Course 02: Activity 6: Share Your Thoughts

 What areas do you propose to monitor on a daily basis to ensure that children are following hygienic practices? Share your thoughts.


  1. This course highlights the need for shifting towards competency based education . It discusses the three developmental goals of foundation literacy and numeracy.

    1. Good message given to all reachers

    2. Good information in the topic

    3. The children should be closely monitored and taught the basic hygiene like washing hands technique, brushing teeth twice daily, taking bath, keeling nail short and clean .. etc

    4. Teaching right hygiene habits and following the same... Also follow up of the same

    5. It is important to teach the students hygienic habits. The basic concept of mathematics is essential for the cognitive development.

    6. It is important to monitor children hygiene habits and teach them the correct one .

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Children should first monitor how to come school, hygiene habits, like when you wake up, wash your face hands and legs, clean clothes and while eating tiffin, should eat properly.

    9. We have to monitor the healthy and nutritional intake of children everyday, self-hygiene followed such as handwashing and toilet etiquette.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Proper handwashing when required,brushing teeth twice a day,proper haircut,nails cutting,neat and clean clothes etc.

    1. In order to ensure good personal hygiene of a child,certain areas that need to be monitored includes: teaching them proper handwashing techniques, to coverup their mouths while coughing or sneezing,appropriate toilet habits,oral and dental hygiene,physical hygiene while dressing up and most importantly environmental hygiene.

  3. Toilet is one place that has the highest amount of germs. Teaching the children the correct way of maintaining toilet hygiene.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Personal hygiene is the most important one

  4. washing of hands before and after food. Good hygiene while using the restrooms. use of soap and water to clean hands. taking bath daily. Well kempt hair. wearing clean clothes daily. taking bath daily. Good eating habits.

    1. Regularly monitoring their habit is a very good practice

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Regular monitoring their habits related to their personal hygiene , their contents in the tiffin, their handkerchief etc. reciting poems related to good habits etc

  6. The 3 basic goals of safety, hygiene and awareness, communication and participative learner truly helps in the holistic dev. Of the child.

  7. Personal hygiene and practice of good habits

  8. All the three goals are to be developed at the foundational stage itself which help children to lead a peaceful and harmonious life. It brings the holistic development in child.

  9. to ensure that children are following hygienic practices: brushing of teeth twice a day, washing hands after using toilets, washing hands before and after meal, washing face regularly with clean water. practice proper breathing through nose.

  10. I would monitor students proper technique of hand washing before and after meals, personal hygiene which includes their cleanliness.

  11. Washing hands before and after meal, brushing teeth twice a day daily.Keep themselves near & clean.

  12. Washing hands before and after meals and after going to washrooms .clean cloths and dust free immidiatete environment and using dust bin in school

  13. This course highlights the need for shifting towards competency based education . It discusses the three developmental goals of foundation literacy and numeracy

  14. Washing of hands before and after food. Good hygiene while using the toilet. taking bath daily.. wearing clean clothes daily. taking bath daily. Good eating habits. Maintaining personal hygine

  15. Personal hygiene, such as washing hands, teeth, neatness, toilet manners etc

  16. Washing of hands before and after food. .. wearing clean clothes, taking bath daily, neatness. Good eating habits. Maintaining personal hygine

  17. The areas like wash basins,soap dispensers,door knobs,handles etc are some areas where children should practice hygienically

  18. Children should wash their hands with the shop before and after meals

  19. Washing their hands with soap before and after food. Good eating habits. Avoiding junk food. Wearing clean clothes taking bath daily. Use of good and respectable language.

  20. Regular monitoring of nails, hair, uniform and other hygienic practices should be monitored.

  21. Awareness and importance of hygiene is must right from the childhood. Cleanliness in the he class, regular session on health and hygiene should be conducted with demo where students learn about trimming their nails, washing hands etc

    1. It was indeed a very informative session. The children should be taught the ways of hygienic living.

  22. children need to focus on nutrational food.cleaness of hands before and ofter every meal should wash their hands ofter washroom need focus on daily exercise should burshing their teeths twice a day

  23. To ensure that children are following hygienic practices I personally believe that forest we as a teacher needs to keep ourself hygienic so that we can reach out students about the various hygiene practices. Like keeping our nails cut, hand washing before and after having meals, keeping hankey with us so tk clean our nose etc.

  24. Children become active learners

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Maintaining a proper oral and dental hygiene,regular handwashing

  27. 3 basic goals of safety, hygiene and awareness, communication and participative learner truly helps in the holistic dev. Of the child.

