Course 2 - Activity 6: Share Your Thoughts

What areas do you propose to monitor on a daily basis to ensure that children are following hygienic practices? Share your thoughts.


  1. This course highlights the need for shifting towards competency based education. It discusses the three developmental goals of Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.

    1. Students health is the most important to education sector. They will be clean and hygiene to toilet and mid day meal kitchen.

    2. Washing hands regularly, cleaning the surrounding,
      cleaning the dining area, clean uniform, clean washroom, are the some of way how we can monitor the hygiene of a students.

    3. Health and hygiene are very important in a person's life.Maintaining hygiene around us ensures good health . Children must be trained to wash hands before and after eating. Taking bath on regular basis and cutting nails , combed hair, neat and clean dress are some areas which we can monitor to see the personal hygiene of a child.

    4. The exercise of proper personal hygiene is one of the essential parts of our daily life. Many people in rural areas may not understand what good or bad personal hygiene is. The prevention of communicable diseases, like diarrhoea, trachoma and many others is highly possible through the application of proper personal hygiene. You need to learn the proper practice of personal hygiene and use this for the prevention and control of important public health diseases that are prevalent in your locality...

  2. This course fulfills basic needs of present day educational needs

  3. Children can be provided with healthy food and eating habits

  4. Mainly we have to monitor washroom , middaymill , uniform as hygienic .

  5. Mainly the toilet should be clean and hygiene and mid-day meals kitchen should be in hygiene ways and it’s our responsibility to teach our students about health and hygiene in our daily life.

  6. Students health is one of the most important to be care. During school time teachers are everything for them like parents or guardians . Parents send their love ones with hope and believe to school teachers. So we can monitor students in school campus, canteen , playgound, toilets . Even we must check how they eat, what they eat . We teach them to make healthy environment and clean and good punctuality.

  7. As a teacher first of all I'll teach the children about good hygiene habits, after that I'll monitor whether the children are practising the hygiene habits in their daily life or not like washing their hands after using toilet, covering their mouth when they cough, having regular bath or showers, brushing and flossing teeth and tiding hair etc.

  8. Good insights on children health care and education

  9. Give them ideas of commonly faced health issues such as common cold and explained them at their level of understanding making it intresting and thus teach them the importance of good hygiene.

  10. Monitoring childrens hygiene by insuring good health.

  11. Monitoring washroom, handwash , Classroom surroundings , garbage disposal, carrying one's own water bottles and lunch, encouraging the students to go for healthy and balance diet

  12. In this module, the most important thing that a teacher should teach to student is, how to keep healthy or well being of a student's life. If possible, each and every teacher should take care of every student in the school campus during the school hours or besides the school hours if necessary. By keeping the believe to the teachers, every parent has sent their wards to get some more knowledge of books as well as the knowledge of livelihood too.

  13. As a teacher I always used to guide the children in maintaining good health as if the children are healthy then only they can study well.They must be monitored in cleanliness drive where they can clean their
    campus,toilets etc.

  14. Children in school premises should provided hygiene food and water and also keep the toilet clean so that children will remain healthy..

  15. I used to check the students about their mental health and cleanliness daily in the school and explained about the importance of hygiene, sanitation etc.. Also provide hygienic food and water .

  16. First of all hygienic practice is important for both children and adults.
    And the areas that I will monitor to ensure that my children(students) are following hygienic practice:
    1. I will see whether they are washing their hands properly before eating their Mid-Day-meals or any other foods.
    2. I will check whether their nails are cut properly or not.
    3. I will check whether their uniforms are properly washed or not.
    4. I will check whether they had took bath properly or not.
    5. I will make sure that each student carry handkerchief and ensure that they drinks boiled water and not tap water.

  17. In order to see that children follow hygienic practices, we can look into areas such as toilet habitat whether they flush or use water or not. Also we can ensure they wash their hands after use. Secondly, during lunch we could make sure they wash their hands before they have their meal. Make sure the utensils are clean and drink warm or boiled or filtered water only. We can also check their dresses for cleanliness. Their nails and hair if they are clean and short etc. We can teach them and make sure they take baths at home regularly. These are some areas which I think we can focus on to see that the children follow hygienic practices.

  18. This policy will definitely work if we maintain and understand the steps.. Provided to us..

  19. To check their cleanliness everyday during assembly hour.

  20. As a teacher we must guide our students to maintain good health so that they will be able to learn effectively.

  21. To ensure personal hygiene of each student, we as a teacher can guide and encourage the students by checking their cleanliness every morning during the assembly hours. We can also arrange the cleanliness drive twice in a month in order to keep the surroundings and the environment neat and tidy. If possible, we can initiate one Hygiene class where students can be taught about basic personal hygiene and the ways to maintain it.

  22. Healthy eating habits, washing hands after coming out from the toilet, brushing teeth twice a day, clean nails, daily combing of hair and applying oil, clean clothes and shoes , all these things need to be checked for the children daily when they come to school.

  23. Mainly we have to monitor children washroom , clean uniform, washing of hand before and after eating and after using toilet,canteen areas.etc because healthy environment healthy children

  24. Check their cleanliness and to remined them how to keep clean or hygiene to themselves or thier surrounding.

  25. The following hygienic practices can be followed:
    1) Tell them to keep their hands and mouths clean.
    2) Tell them to keep the toilets clean and flush after using them.
    3) Tell them to keep the school campus clean.
    4) Teach them lessons on hygiene.

