story books in different languages and can also learn by watching kids movies in english or hindi or any other languages. Childern do have natural inclination for learning languages.

  10. Yes it is at the early years that children pick up tyhe language.language is to be caught

  11. For a better cognitive development children should be taught is their native language in which they are most comfortable in.

  12. When they observe thing they want to express in their language whether that could be any.

  13. Home and school environment should be as such to allow a child to acquire language rather than learning it.

  14. Children feel comfortable learning things in their mother tongue.

  15. Children first acquired their mother tongue. From birth first they listen, speak,and read and write
    If we follow same pattern for other languages too , children can easily learn new language

  16. Children are inquisitive and have sharp brains to learn a language. In fact they are quick in learning a new language when compared to adults.

  17. Children during their early stages of learning use their fine motor skills to see and observe things. Mother tongue is the first language a child picks up as he or she grows in age. When the child comes in contact with his or her immediate environment either school, society, group of friends etc will start learning the language.

  18. Children learn quickly and express effectively in mother tongue.

  19. Children feel more comfortable through their mother tongue.

  20. Language is important tool in learning

  21. Yes they do have LAD( language acquisition device)
    And language development depends on the environment provided.

  22. Children learn language easily and naturally. Children who are not exposed to language early in their lives will never learn.

  23. Children feel more comfortable in their mother tongue. So instructions should be given in mother tongue.

  24. Yes, I do feel children's natural inclination towards english language, though I realize one fact, sometimes they make some silly errors while speaking or in writing, but still, they are certainly more inclined towards this language.

  25. Children are more comfortable in communicating and understanding in their mother tongue or the language spoken to them at home

  26. Children are more comfortable in communicating and understanding in their mother tongue or the language spoken to them at home.

  27. A child who knows Malayalam language, whose mother tongue is Malayalam, will be able to learn it only by studying Hindi or english medium..

  28. Language serves as a means of expression, and children have much to express and share. Thus, learning language comes naturally to them. One effective method to promote language development and creative thinking is through reading storybooks.

  29. Language provides the framework for an individual's thoughts, as well as for society, values, and beliefs.


  31. Children's innate ability to study their mother tongue without a structured setting at home demonstrates a natural desire to learn languages. This innate predisposition will undoubtedly help us enhance language skills in the classroom.

  32. It's an undeniable fact that children have a natural tendency and inclination towards learning a language.Children are more comfortable to learn a language in their mother tongue. It's a human tendecy to be inclined towards the mother tongue. Learning becomes easy and meaningful when it happens in their mother tongue. After mastering their mother tongue, the children easily learns any foreign language. Exposure to the language and usage of the language in different situations and contexts promotes language learning.

  33. Children have natural tendency to use their mother tongue , they will learn slowly and gradually

  34. Children are more comfortable to learn a language with mother tongue.Human beings are always inclined towards mother tongue. Children can master foreign languages also in due course.

  35. Children feel comfortable learning things in their mother tongue.

  36. Learning through language is when language is used as a tool to learn about something beyond the realms of language. Its purpose is learning in a different domain, yet recognizing the inherent role language plays to make this learning optimal.

  37. A child has a inclination of learning any language by the way of their mother tongue

  38. Children's can communicate only with their mother tongue this is the only way they can express they are feelings and knowledge

  39. Yes, children have a natural inclination for learning language and learning through language. From an early age, they are drawn to sounds, mimic speech, and engage in conversations, which helps them acquire vocabulary and grammar naturally. This innate curiosity and interaction with their environment facilitate cognitive development and understanding. As they grow, using language as a medium for learning allows them to explore, question, and make sense of the world around them, making language a crucial tool for their overall development and education.

  40. Language is a source of expression. Children have a lot to express. They can express better in mother tongue. They can learn any language spoken to them. Learning in mother tongue becomes more easy and fruitful.

  41. Yes, because one of the foundational steps in learning a new language is learning the alphabet.
    Children should be Familiarised with the alphabet sequence as the alphabet order is logical and easy to remember, since the letters are already in an order , the children are familiar with from singing the alphabet song.

  42. It is important to include the mother tongue while teaching language to the children.

  43. Children find it easy to converse in their mother tongue. They are more comfortable.

  44. Children acquire the language when they have natural inclination towards learning.

  45. Yes, children naturally have an inclination for learning language. They pick up language skills through listening, imitation, and interaction. This shows that they’re wired to learn and communicate through language from an early age.

  46. Yes, Children have a natural inclination towards language. Because, they express their thoughts, ideas and emotions only through their mother tongue or any known language. In addition, this inclination makes them curious, explore and learn more things around them. Once the child becomes familiar with the language, he/she has a capacity to construct their knowledge, integrate their emotions, thinking and motivates them to strengthen their brain functioning.

  47. From a young age, infants exhibit an innate ability to recognize and process linguistic sounds, patterns, and structures. This ability is often referred to as a "language instinct."

    Children are also highly adaptable in their learning methods. They pick up language through interactions with their caregivers and environment, often without formal instruction. This natural inclination is supported by the fact that children can learn multiple languages simultaneously with relative ease if exposed to them regularly.

  48. After getting the basic vacublary of language, a child can learn new concept

  49. Starting from the tender age, infants exhibit an innate ability to recognize and process linguistic sounds, patterns, and structures. This ability is often referred to as a "language instinct."

    Children are also highly adaptable in their learning methods. They pick up language through interactions with their caregivers and environment, often without formal instruction. This natural inclination is supported by the fact that children can learn multiple languages simultaneously with relative ease if exposed to them regularly.