  28. TO ensure hygeine about children , we have to give demontrative classes to students....rules to follow at home and school should be explained to them by means skit performing by the students themselves

  29. I will check their way of wearing uniform, habit of washing hands before meal, and washing of face and teeth in the morning and during going to bed

  30. Encourage students to maintain personal hygiene regarding 1. Handwashing
    2.brush teeth twice a
    3.cutting nails at
    regular time.(etc.)

  31. Checking the daily basic hygiene of the students and ensuring the hygienic conditions for all.

  32. it's essential to monitor students' handwashing routines, encourage proper use of tissues for sneezing and coughing, and ensure they maintain clean personal belongings like backpacks. Regular reminders and modeling good hygiene habits help create a healthy classroom environment.

  33. The first step of maintaining hygiene is to teach children to wash their hands before and after meals and after using washroom. Along with this , they need to be taught to keep their surroundings clean. bathing everyday, brushing twice a day, cutting nails , clean uniform are also important part of maintaining hygiene.

  34. Monitoring of children hygiene habits, Avoid junk foods, and proper guidence should be given to students and parents

  35. Maintain personal hygiene, good food habits, proper exercise ..and guidence to parents about their children habits

  36. Washing hands before eating, making parents learn about good hygiene practices.

  37. First goal of FLN children maintain good health and well being
    Awareness and importance of hygiene is must right from the childhood. Cleanliness in the he class, toilet training through stoeries regular session on health and hygiene should be conducted with demo where students learn about trimming their nails, washing hands etc
    Regular communication with parents about their eating habits

  38. in a nut shell the recommendation is ....Monitoring of children hygiene habits, Avoid junk foods, and proper guidence should be given to students and parents

  39. Explanation about 3 goals are more useful . Fine

  40. Basic knowledge about health and hygiene, restriction of junk food

  41. By providing a compititive atmosphere related to health and hygine.

  42. Maintaining hygiene in all the child does, washing hands, correct toilet manners, consuming healthy food and drinks, clean clothes, etc

  43. Children should be educated about healthy habits

  44. To ensure that children are following proper and a healthy hygiene practices:-
    1. Clean and sanitised washrooms should be maintained in every level of education institution.
    2.Elementary children should be taught specially and properly abouts do's and dont's for a healthy hygienic lifestyle.
    3.These lessons should be done practically rather than vocally for a better understanding and implementation.

  45. Cleanliness is next to godliness.children will be informed.

  46. I would monitor students the proper technique of hand washing before and after meals.Personal hygiene which includes their cleanliness.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. First goal of FLN children maintain good health and well being
    Awareness and importance of hygiene is must right from the childhood. Cleanliness in the class, toilet training through stoeries regular session on health and hygiene should be conducted with demo where students learn about trimming their nails, washing hands etc
    Regular communication with parents about their eating habits TO ensure such hygeine about children , we have to give demontrative classes to students....

  49. Regular monitoring their habits related to their personal hygiene , their contents in the tiffin, their handkerchief etc. reciting poems related to good habits etc.

  50. Regular checking of their health ,personal hygiene, food habits , regular cleaning of students personal things, providing nutritious food, cutting nails, playing handwashing etc

  51. Guiding them to keep themselves clean and checking on them every day on taking bath, brushing their teeth, cutting nails keeping their books near and tidy also guide them to keep the surroundings clean.

  52. Proper handwash technique to be taught in school

  53. Uniform, food habits and nearby area

  54. Children to wash their hands by soap before meals and after toilet.

  55. Teaching them importance and procedures of handwashing, nail cutting, hair brushing and hygienic usage of toilets via various action songs with description of the drawbacks of not following these practices. Also when we see someone following such unhygienic practices explaining them clearly about the diseases that can affect them. Have a proper discussion with parents if the situations persists.

  56. Teaching them about hygiene,proper food habits, avoiding junk food helps them grow as a better persons.

  57. Care about health and maintain hygiene

  58. Hand-washing, brushing teeth,bathing, trimming nails, coughing and sneezing hygiene are the practices that need to monitor on daily basis.

  59. Some other basic hygiene routines that your children should develop are Brush teeth twice a day.bathing regularly and keeping nails clean.