  26. Amna A Shaikh
    To monitor daily hygienic practices..
    I would direct them with understanding the importance of hygiene..
    Training them with habits which would keep them healthy, clean and learn the importance of keeping themselves clean and the surroundings clean too.
    Activities and games related knowledge so that they understand the importance of being healthy,
    Washing of hands
    Cleaning the play area
    Eating in proper manner
    Using the washroom in a good manner and leaving it proper for next.
    Keeping oneself hygienic like taking a bath daily, keeping hair short n oiled, brushing teeth twice a day.. Using a kerchief always when needed.cutting their nails when it grows.
    Doing more of partical activities on keeping oneself hygienic . Would make them understand better. And follow this routine every where they go.
    That would make it

  27. Being a primary teacher, we need to encourage good hygiene practices practiced at school premises so that it helps the children to develop life long positive hygiene habits and also helps to reduce the risks of cross infection between children and adults. It is also important to promote children's self help and self-care skills. Some of the hygiene practices to emphasis or monitor on a daily basis are:
    i) To wash hand practice
    ii) To bathe everyday
    iii) To brush twice a day
    iv) To wear clean clothes
    v) To keep nail short
    Vii) To clean toys, materials and clean regularly
    viii)To keep clean classroom, play areas
    ix) to keep clean bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms

    so on

  28. I would like to monitor physical health, midday meal kitchen ,washroom, classrooms and surroundings on daily basis.

  29. Cleanliness, eating habits, proper use of water and mostly inculcate the moral values on healthy living.

  30. First of all we can notice that if the child comes to school in a proper dress as well as their neatness like checking their nails , hair , teeth, etc. So that if not we can improve their habits by make them to clean their hand and so on. And during the session we can also check them in regular intervals like before and after meals , as well as using washroom etc.

  31. Children should maintain proper hygiene like
    To bath every day
    Washing hand properly etc...,

  32. Monitoring washroom, handwash , Classroom surroundings , garbage disposal, carrying one's own water bottles and lunch, encouraging the students to go for healthy and balance diet.

  33. As a teacher we have to monitor healthy habits in our children.Washing hands before and after food,washing hands after using toilets, washing hands after handling pets or any other outdoor activities.Unless and until our children keep themselves healthy and disease free they will not be able to learn in school.Especially during this ongoing pandemic health and hygiene of the children should be very well taken care by their parents and teachers as well.

  34. Proper handwash before and after providing mid day meals, after entering toilet, after playing etc and daily checking of nails, hair and neat and clean clothes

  35. As a teacher first of all We will have to teach the children about good hygiene habits, after that we will have to monitor whether the children are practising the hygiene habits in their daily life or not like washing their hands after using toilet, covering their mouth w

  36. As a teacher first of all, we'll have to teach the children about good hygiene habits, after that we will need to monitor whether the children are practicing the hygiene habits in their daily life or not like washing their hands after using toilet, covering their mouth w

  37. To ensure that children are following hygienic practices I'll monitor their eating habits during mid day meal, their school uniform is washed or not.

  38. As a teacher I would like to monitor physical health, midday meal kitchen ,washroom, classrooms and surroundings on daily basis to ensure that children are following hygienic practices.

  39. There are so many ways and most of those are being done by fellow teachers . I think I will keep a nail clipper and cut the long nails of the children where and whenever I see in the school.

  40. Very good structures. It will be a great blessing for every teacher when we accomplish this mission.

  41. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
    Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
    Safe water, toilets and good hygiene keep children alive and healthy.
    A female student smiles and washes her hands at the WASH facilities at Kampong Thmar Primary School, Kang Sao village, Santok district, Kampong Thom commune, Kampong Thom province on July 5, 2018.
    Growing up in a clean and safe environment is every child’s right. Access to clean water, basic toilets, and good hygiene practices not only keeps children thriving, but also gives them a healthier start in life.

  42. During school hours instruction should be given for good habits which lead to good hygiene and should monitor them and also should check toilets, mid-day meals and their uniforms also.

  43. Areas which can be monitored daily are :
    1)School uniform
    2)Cutting of nails
    3) Taking a bath or not
    4) washing hands before n after eating
    5) cleanliness of shoes and socks

    As the saying goes'Cleanliness is next to godliness' personal hygiene as important as a child curriculum in school.when children maintain their cleanliness,it is good to look schools,we can monitor the children's hygiene by checking them,showing them how to wash hand,face,legs etc .besides we can monitor their personal hygiene by telling them to keep their things need and tidy.

  45. To my mind, we have to guide them on personal hygiene habits like washing hands, brushing teeth, combing hair, bathing, cutting nails, oral and dental hygiene, etc. Apart from personal hygiene, we will have to inform children to keep clean classrooms, homes, washrooms, and surroundings. In addition to this, we need to teach them for creating a friendly environment with their peer groups, parents, elders, etc. They must be taught about moral knowledge like good touch and bad touch.

  46. We basically need to firstly keep the Classrooms clean as the first place they enter is the classroom.
    Secondly the washrooms should be kept clean.
    Due to the recent COVID situation we can put up hand hygiene posters and other posters up in classrooms and the area of the school.
    We could also regularly check the hygiene of the students and check up on them regularly.

  47. Students health is the one of the most important to care

  48. Mainly we monitor ....(1) uniform(2) hygiene food(3)drinking water(4) washroom....etc.

  49. We will moniter them by checking their uniform,shoe,nails,hair n all.

  50. We can check their nails, uniforms, hair in the morning assembly. We can check their hand washing habbits before and after mid day meal.

  51. It is very important to inculcate the practice of washing hands to the children early on. When they reach school, after playing, after eating and returning home after school, washing hands should be a common practice. Most of the diseases and germs enter the body orally through the hands.

  52. First and foremost I would introduce good habbits of hygiene and make them digest the details of hygiene. Then monitor them frequently, in addition for the students to live in very sanitized school environment.

  53. Teachers must be a role model to children to ensure children to practices hygiene. In daily activities like cleaning classroom, playground, toilet ect.
    They should also be provided a quality mid-day meals or balence diet.

  54. As a teacher, I would like to check every student when comes to school for the following things: nails should be trimmed, take bath everyday, maintain clean teeth, hair combed properly, wearing clean and tidy clothes

  55. As a teacher I moniter my students to make them wash their hands before having mid day meals.i teach my students about oral hygiene through rhymes.