  50. Yes, children have a natural inclination for learning language, as evidenced by their ability to rapidly acquire complex linguistic structures without formal instruction. This process, known as language acquisition, highlights their innate capacity to recognize patterns and meanings in spoken language. Children also use language as a primary tool for learning about the world, interacting with others, and understanding concepts. The universality of early language development across cultures supports the idea that this inclination is a fundamental aspect of human cognition.

  51. Children are more comfortable in communicating in their mother tongue.

  52. Language is a medium of conversation and Children in their early stage feels more comfortable in their mother tongue, they express themselves freely and by the time they adjust in the environment faster

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  55. Mother tongue will be comfortable to express their thoughts

  56. Children feel more comfortable in their mother tongue.Children in their early stage feels more comfortable in their mother tongue.So include the mother tongue while teaching language to the children.

  57. Every developed country is giving education in their mother tongue then why not in INDIA? If this language barrier will not be there, then India will reach the Pinnacle and our children will not face such problems.

  58. Yes, children are more comfortable in communicating and understanding in their mother tongue or the language spoken to them at home. They understand, grasp and learn better.

  59. Children are the brilliant learners who have the capabilities to learn languages faster than the adults..that is scientifically proven.

  60. According to Chomsky, children have a natural inclination for learning language and learning through the medium of language. The innate capability of child is Language Acquisition device(LAD), existence of the Universal grammar and way all the children learn language is same across the world. Children immitate their parents. As per exposure child learns new words and vocabulary drastically increases at age of 6 years. Brain development is complete by the age of 8 years. language is the best medium to express own feelings.

  61. Language is just a medium to express our thought or get knowledge from others.

  62. Yes because even before they learn reading or writing they learn the home language irrespective of the difficulty level of the language.

  63. We all know the children are very fast learners they can catch the languages very easily by listening the simple stories.

  64. Children are fast learners of language than adults.

  65. Children are brilliant learners and grasp readily if taught in their mother tongue

  66. Yes. Children are smart enough to grasp the information and read it. For this they should first be taught in their mother tongue and then other languages

  67. American-born linguist Noam Chomsky believes that we are born with a predisposition to learn language. Research shows that children outclass adults in their ability to unconsciously learn new language rules, which means through passive exposure without awareness as to what they are learning.

    The development of communication through language is an instinctive process. Language is our most common means of interacting with one another, and children begin the process naturally. Neurobiologist Dr. Lise Eliot writes: “the reason language is instinctive is because it is, to a large extent, hard-wired in the brain. Just as we evolve neural circuits for eating and seeing, so has our brain, together with a sophisticated vocal apparatus, evolved a complex neural circuit for rapidly perceiving, analyzing, composing, and producing language” (Eliot, 1999).

    The development of language is tremendously influenced by parent-child interactions. In the first year, it is important to talk, sing, and read to the baby often so he can learn the sounds of his native language.In addition to learning the sounds of speech, during the first six months a child’s brain begins to learn which mouth movements go with the sounds. That is the reason it is important to have lots of face-to-face conversations with the baby as the parent interprets the world around him..

  68. Language acts as a weapon or an equipment for the child to begin with his learning

  69. In pre primary classes mother tongue plays a vital role in learning

  70. A child is more comfortable with the mother toungue and more interactive

  71. Mother tongue is easy for Children to interact while learning

  72. The innate capability of child is Language Acquisition device(LAD), existence of the Universal grammar and way all the children learn language is same across the world. Therefore language plays a crucial role in developing interests in young minds.

  73. Easy to learn in a language which is known and close to them

  74. Good for student leaning and development

  75. There must be at least some truth to the idea that language is learned through environmental interactions or nurture. Children learn the language that they hear spoken around them rather than some other language. Also supporting this idea is the gradual improvement of language skills with time.

  76. The first language which every child learns is their mother tongue. Children have the learning capability and slowly and gradually when the new languages are taught to them by connecting with their mother tongue, the learning becomes quick and easy.

  77. Children feel more comfortable through their mother tongue.

  78. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language, and they learn rapidly through interactions and experiences. Language plays a vital role in their cognitive, social, and emotional development. As they engage with their environment, children naturally absorb language patterns, vocabulary, and grammar, using it to communicate, express themselves, and make sense of the world around them.

  79. Yes, children have great ability to acquire language skills at a good speed. Speaking skill is acquired fast when compared with the writing one.

  80. Children can learn more languages by reading simple story books in different languages and can also learn by watching kids movies in english or hindi or any other languages. Childern do have natural inclination for learning languages.

  81. instructions should be given in mother tongue.

  82. Yes, research strongly suggests that children have natural inclination for learning.
    How children learn through language :-
    1. Early language acquisition.
    2. Contextual learning.
    3. Play and interaction.

  83. Yes teachers should use mother tongue to give instructions to the children

  84. Children have an innate ability to express their feelings through their mother tongue which is the base for learning other languages

  85. Yes, children have a natural inclination for learning language, as seen in how they acquire complex grammar and vocabulary without formal instruction. Research in linguistics and cognitive science, such as Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar, suggests an innate ability to process and generate language. Additionally, children actively learn through language by engaging in social interactions, storytelling, and play, demonstrating that language is both a tool and a medium for cognitive development.


  86. Children should be Familiarised with the alphabet sequence as the alphabet order is logical and easy to remember, since the letters are already in an order , the children are familiar with from singing the alphabet song.

  87. children have a natural inclination for learning language, as evidenced by their ability to rapidly acquire complex linguistic structures without formal instruction. This process, known as language acquisition, highlights their innate capacity to recognize patterns and meanings in spoken language.


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