  60. Bathing daily, oral hygiene and to teach the right usage of toilet

  61. Monitor children's daily handwashing routines, emphasizing key times like before meals and after using the restroom. Regularly check personal hygiene, ensuring they brush teeth and bathe. Keep an eye on the cleanliness of their surroundings, encouraging tidiness in personal spaces. Track laundry habits to ensure clean clothes. Teach and observe proper coughing and sneezing etiquette. Monitor shared spaces for general cleanliness and disinfection. Encourage the use of tissues and disposal in designated bins. Regularly inspect lunchboxes and water bottles for cleanliness. Foster a culture of health through education, reminders, and positive reinforcement, promoting a lifelong commitment to hygienic practices.

  62. Proper handwashing before and after eating food, brushing teeth twice a day,proper haircut,nails cutting,neat and clean clothes etc.

  63. 1. Their table manners.
    2. Uniform they are wearing
    3. Frequency of hand washing before and after meals or physical activities
    4. Clutter free desk

  64. Table manners
    Uniform check
    Handwashing before and after meal
    Zero litter

  65. From the lower classes itself we as teachers should teach our children the hygiene habits. As and when we should havedemo classes and during the break time the teacher should send the children to wash their hands spread table napkins . How to use the wash room. And there should be strict monitoring tobe done . Incentive to be given to encourage more and more children.

  66. Regular handwashing, using paper napkins during meal time. Cleanliness of the washrooms.

  67. Teaching to maintain hygiene to the children is important. They need to teach to wash their hands before and after meals and after using washroom, use the napkin for tiffin , handkerchif , keep their surroundings clean,cutting nails, washing school bags once in a month.

  68. Personal hygiene and practice of good habits should be developed among students.

  69. Ensuring the health and welfare of children in early childhood settings requires close observation of sanitary procedures. Here are some crucial points to think about:

    Hand washing: One of the most important hygiene practices to stop the spread of germs is to wash your hands frequently. Make sure kids wash their hands with water and soap:
    both before as well as after meals
    After a bathroom visit
    After outdoor play or using shared items

    Individual cleanliness: Children should be taught proper personal hygiene practices, such as covering their noses and mouths with tissues or their elbows when they sneeze or cough.

    Make sure tissues, hand sanitizers, and trash cans are easily accessible around the building to maintain a hygienic and sanitized atmosphere.

    When cooking and serving meals and snacks, make sure that the procedures used for handling and preparing food are hygienic by following to the correct food safety requirements.

    Look over and help kids with their toileting habits to make sure they're washing their hands properly.

  70. Brushing teeth twice a day, proper handwashing before eating or after toilet, haircut, nails cutting, neat and clean clothes, cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing, etc.

  71. Regular monitoring is required for:
    1.carrying napkin to school
    2. using napkin while sneezing,coughing &eating
    3.trimming nails
    4. clean uniform
    5.table manners
    6. toilet usage( pouring water, washing hands etc.)
    7. condition of teeth

  72. Washing hands in regular basis is a prime factor of maintaining good hygiene.

  73. Handwashing before meals, nails cut must bathe daily.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. First goal of FLN is to maintain general hygiene. Students should inculcate habit of washing hands regularly before meals. Bathing regularly. Neat uniform

  76. Dressing neatly, combing hair properly, cutting nails, cleaning hands before and after lunch are the minimum things which will make them understand the importance of hygiene

  77. It's very helpfull for Teachers .

  78. Hand washing before and after every meal
    Brushing teeth
    Not to spit
    Use rest rooms in a proper way
    Proper placement of their toysband other possessions

  79. Yes! Competence based learning play an important role in the early stages of the children. It helps them to improve their foundation literature and numeracy skills.

  80. Personal hygiene, healthy eating habit and regular exercise. Helps them to be a healthy individual

  81. The areas to focus practice is personal hygiene by keeping a track that children wash the hands regular, drink water, eat healthy, dress neatly, trim the hair and cut the nails on regular basis.

  82. Promoting good personal hygiene habits does more than protect children from the threat of germs and disease. Children need to be taught proper hand washing techniques. The experiences provided during the foundational years are required to build on all these early experiences and exposure and further children’s communication skills so that they can orally share their thoughts and feelings or describe their experiences more effectively.

  83. I was prt till Nov.23., later became tgt thru ldce. conducted vidyapravesh for class 1 . I inculcated personal hygiene among students. Everyday have bath, come in proper uniform, every week check their nails n hair. I had made monitors who used to take turns. Wash hands before and after prayers. Our conservancy staff used to clean toilets n keep it clean. We celebrated world health day. One day we organized millet lunch boxes .we celebrated handwashing day .we celebrated oral health. Our nurse mam took sessions on personal hygiene. We taught nursery rhymes. We did demonstrations .