  56. I propose to monitor all the daily activities of my students and want to be sure that they develop a hygienic lifestyle. They should be taught to practice a hygienic way of living

  57. Children on daily basis I would like to propose the importance of hand washing. They should be taught to cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing, toilet habits, and taking care bout their body, bathing, combing, cutting their nails, about oral and dental hygiene. Above all these children should be told environmental sanitation, keeping class rooms, homes and surroundings clean.

  58. The areas that i would like to monitor on a daily basis to ensure that children are following hygienic practices are:

    Hygiene, Sanitation

    SafetyPromoting good personal hygiene habits does more than protect children from the threat of germs and disease. Children need to be taught proper hand washing techniques. They should also be taught to cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze, appropriate toilet habits and about taking care of their body, bathing, combing, cutting their nails, and about oral and dental hygiene. Along with personal hygiene, environmental sanitation is also very important, children need to be told the importance of keeping their classrooms, homes and surroundings clean.

  59. Having regular baths or showers, brushing or flossing teeth, wearing clean clothes, keeping the rooms clean, cutting nails short and clean, washing hair,and access to clean water, basic toilets/washroom etc.are the areas I propose to monitor on a daily basis.

  60. Having regular baths, wearing clean clothes,brush teeth regularly, using clean water.

  61. Washing hands properly before and after eating food and after coming out from the washroom. Wearing clean clothes specially undergarments. Changing of socks. Cleaning the toilet properly after use. Use of soaps for washing and bathing.

  62. Maintaining clean around our self make sure that we wash ur hands everytime we use washroom

  63. As done in the past, l would monitors them in their cleanliness ie, dress, body, keeping the surroundings, classrooms clean, washing hands before and after eating, washing hands with soap after toileting, flush the toilet with water after used. Most importantly about a balance diet to maintain strong and healthy body and mind.

  64. Personal hygiene not only helps in keeping oneself clean but also prevents the spread of infectious diseases. Teaching children about hygiene and creating a personal hygiene routine for them early on is important as they are most susceptible to infections.

    As s teacher, it is our duty to let the students understand know about the importance of personal hygiene. I, as a teacher, would tell them

    1)to maintain hygiene like washing hands before and after meal and consume only hygienic foods as unhealthy foods can cause diarrhoea and tummy pains.

    2) to keep their nails clean

    3)not to put dirty hands in mouth, bite nails, or wipe their faces with filthy hands.
    4) keeping every part of the body clean by bathing regularly.
    5) teach them to never share personal objects like combs, pillows and hats.
    6) Encourage them to keep their shoes clean and dry.
    7) Maintain clean surroundings and change their clothes at least twice a day.
    8) to wash their mouth with water after food or eating candies, etc.

  65. )Children need to be
    1) Proper hand washing techniques.
    2)To cover mouth when cough and sneeze.
    3)Taking a bath regularly.

    4)Appropriate toilate habits.

    5)Cutting nails weekly

    6)Dental hyegine.

  66. I would like to monitor on the area of cleanliness like taking bath, weekly trimming the nails.washing hands before n after meals and after going to washroom,taking hygeinic food, proper use of handkerchief,use of dustbin etc to become hygeinic responsible person .

  67. Hygiene should be an important in school most importantly for the pre level school children. For that a proper washroom with adequate water supply as well as handwash should be provided and along with that a proper sanitisation should be taught to students which includes cleaniness of washing hands and keeping the sorroundings clean , thrwoing waste products to a proper dustbins and one should teach a children how to use a seperate dustbins for seperate waste and talking about more cleaniness one should teach children not only follow this in their school but also to their homes as well

  68. I will moniter my children by seeing how tidy they will come to school like proper combing of hair, teeth,nails and neat and tidy dress and check the process of cooking whether it is cooked properly and in hygienic way and about proper sanitation.

  69. As a teacher we should make sure that the child is following a good hygiene by teaching them about good food habits, personal care that is cleanliness which includes clean clothes, clean hand, etc. We should tell them to bath every day, comb hair properly, keeping the nails clean.

  70. From 2½ years of age, children
    coming to preprimary school, Hygiene and cleanliness is very essential. It is responsibility of the every teacher to look after cleanliness of each child. Make the parents feel that their child is learning in a good school.

  71. As a Teacher first of all we need check their school uniform whether clean or not and their nails cut or not, boys hair and girls should tie their hairs properly as a student and secondly I'll teach them how to wash hands, How to use toilet etc. cleanliness is next to Godliness!

  72. Children should be provided clean drinking water, hygienic toilets and well ventilated classrooms.

  73. I propose that we should concentrate on the proper sanitation and hygiene along with cleanliness of the students as this is the key factor to concentrate in the present situation after that comes nutritional food habits to help students understand what is the benefit of achieving their overall well-being.

  74. I will monitor washing of hands after going to the washroom, washing of hands whenever necessary, cleanliness of their uniform, keeping their nail clean and short.

  75. As a teacher I will see that students come in clean uniform and see that they cut their nails and come to school. I tell the boys to cut their hair . I tell my students to wash their hands before eating tiffin and advise them to wash hands with soap and water at home before eating food .I also told them to have a bath daily.

  76. Everyday I will ensure that they come to school with clean and tidy uniforms. I will also always check their nails and see that they take bath regularly.

  77. Children are more inclined to fall sick than adults, the reason being that children are in close contact with other children at daycare or school where germs are easily transmitted. Unfortunately, most children are not as conscious of personal hygiene as they should be, which increases their risk of illness.

    There's more to hygiene than just hand washing. Schools can also provide an arena where good hygiene can be shown at its best and habits such as hand washing can become ingrained at a young age.

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  79. Children's health are very important in a learning process,so inorder to maintain a good health,hygiene is a must.As a teacher we all should teach the children inorder to maintain a proper hygiene.Inside the school hygiene of toilet,ground and mid-day meal kitchen is very important.All children are also needed to provide with good and hygienic food inorder to maintain their health.

