सीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए हम विद्यालय में बाल मैत्रिक वातावरण तैयार करने के लिए कक्षा को आकर्षक चित्र, चार्ट,पोस्टरों एवं BALAआदि से सुसज्जित करेंगे साथ में उपयुक्त मॉडल क्ले मटेरियल, गुड़िया,गणितीय खेलों के सामान (पजल्स ,जोड़-तोड़ के सामान),कहानियां, नाटक,पहेली तथा रोचक गतिविधियों का प्रयोग करेंगे।
By teaching children with different developmental goals the children are exposed to the natural ways of learning and understanding,they can visualise and answer the questions asked by the teacher.It improve s their knowledge and their learning,they get motivated and excited to answer by looking at the different props.One of the challenging moments is teaching the introvert children,these children don't are very shy and they don't like to participate or speak up and take active part in activities.The other challenging moment is when questions asked by a teacher about family to a child who has come from a single parent home or a child who does not have parents,this becomes a Very sentitive issue and difficult6 for the child to respond.
Course 6 Activity 2 Language is a medium of communication.Children have the ability to learn language on its own.T hey learn the cocept of language through their mother tongue, stories, poems rhymes ignite their imagination power. Children learn to use language S per their need to communicate or express themselves.Young children learn to make sense of language and it's functions at a very early stage,they learn the language skill togeather at their own space and capabilities.Its through the stories, conversation s, discussions that the child learns the language to know and understand the world around it.
Course -6 Activity -3 In the early years children observe and react to thier surrounding.They learn to speak the language as it is spoken at home,they imitate their elders when they see them writing , hence their first attempt to write is scribbling.Therefore introduction of patters like //ll etc should be taught first as they can learn them easily,then we should slowely teach them simple alphabets like T I etc and they gradually teach the other alphabets.
Course,-7 Activity-1 Children who are forced to read and write in a language which they neither speak nor understand face a lot of problems,they just learn the language without understanding the meaning of it, Sometimes they use words in sentences which doesn't mean right and when they get to know that they have not done it correctly they feel helpless and a low -esteem is formed,this harms their identity and self confidence which leads to a negative impact on their accademic performance.
Course-7 Açtivity-2 We have children coming from different religions to school therefore they speak different languages like konkani,Marathi,Hindi,Urdu,kanada,english.We teach English language in our school ,many children cannot speak English so we use their reagionl language while teaching them English words so that they can understand better.We also make use of pictures and drawing while teaching them different words in english.In this way children coming from different cultures will not find it difficult to learn the new language.
As a teacher I would gather information about each child of my class from thier parents for example,the child's likes and dislikes ,what the child is good at and what he is not good at . while teaching in the class 8 would observe the child's behavoiur and res8 while teaching. I make different activities for each subject and assess the children from it.I would prepare a planner where I would write all the observation of each child. I would also in olve the parents by telling them to repeat the activities at home which I have taught the childre at home and ask them their feedback ,this will help the children to achi6 their learning outcomes.If the child is not able to understand and do the activities ,it is my responsibility to teach him do that he achieves his learning outcome.
Course -9 Activity -3 When the child is giving a wrong answer while subtracting 17- 9 is 12 it shows that either he has not understood the concept of subtraction or he has understood the cocept but is making a mistake by subtracting the two numbers .I would take 17 match sticks and ask him to put 9 match sticks in a bag and now ask him to cout the left match sticks by doing this he would get the right answer 8 .In this way he would learn how to subtract correctly.
Watch the video film “Khula Aakash” 2014 from the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XjDHOrcJyw and reflect on it. Think about what is ECCE? Why is it important? How does ECCE provide a basis for learning in school and life? Share your reflections.
Visualise the significance of FLN Mission and ponder on what can be the role of ECCE in achieving the goals and objectives of FLN? Share your thoughts.
Reflect on the experiences provided by you to children in the early years. Are all children being provided the same set of instructions and have fixed testing schedules or variation in learning is accounted for? In your opinion, what are the benefits/limitations in using a learner-centred approach? Share your reflection.
सीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए अपने स्वयं
ReplyDeleteसीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए हम कक्षा में शिक्षण के नए-नए तरीके एवं आस-पास की वस्तुओं आदि को एकत्रित करके सीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करेंगे।
Deleteसीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए हम कक्षा में शिक्षण के नए-नए तरीके एवं आस-पास की वस्तुओं आदि को एकत्रित करके सीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करेंगे।
ReplyDeleteSikhne ke kriyakalapo ke liye dikhane ke naye naye tarike aur aas paas ki cheejon se sikhna
ReplyDeleteसीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए हम विद्यालय में बाल मैत्रिक वातावरण तैयार करने के लिए कक्षा को आकर्षक चित्र, चार्ट,पोस्टरों एवं BALAआदि से सुसज्जित करेंगे साथ में उपयुक्त मॉडल क्ले मटेरियल, गुड़िया,गणितीय खेलों के सामान (पजल्स ,जोड़-तोड़ के सामान),कहानियां, नाटक,पहेली तथा रोचक गतिविधियों का प्रयोग करेंगे।
ReplyDeleteसीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए सभी प्रकार की प्रिन्ट रिच मटेरियल का प्रयोग करना होगा।
ReplyDeleteCourse -5 Activity -3 Share Your Thought.
ReplyDeleteBy teaching children with different developmental goals the children are exposed to the natural ways of learning and understanding,they can visualise and answer the questions asked by the teacher.It improve s their knowledge and their learning,they get motivated and excited to answer by looking at the different props.One of the challenging moments is teaching the introvert children,these children don't are very shy and they don't like to participate or speak up and take active part in activities.The other challenging moment is when questions asked by a teacher about family to a child who has come from a single parent home or a child who does not have parents,this becomes a Very sentitive issue and difficult6 for the child to respond.
Course 6 Activity 2
ReplyDeleteLanguage is a medium of communication.Children have the ability to learn language on its own.T hey learn the cocept of language through their mother tongue, stories, poems rhymes ignite their imagination power. Children learn to use language S per their need to communicate or express themselves.Young children learn to make sense of language and it's functions at a very early stage,they learn the language skill togeather at their own space and capabilities.Its through the stories, conversation s, discussions that the child learns the language to know and understand the world around it.
Course -6 Activity -3
ReplyDeleteIn the early years children observe and react to thier surrounding.They learn to speak the language as it is spoken at home,they imitate their elders when they see them writing , hence their first attempt to write is scribbling.Therefore introduction of patters like //ll etc should be taught first as they can learn them easily,then we should slowely teach them simple alphabets like T I etc and they gradually teach the other alphabets.
Course,-7 Activity-1
ReplyDeleteChildren who are forced to read and write in a language which they neither speak nor understand face a lot of problems,they just learn the language without understanding the meaning of it, Sometimes they use words in sentences which doesn't mean right and when they get to know that they have not done it correctly they feel helpless and a low -esteem is formed,this harms their identity and self confidence which leads to a negative impact on their accademic performance.
Course-7 Açtivity-2
ReplyDeleteWe have children coming from different religions to school therefore they speak different languages like konkani,Marathi,Hindi,Urdu,kanada,english.We teach English language in our school ,many children cannot speak English so we use their reagionl language while teaching them English words so that they can understand better.We also make use of pictures and drawing while teaching them different words in english.In this way children coming from different cultures will not find it difficult to learn the new language.
सीखने के परिवेश का सृजन करने के लिए बच्चो की psychology को समझना होगा ।
ReplyDeleteCourse -8 Activity-1
ReplyDeleteThe teacher can asses the child on his speaking skills, listening skills, viewing skills performance skills.
As a teacher I would gather information about each child of my class from thier parents for example,the child's likes and dislikes ,what the child is good at and what he is not good at . while teaching in the class 8 would observe the child's behavoiur and res8 while teaching. I make different activities for each subject and assess the children from it.I would prepare a planner where I would write all the observation of each child. I would also in olve the parents by telling them to repeat the activities at home which I have taught the childre at home and ask them their feedback ,this will help the children to achi6 their learning outcomes.If the child is not able to understand and do the activities ,it is my responsibility to teach him do that he achieves his learning outcome.
ReplyDeleteCourse -9 Activity -3
ReplyDeleteWhen the child is giving a wrong answer while subtracting 17- 9 is 12 it shows that either he has not understood the concept of subtraction or he has understood the cocept but is making a mistake by subtracting the two numbers .I would take 17 match sticks and ask him to put 9 match sticks in a bag and now ask him to cout the left match sticks by doing this he would get the right answer 8 .In this way he would learn how to subtract correctly.
बच्चों की सीखने की प्रक्रिया को समझना : बच्चे कैसे सीखते है?
ReplyDeleteबच्चों की मानसिकता को समझना