  84. I monitor whether child has taken bath, combed his/ her hair, turn out of children, check their uniforms , nails, wash hands before and after food, flushing toilets, usage ot toilet, monitor hand wash is present in their bathrooms, whether it's clean , listen to their complains, carry napkin and handkerchief to school. Use hanky while sneezing. Etc.

  85. We can monitor the child's hygiene maintenance by observing if the child is routinely washing hands before and after having tiffin, if the child is coming to school in neat clothes, keeping trimmed hair and nails and practise dropping wastes in the dustbin.

  86. It is the most important and informative content learning about the competency based education FLN.

  87. Almost it covered everything wherever I had doubts. Thank you so much

  88. Very Informative and explained well

  89. some hygiene practices that children can follow daily:
    Handwashing: Washing hands frequently, especially before and after eating, after using the bathroom, and after being around someone who is sick.
    Bathing: Taking regular baths or showers, ideally at the end of the day.
    Oral hygiene: Brushing teeth twice a day and replacing toothbrushes every 3-4 months.
    Clothing: Wearing clean clothes daily.
    Hair: Washing hair 1-2 times a week, or more often if it's oily.
    Nails: Keeping nails clean and trimmed.
    Sneezing and coughing: Covering mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing.
    Food hygiene: Ensuring food is clean.
    Room cleanliness: Keeping their room clean.
    Flushing toilets: Flushing toilets after each use.

  90. table manners, wash hands before and after eating, using washroom, drinking clean water, brushing teeth etc

  91. Educators can utilize interactive resources and activities to reinforce the importance of hand hygiene among students. Activities such as germ searches, clean tag games, and creative projects like making posters on hand hygiene messages can engage students in learning about proper hygiene practices7. These educational techniques can effectively instill hygiene habits and promote a healthier learning environment.

  92. Students can be taught to wash hands before and after eating and after using the bathroom.
    They should brush teeth twice a day. They should keep their nails trimmed and clean.

  93. 1. Classrooms
    2. Their own seats and tables.
    3. Canteen.
    4. Playground

  94. Keeping their desks and tables, classrooms, library, playground clean

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Maintaining neat and clean uniform
    washing hands before eating
    not having bad habits like biting nails or picking nose

  97. The student is spending 6-7 hours in the school environment as well. So, it is important to keep the environment germ free and proper classroom behaviour has to be taught to the students

  98. Regular communication with parents about their eating habits TO ensure such hygeine about children , we have to give demontrative classes to students....

  99. Very good one. Children's must these healthy habits.

  100. To ensure that children are following proper and a healthy hygiene practices:-
    1. Clean and sanitised washrooms should be maintained in every level of education institution.
    2.Elementary children should be taught specially and properly abouts do's and dont's for a healthy hygienic lifestyle.
    3.These lessons should be done practically rather than vocally for a better understanding and implementation.

  101. Children should be practiced to wash leg and hands after going to toilet
    Wash hands before having food

  102. Health awareness for children and good message for teachers

  103. The children should be closely monitored and taught the basic hygiene like washing hands technique, brushing teeth twice daily, taking bath, keeping nail short and clean etc. School can also play an important role in it by ensuring students are guided to maintain habits of cleanliness and hygiene in school.

    1. The children should be closely monitored and taught the basic hygiene like washing hands technique, brushing teeth twice daily, taking bath, keeping nail short and clean etc. School can also play an important role in it by ensuring students are guided to maintain habits of cleanliness and hygiene in school.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Good goals and need of the hour

  106. Teaching correct way to utilize toilets and monitoring by communicating with student.

  107. Good aims for children

  108. 1) Washing hands before and after meals 2) Maintaining hygiene while using the toilets and washing hands after using toilets 3) Trimming nails regularly 4) Taking bath daily 5) regular hair cuts 6) Keeping class room and surroundings clean by frequently using dustbins 7) Wearing clean clothes/uniform 8) having food in a proper manner/good eating habits 9) keeping teeth, nose, eyes, ear clean 10) Maintaining a good posture

  109. Teaching youngsters to wash their hands before and after meals and after using the restroom is the first step in maintaining good hygiene. They also need to be instructed about maintaining a clean environment. Taking daily showers, brushing twice a day, trimming nails, and wearing clean clothes are all crucial components of good hygiene.

  110. It's very necessary to make them learn small things in a preety manner

  111. We must ensure hygiene among the students throughout the school hours

  112. Washing of hands before and after food. Good hygiene while using the restrooms. Use of soap and water to clean hands. Taking bath daily. Well Comb hair. Wearing clean clothes daily. Taking bath daily. Good eating habits.