  80. The overall school environment should be of totally hygiene one. Starting from the school staff to the kids, from the gate to the washroom. If teachers maintain strict discipline on cleanliness, students will certainly follow it.

  81. Below are the following steps which I'll Propose & Monitor on a Daily Basis:-
    1.Wet hands with safe, running water.

    2.Apply enough soap to cover wet hands.

    3.Scrub all surfaces of the hands – including backs of hands, between fingers and under nails – for at least 20 seconds.

    4.You can encourage students to sing a quick song at this point to make it a fun habit.

    5.Rinse thoroughly with running water.

    6.Dry hands with a clean cloth or single-use towel.

  82. As a teacher first of all I'll teach the children about good hygiene habits, after that I'll monitor whether the children are practising the hygiene habits in their daily life or not like washing their hands after using toilet, covering their mouth when they cough, having regular bath or showers, brushing and flossing teeth and tiding hair etc.

    Everyday I will ensure that they come to school with clean and tidy uniforms. I will also always check their nails and see that they take bath regularly.

  83. Washroom should always be clean also mid-day-meal,
    Washing hands and mouth regularly and wearing clean and tidy clothes is the 1st option for maintaining self hygiene.

  84. Children should wash their hands before and after meals in school. Children should come to school neatly dressed school uniform

  85. Specially in the village areas the exercise of proper way of hygiene is one of the essential parts of our daily life. Many people in rural areas may not understand what good or bad personal hygiene is. The prevention of communicable diseases, like diarrhoea, trachoma and many others is highly possible through the application of proper way of hygiene. We need to learn the proper practice of hygiene and must teach to children to use this for the prevention and control of important public health diseases that are prevalent in your locality. This study session will also help you to understand the hygiene and one’s dignity, confidence and comfort.

  86. The most important and foremost area in my opinion is to ensure that children understand the practice of washing their hands properly and thoroughly with soap or handwash before every meal. We must try to ensure that this practice becomes a second nature to them. This will solve more than 90% of the problem arising from unhygienic practises.

  87. The most important and foremost area in my opinion is to ensure that children understand the practice of washing their hands properly and thoroughly with soap or handwash before every meal. We must try to ensure that this practice becomes a second nature to them. This will solve more than 90% of the problem arising from unhygienic practices.

  88. This course highlights the need for shifting towards competency based education. This also discusses the three developmental goals
    1. Children maintain q good health and wellbeing.
    2. Children become effective communicators.
    3. Children become in world learners and connect with their immediate environment

  89. To ensure that a child follows hygienic practices,the child's eating habits, meals, toilet habits should be monitored. For this the child should be educated regarding healthy living & practices.

  90. To ensure that children follow hygienic practices we can monitor their uniforms whether their clean, tucked properly, their oral hygiene and whether is washed and combed properly. Aside from that we can monitor their washroom practices after they are done and whether they wash they wash their hands properly and clean up after themselves after an activity or play in the field.

  91. Ensuring that children follow hygienic practices has become even more important during these Covid times.
    -Adequate sanitation facilities for handwashing and personal needs should be provided and children should be trained and checked if they are following it fully. Handwash before and after eating and after using the toilet should be stressed upon.
    - Teaching them to be careful not to cough or sneeze on others.
    - cleaning things that they touch if they are unwell and putting items such as tissues into a bin.
    - using gloves when they might be at a risk of catching an infection. etc are some basic things which can be checked for on a everyday basis regarding hygienic practices.
    - Check if they have washed their body everyday.

  92. To ensure a child's good health and hygiene we can make a routine check the child during morning assembly on their hygiene viz, hair, uniform, nails etc. During class also we can talk informally with the students about what they have at their lunch, dinner etc.

  93. Firstly we have to monitor that the environment/surrounding is peaceful with nature, fresh clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, houses especially toilets should be kept clean, kitchen should be managed neatly, foods should be fresh and hygienic, clothes should be neatly worn..

  94. To ensure that the children are following hygienic practices I would like to see each and every area where we (teachers) can teach them about the importance of hygiene. During school hours we can teach how do we keep our body clean, well comb hair, short nails along with clean school uniforms and shoes. Gradually they will learn to keep the classroom and their books, bags also clean.. Similarly, they can be taught to keep the school surroundings clean. Besides these, they need to be encouraged to drink clean and filtered water with home made healthy food. As we learn children should maintain good health, we should always provide them clean, warm and friendly environment as well as good health, hygiene and sanitation so that every child may remain healthy and happy and may focus more on their learning.

  95. This course highlights need for shifting towards competency based education it discuss development goals of foundational literacy and numeracy

  96. First of all as we teachers should teach them (children) about good habits, cleanliness and hygienic practices and it's advantages and disadvantages in our life,such as washing hands before and after eating, brushing teeth twice a day, take a birth daily,wear neat and clean clothes , trimming nails and hairs, using dustbin and so on.
    Then we have to monitor whether they(children) are practicing such good habits their daily life or not.

  97. Mainly we have to monitor where students classroom, washroom, midday meal, drinking water and their uniform.

  98. Teaching, and reinforcing, children to wash their hands at appropriate times is the single best method to minimize spread of germs and infections. More importantly, teaching them specific hand washing techniques using soap and water, length of time washing, and when to wash. some personal hygiene habits that we should teach your kids?

    Brushing teeth twice a day.
    Bathing regularly.
    Washing hair regularly.
    Wearing clean and tidy clothes daily.
    Keeping their rooms clean.
    Flushing toilets after every use.
    Getting nails cut when they grow big.
    Keeping nails clean.

  99. To monitor students hygiene we must keep the environment and surrounding clean and check their uniforms,nails, hair on daily basis.

  100. For children, the basics of good personal hygiene are: Washing hands, covering their mouth when they cough, having regular baths or showers, brushing and flossing teeth.
    Most germs are spread through hand contact. Regularly washing hands will prevent children and others from getting sick.
    Encourage children to wash their hands with soap and water: when hands look dirty, before eating or preparing food, after touching raw meats, including chicken and beef, after touching any body fluids like blood, urine or vomit, after touching animals, after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing, after going to the toilet.
    Children need regular baths or showers. We could encourage a bath or shower at the end of the day as part of a bedtime routine.
    Making sure children washes all of their body, including under their arms and their genital and anal areas, and that their body is thoroughly dry before they get dressed.
    Children need fresh clothes every day, even if their old clothes don’t smell. Clean underwear every day is especially important.
    We can teach them to hang up their school uniform to air when they get home each day.

  101. I will ensure that students wash their hands in regular basis or used sanitizer before eating mdm and every time required at home or at school, come to school with neat and clean dresses, etc.

  102. Mainly we have to monitor food , washroom, dresses etc.

  103. In order to ensure they children are following hygenic practices, one has to monitor the cleanliness of school campus, classrooms, toilet, playground etc. One must check their eating habits during mid day meal.

  104. Checking the washrooms thoroughly every day before and after school, availability of water and cleanliness. Montoring the basin during lunch and recess, availability of soap and handwash, whether the students are washing their hands properly or not. Checking the dust bins in each class and whether the garbage has been disposed properly or not. Introducing cleaning activities.

  105. Make them understand the actual meaning of hygene .they should know the disadvantages of being unhygienic . Then olny , they will be checked at class by some parameters .

  106. On the daily basis the children should be observed whether they are coming to school neat and clean or not and then if they are not following proper health and hygiene then they should be guided accordingly.

  107. I would like to monitor washing of hands after going to the washroom, we must keep the environment and surrounding clean. We can check their uniforms, nails, hairs everyday during morning assembly hours.

  108. The children should be taught about hygiene lifestyle like washing hands properly, eating healthy food, cleaning and maintaining uniform, bathing regularly, using washroom and cleaning hands after using it, maintaining body neat and clean everyday all this should be taught and monitored so that children/students have proper health care.

  109. I would monitor firstly the personal hygiene of the child like washing of hands, cutting of nails, use of handkerchief, covering face during coughing n snizzing, good haircut or girls tying their hair tidily, clean uniform etc.

  110. To ensure that students practices hygeine at school, the following things can be monitored on daily basis:
    1. The supply of cleaned filtered water for drinking is kept in check.
    2. Toilet facilities is checked for water and cleanliness.
    3. Proper hand washing before and after meal and also after going to toilet. Provided they are given enough water and soap for washing.
    4. Cleanliness of the classroom and related rooms were checked.
    5. Student personal hygeine were taken into account by checking the dress, nail, hair, etc.
    6. Most importantly of all, there is need to monitor the proper disposal of wastes in dustbins.
    7. There is also need to sensitize the students for hygeine and healthy living and also need for cleanliness inside the school campus and surrounding.


  112. Students health is one of the most important to be care. During school time teachers are everything for them like parents or guardians . Parents send their love ones with hope and believe to school teachers. So we can monitor students in school campus, canteen , playground, toilets . Even we must check how they eat, what they eat . We teach them to make healthy environment and clean and good punctuality.

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  115. First of all,we have to give the first priority to the health of our children as it is the most important thing to be care for good health.As without good health, they couldn't even concentrate on their study and any other activities.

  116. Most of the children learn everything from their home, environment and school. So that we have to provide their required i.e drinking water, toilet, handwash soap , clothes for monitoring daily hygienic practices in school. After that we have to teach them how to keep our body healthy and surrounding clean by doing regular habit.

  117. As most of the hygiene is practised at home but in school also proper hygiene should be maintained by keeping the toilets clean and providing clean and safe drinking water. Also the toys which the children play with should be kept clean.

  118. role of parents are also important for holistic development to achieve all three goals

  119. Taking bath before going to school and wearing clean uniform, washing hands properly etc.

  120. Children's health and hygiene is very important. Proper hand washing before eating any food is compulsory, keeping toilet neat and clean, washing hands after every toilet should be taught. Children's should be taught to wash their clothing regularly and also comb their hair in a proper way.

  121. Most of the children learn everything from their home, environment and school. So that we have to provide their required i. e drinking water, toilet, hand-wash soap , clothes for monitoring daily hygienic practices in school. After that we have to teach them how to keep our body healthy and surrounding clean by doing regular habit

  122. We must monitor their hygeinic practices and assess their uniform, teeth, nails, handwashing practices, cough etiquette.

  123. We should monitor the children washing of hands after going to the washroom, we must keep the environment and surrounding clean. We can check their uniforms, nails, hairs everyday during morning assembly hours.

  124. Firstly I will make children understand the advantages of maintaining hygienic discipline. However, teaching alone won't serve the purpose. So ensuring them to wash their hands before and after meals and after toilet will be strictly checked. But to maintain proper hygiene and good health for the children clean food, water, toilet and the whole surrounding should be cleaned and safe.

  125. 1) Washroom and kitchen should be kept clean
    2) Taking bath every day
    3) Washing hand before eating

  126. Observe the children behaviour,habbits and will teach them good manners,good habits,healthy diet, healthy lifestyle,daily observation of their uniforms, checking whether they are taking daily bath or not,they are cutting thier nails properly or not,we as a teacher should guide them regularly about health and hygiene,about the viral deseases, precautions etc

  127. To make them maintain proper hygiene of self and surrounding

  128. Healthy habits forms the personality too.Guiding on maintaining proper cleanliness and keep telling things to form a healthy habit is necessary.The school should ensure that all the hygiene related requirements are available like toilets with proper water supply,handwash or another must-be -there requirement.

  129. To ensure children follow hygienic
    1. Made them aware of the importance of cleanliness and how it is important.
    2. To convince them to follow hygienic activities at their level like eat clean foods, take bath regular, drink clean water.
    3. Tell them to sleep early ad wake up early.

  130. Childhood is the most important stage of development. Each child is different and reacts differently we need to keep changing our approach depending on the child . Various teaching methods can be adopted to make learning fun and interesting.