  113. Holistic approach of learning is the best to cover up all the needs of the students for better environmental education and public health

  114. Closely monitoring the children and re emphasizing the important of hygiene in daily life. Teaching them about various diseases and their causative agents will also help the students to realize the importance of sanitation and hygiene

  115. All three developmental goals are important

  116. By watching their daily life activities and personal hygiene.

  117. monitoring the child before and after taking food to see whether washing hands properly or not, teaching them the consequences occur if proper hand cleaning is not performed. Daily bathing and teeth cleaning to prevent any germ development. Balanced diet, proper nutrition, check to see all desired characteristics are met or not.

  118. Children should be organised to do some small activities like washing hands rtज्ञ themselves. Competency based courses are telavent for us

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Daily monitoring should include handwashing, bathroom hygiene, proper handling of food, cleanliness of personal items, and overall personal cleanliness. Additionally, ensure regular cleaning of play areas and toys. This vigilance helps prevent illness, promotes good hygiene habits, and creates a safe, healthy environment for children to thrive.

  121. Washing of hands before and after eating food, brushing twice daily, cutting of nails and bathing daily

  122. Teaching children for proper maintenance of school washroom, wearing proper neat and clean uniform, trimming their nails, well comb hair, washing their hands before and after having their food with soap.

  123. Daily hygiene habits maintenance should not only be taught but it should be encouraged through collective or inclusive involving in the supervisor mode.

  124. Personal hygiene is a fundamental life skill that children should learn in their early stages to become part of their identity and daily behavior.

  125. Regular check on their personal hygiene, cleanliness, food habits will ensure kids' healthy habits.

  126. Good information in the topic

  127. Hand washing before and after food, cutting nails, keeping feet and toe nails neat etc

  128. Physical and mental hygiene

  129. mental and physical hygiene

  130. The session was very informative and it will benifit us all

  131. The children should be taught the ways to maintain hygiene.

  132. Good information which will benefit our children

  133. . It is essential to create a routine that includes hygiene checks and education as part of the daily schedule, ensuring that both children and staff are aware of and committed to maintaining high standards of cleanliness. Encouraging children to take responsibility for their hygiene practices also helps build lifelong healthy habits.

  134. Monitoring the daily basic hygiene of the students and ensuring the hygienic conditions within the campus

  135. Councelling and creating awareness on regular basis

  136. Young minds absorb and practice values imparted to them sincerely. Information on what is hygiene and why it is important to follow good practices both at home and school or any outdoor place needs to be shared by the teacher in a creative manner in an age appropriate way. Children enjoy and learns better with experience and teacher can make use of stories or pretend play rather than just telling it out or explaining it.
    Awareness of importance of having clean body and clean clothes is of utmost importance. And clean hands plays a major role in personal hygiene.

  137. Giving children awareness as well as opportunities to practice hygeine practices in class so that they can apply it in real scenarios. Discussing the why and how through role plays, stories, puppets during circle time is also very impactful.

  138. Good information given in the topic

  139. We should give them them the knowledge of how important is hygiene in our daily life. Young mind absorb the pratical things quickly. We should observe them in class their daily hygiene like checking nails and oiling hair ,wear neat and clean uniform.

  140. Children should be carefully observed and monitored so that they learn about hygiene and staying healthy and fit

  141. It is important to teach students the basic hygiene and to be responsible for their own waste so that it doesn't hamper the environment

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. I see that children wash their hands before and after having food
    Nails are cut
    Ensure children have healthy food

  145. We can observe the changes in Thier daily activities

  146. By monitoring these areas daily, educators can help instill lifelong hygienic habits in children. This not only helps in maintaining their immediate health but also contributes to creating a healthy and safe learning environment for everyone.

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. The session was very informative. It is very important not only to students but teachers as well

  149. The students should know about the Hygienical Practices in SCHOOL level.Very useful

  150. It was an informative course for the benefit of our children.

  151. These basic hygiene should be told to students by teachers.

  152. Hygiene is very important at all stages of life...sooner the children learn and implement it better it is.

  153. Checking nails, hair, teeth, asking to wash hands

  154. Maintaining Hygiene is the most important life skills. Teacher should monitor whether children are practicing oral hygiene, health hygiene and best practices should be demonstrated to children

  155. Regular monitoring their habits related to their personal hygiene , their contents in the tiffin, their handkerchief etc. reciting poems related to good habits etc

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. The children should be closely monitored and taught the basic hygiene like washing hands technique, brushing teeth twice daily, taking bath, keeping nail short and clean , physical hygine . etc


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