  131. I will inform the children about the hygiene .what it is? why is it very important in our life and what is the need of it? I'll tell the children in their own interesting manner so that they learn it nicely that hygiene is very important for their life .we should monitor the hygiene by monitoring their good health. To keep their surroundings clean.we should teach them to throw garbage or rubbish and not to collect them and keep dirty things in their homes in classroom .They should use their own water bottle ,they should clean the school campus ,the uniforms should be checked daily during the Assembly hours. whether the nails are trained or not .we should teach them to wash their hands after using the washroom and leaving the washroom clean for the next person to use. we should even teach them to wash their hands before and after meals and most important that they should carry their handkerchief daily with them .with these few measures we can help and guide the children about the proper hygiene.

  132. As a teacher first of all I'll teach the children about good hygiene habits, after that I'll monitor whether the children are practising the hygiene habits in their daily life or not like washing their hands after using toilet, covering their mouth when they cough, having regular bath or showers, brushing and flossing teeth and tiding hair etc.

    To ensure children follow hygienic
    1. Made them aware of the importance of cleanliness and how it is important.
    2. To convince them to follow hygienic activities at their level like eat clean foods, take bath regular, drink clean water.
    3. Tell them to sleep early ad wake up early.

  133. As a Teacher we have to focus on cleanliness of school compound, toilets, drainage, and ensure proper bathing, handwashing of students.

  134. As a teacher I would share the thoughts on good habits...Cleanliness and important it is for every individual...this must be practised from early age itself. Periodically check them Physically...nails to be trimmed,bath on a regular basis, brushing the teeth...wear clean clothes,comb neat and tidy..Eat healthy and a balanced diet...etc

  135. As a teacher,it is important to let the children know and remind that Cleanliness,Hygiene and Health goes together with education .Personal care should be taught and made aware like bathing daily,brushing twice a day,washing clothes and uniforms,also taking good care of one's physical appearance.


  136. The areas to monitor on a daily basis to ensure that children are following hygienic practices are
    washing hands ,having regular baths or shower, wearing clean clothes, brushing and flossing teeth, keeping nails short and clean etc. above all it is also to be explained clearly that neatness and cleanliness are very important which is to be practiced everyday.

  137. Hygiene is important for all children as well as adults.. we as teachers need to teach children about good habits, cleanliness and hygiene and monitor the same to ensure they practice it on a daily basis.
    I would monitor if they wash hands before and after meals, and use of loo, have trimmed and clean nails, brush teeth daily, eat healthy food and drink boiled water..etc.. and also explain why it is important to do so..

  138. Aside from the fact that Covid has made it mandatory to follow proper health and hygiene. We should also keep in mind that children are more susceptible to communicable diseases. We should ensure that the children are hygienic not just inside the classroom but in the playground and elsewhere. This will not only teach them etiquettes about personal hygiene but promote their health as well.

  139. As the saying goes ," Cleanliness is next to godliness". As a teacher it is mandatory for all the students to acquire good habits regarding cleanliness.
    Some precautions that can be taken are-
    - Frequent washing of hands in order to stop infections. Alcohol based hand sanitizer can be used.
    - Bathing regularly ad wearing clean clothes(uniform).
    - Trimming of nails.
    - Cleaning the classroom and surrounding.
    - Toilet should be disinfectant.

    Lastly, teaching each and every child to inculcate the values of cleanliness.

  140. Careful attention should be paid to them not just in the classroom but in the school premises as well. Monitoring their personal health and well being begins with teaching them the impacts good hygienic habits can have.

  141. As a teacher, we should have to monitor children good health and nutrition.

  142. Hygiene is an important aspect of learning and discipline among children, especially in their growing years. To ensure an all round development and responsible growth, children must be closely monitored on the adoption of habits like cleanliness, trimming of hair and nails, adopting healthy and clean washroom etiquettes etc.

  143. We, as a teacher should taught the children about all sorts of hygienic practices for maintaining good health and wellbeing.
    So we should monitor the children and see that they are washing their hands after eating, brushing before and after sleeping, washing their hands after using toilet, covering their mouth when caught or sneezing, bathing regularly and tidying up their hair and clothing, etc.

  144. To ensure that children are following hygienic practices on a daily basis, I would monitor on areas of washing of their hands. I would suggest and have been doing so for as many years I have been in my teaching area. I suggest them to brush their teeth and ask them to wash their hands when they look dirty, before and after eating food or anything, after touching body fluids like blood, urine or vomit, and after touching animals, after blowing nose or sneezing or coughing & ofcourse after going to toilet.
    I would also see if the children takes baths or showers regularly. I would see if they cone to school with clean clothes on them & ask them to hang their school uniform to air when they get hime each day.

  145. To ensure that children follow good hygience there should be clean washrooms in the school with proper water facilities ,students should be asked to wash their hands in regular intervals.
    - Bathing regularly and wearing clean clothes(uniform).
    - Trimming of nails.
    - Cleaning the classroom

  146. As a teacher, the areas to monitor on the daily basis to ensure that children are following hygenic practices are
    1. Proper hand washing technique. 2. Appropriate toilet habits and taking care of their body bathing. 3.cutting their nails. 4. Combing 5 oral and dental hygiene. 6 Taught to cover their mouth when they cough and sneeze.
    Promoting children good hygiene Habit is the most important. Along with personal hygiene, environment sanition is also very important. Children need to be told the importance of keeping their classroom, home and surrounding clean.

  147. We have to monitor student hygiene.we must keep school surroundings clean.

  148. We must ensure that the child learns to keep their surrounding areas clean.must not litter around. One should learn to keep oneself clean by having routine bath, wearing clean clothes. Keeping nails clean and short, knowing the ways of washing hands after visiting washroom and before eating. Brushing teeth twice daily not only this one must be taught about being clean from out side is not enough one must be clean from within.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.


  150. As a teacher we must ensure that children stay in a properly ventilated and hygienic surrounding and encourage our students to have healthy eating habits, washing hands after coming out from the toilet, brushing teeth twice a day, trimming nails, daily combing of hair and applying oil, wearing clean clothes and shoes .It is the responsibility of the teacher to see that the children don't litter or throw waste everywhere in the classroom as it will catch germs, also encourage your children to use a handkerchief. Tissues work just as well. Make sure your child throws the used tissues in a bin and washes her hands with soap and water afterwards.
    The school administration must ensure availability of water in the toilets on a regular basis. The areas like wash basins, soap dispensers, door knobs, handles etc. should be disinfected by the school crew members on a daily basis to avoid spread of germs.The  school may conduct an eco-awareness activity among students to dig garbage pits away from the classroom area where they can dump this waste and allow it to decompose into manure. Not only will this add up to the learning aspect, but will also prevent outbreak of infectious ailments among children.

  151. Health and hygiene are very important in everyone'life. As a teacher, i will ensure that the child learns good habits like..
    Washing hands after using toilet. Washing hands before and after eating.
    Taking bath daily and brushing teeth twice a day.
    Trimming nails.
    Wearing washed and dry clothes.
    Eating good food and drinking good amount of water.
    Using of handkerchief while sneezing, coughing etc.

  152. We need to see that children come to school with clean uniform and also ensure that they took bath regularly

  153. By observing the children we can get to know about the hygiene. For example if child is not following the hygienic practices his body will odor from not showering regularly. Unwashed or dishevelled hair.bad breath, food between teeth, or signs of tooth decay and gingivitis. Wearing soiled clothing. Dirty and untrimmed fingernails and toenails etc.
    So we can encourage child to do these things:
    • cleaning your body every day.
    • washing your hands with soap after going to the toilet.
    • brushing your teeth twice a day.
    • covering your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing.
    • washing your hands after handling pets and other animals.
    • Wear clean clothes.

  154. Observing children on daily basis, we get to know about their personal hygiene. Teaching and inculcating the habits of personal hygiene is essential. Children can to be monitored to see if they follow proper hand wash techniques, combing hair, cutting nails, appropriate toilet habits, cover their mouths when they cough and sneeze, oral and dental hygiene and also their surroundings clean.

  155. This topic is very important to know a days

  156. The areas I would like to monitor on daily basis are to observe whether they maintain healthy habits such as proper hand washing techniques, appropriate toilet habits, oral and dental hygiene, proper personal hygiene and environental sanitation practices.

  157. Keep your surroundings clean.
    Washrooms to be kept clean.
    Cleanliness is next to godliness.
    Maintain personal hygiene.
    ....Swach bharat

  158. Firstly,I would teach them about keeping their own selves clean .Explain them the importance of brushing teeth, bathing,washing hands before and after meals etc.Secondly I would ask them to keep their surroundings clean and throw all wastes in the dustbin .T

  159. As a teacher, we need to encourage to form good hygiene practices at school premises and home so that it helps the children to develop life long positive hygiene habits and also helps to reduce the risks of cross infection between children and adults. It is also important to form and promote children's self help and self-care skills. Some of the hygiene practices to emphasis or monitor on a daily basis are:
    i) To wash hand in a proper way mostly before eating food.
    ii) To bathe everyday
    iii) To brush twice a day(morning and before going to bed)
    iv) To wear clean clothes
    v) To keep nail short
    Vii) To clean toys, materials and clean regularly
    viii)To keep surroundings clean such as classroom, play areas etc.
    ix) to keep clean bathroom, toilet, kitchen and bedrooms.
    x) To eat balanced diet and fresh food avoiding stale foods.

  160. Talk about daily hygiene activities of self and the surrounding. Encourage washing hands, coughing with mouth covered, ask learners to carry their own handkerchief , wear clean clothes, taking shower.

  161. Some of the areas to focus on so as to keep the students hygiene and clean are :
    1) Educating the children on the topic how Cleanliness leads to a healthier life. And spreading awareness on maintaining clean environment for a better green world.
    2) Maintaining the toilets and regularly cleaning them to keep them hygienic for usage.
    3) Ensure that the students cleanliness by regularly checking them every morning during assembly.

  162. As a teacher,I would like my students to be taught about reinforcing,children to wash their hands at appropriate times,taking bath,cleaning their surroundings,wearing clean clothes,eating healthy food,etc are some of the best hygenic practices to allow children's to follow on a daily basis.

  163. Monitoring school washroom, classroom,and checking the cleanliness of the students

  164. To ensure children following hygenic practices,I advice them to wash their hands with soap,keep their surroundings clean,to wear neat and clean clothes, not to eat stale food,to take bath every day,eat food in time and avoid over eating and also to keep their nails short.

  165. Health and hygiene are very important in one's life. So to ensure that the student acquired these habits, we must teach and train to wash their hands properly , take bath regularly, cut nails, comb hair ,wear neat and clean clothes moreover train them to keep their surroundings neat and clean.
    To monitor all these habits the children must be checked regularly.

  166. Children can be provided with healthy food and eating habits.

    Maintaining the toilets and regularly cleaning them to keep them hygienic for usage.
    Ensure that the students cleanliness by regularly checking them every morning during assembly.

  167. Teachers must be a role model to children to ensure children to practices hygiene. In daily activities like cleaning classroom, playground, toilet etc.
    They should also be provided a quality mid-day meals or balance diet.

  168. First step is being an example to them by doing everything we instruct them.
    Children observe,learn and apply everything they witness/experience.

    Lead by example: Children should be taught about hygience and cleanliness

    a)Keeping theie body clean by bathing everyday,
    b)Wearing clean clothes at home and at school,
    c)Bringing handkerchief,water bottle,
    d)Cutting their nails to keep them away from injuring themselves and others,
    e)Using clean washrooms,
    f)Throwing waste in the dustbins.

  169. Being a primary teacher, we need to encourage good hygiene practices practiced at school premises so that it helps the children to develop life long positive hygiene habits and also helps to reduce the risks of cross infection between children and adults. It is also important to promote children's self help and self-care skills.

  170. children learn through their senses and also nurture them to the later part of their life.
    they develop eye and hand co-ordination movements in this age so children should be given lots of activities based on this. children should be educated in maintaining good health and hygiene this help them to develop good habits and later form good manners and character in them

  171. In my thoughts first we should reinforce and teach the students to follow basic personal hygiene habits like- bathe regularly, trim your nails, brush your teeths, wash your hands to minimize germs and infections and sleep tight

  172. 1. By giving them PT classes
    2. Neat and tidy environment
    3. Providing them with clean/boiled water within the school campus
    4. Checking to matain a clean uniform,nails,shoes etc

  173. Areas which can be monitored daily are :
    School uniform,washing hands with soap,Cutting of nails,Taking a bath or not,cleanliness of shoes and socks,personal hygiene

  174. Personal cleanliness is the priority.
    1. Make sure Children should take bath n were cleanly washed clothes as they enter
    2. toilets should be clean n tidy
    3. make sure children wash their hands as they use washrooms.
    4. Children must wash hands before consuming food.
    5. children should be provided nutritious meals

  175. In this module, the most important thing that a teacher should teach to student is, how to keep healthy or well being of a student's life. If possible, each and every teacher should take care of every student in the school campus during the school hours or besides the school hours if necessary.

  176. washing hands before and and after eating food
    taking bath daily
    cutting their nails once a week
    wear a neat clothes

  177. Health and hygiene are very important in the development of the early childhood.As a teacher I would check students uniform hair and nails if its neat and tidy... I would tell them the importance of cleanliness with the help of story so that they can understand better

  178. We need to cover up their overall personality as facilitators...

  179. Health is wealth.. importance of being clean and hygienic should be taught to every child from home itself. On school part care should be taken to provide clean toilet .. separate for both boys and girls. Mid day mealß should be prepared and served following safety and preventive measures.

  180. Maintaining personal hygiene is one of the most important steps in maintaining good health. Children must be taught of this importance so as to ensure good healthy habits.

  181. By maintaining Self health and as well by keeping themselves sanitised and also providing them with fresh meals by schools! And keeping school clean and tidy!

  182. On daily basis we can check the following conditions
    1) To enquire whether they had bath or not.
    2) checkout their nails and their clothes.
    3) Check ing whether they wash hands before and after mid day meal
    4 ) Asking them to wash their hands after their needs.
    Also teach them properly about the Importance of health and hygiene in daily activities.

  183. First of all, children should be educated in a easy-to-learn and fun way about cleanliness. Hygiene habits should be reinforced in the kids, especially by the teachers- proper washing of hands, having a bath daily, wearing clean clothes and inner wear, washing hands before and after meals and brushing of teeth.
    Awareness in the children should be created about the consequences of not having a clean and hygienic lifestyle.

  184. Children should be educated in a easy-to-learn and fun way about cleanliness. Learning should be fun not a burden.

  185. Hygiene refers to good practices that prevent disease and lead to good health.
    1) Building handwashing skills takes time. At first, child will need regular reminders from teachers as how and when to wash hands. It is especially important to remind children to wash their hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after touching pets, after playing outside, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing their nose. But once handwashing becomes a habit and a regular part of child’s day, they will practice it throughout their lives.
    2)Display posters/ messages/ stickers and signage at appropriate places in the school reminding students about maintaining cleanliness and personal hygiene such as inside the classroom, libraries, outside washrooms, hand washing stations, drinking water areas, school kitchen, halls, classrooms, entry and exits.

  186. washrooms, uniforms , surrounding , classrooms , didis, material provided . everything should be properly clean and hygine. as this will effect the childs health.

  187. To ensure children follow hygienic habits,I will incorporate the GOAL 1 of the FLN framework on health and hygiene by monitoring the value based skills and social behaviour of students.
    The plan of action would be to
    1.Read out stories and rhymes based on hygiene.
    2.Group discussion would be to get the children to do a poster on hygiene.
    3.Conduct a 5 minute cleaning period in class.
    4.Rewarding the child who follows good habits with a gold star.
    5.Observe and educate them on their eating and cleaning habits when they eat their tiffin.
    6.Make note of the children not following hygienic habits and inform the stakeholders parents to inculcate hygiene at home.
    7.Monitor the home environment of the child so as to understand the background as to why or why not the child is not following hygienic habits.
    8.Educate the children on the harms of not following hygiene.

  188. We can monitor them in many ways like while they have tiffin, go for toilet, play ect. We also can check their uniforms, teeth , nails etc.

  189. Encourage the children to clean their body in the early morning.Show them good and clean healthy habits.Tell them the benefits of keeping or maintaining cleanliness.Guide them to keep their nails neat and clean.Encourage them to take fresh or clean foods.

  190. Taking into consideration child health is most important part. Parents teacher have to close look on child well being. Child proper eating habits should be implimented by encouraging child to eat homemade things. Child dressing habits should clean and tidy.

  191. Good morning,
    In order to bring about daily hygienic routine in the class room and the daily life, I as a teacher would practice and also ask the concerned to do the following.
    1. The classroom to be cleaned thoroughly including the toys,book shelves.
    2. The wash rooms,basins,door knobs to be cleaned.Lots of hand wash bottles,plenty of water along with clean wipes to be kept in a corner for children to clean.
    3. Hand sanitizers to be kept in each class room.This will be used when the children or the teacher enters the class.
    4.Regarding their personal hygiene I would check their
    uniform,nails,hair ,bags,shoes.
    I would teach them not to lick their fingers and turn the pages as this is one of the ways in which disease is spread.The children along with the elders would be told continuously to wash their hands,feet before having their meals.
    Thank you
    Mrs Daisy Chhetri

  192. it all started from discipline. I, as a teacher mostly focus on discipline. We should focus on psychological, emotional development as well physical health and health hygiene.


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