We can create various corners for children. Reading corner, science corner, appreciation corner, peer interaction corner. In addition to that each and evey effort of the child can be appreciated in the form of rewards. Children can be given set goal of tasks to be completed on a daily basis.
Environment always has a strong influence on how Adults or Children act. So the classroom should be pleasant to look at, wherein, the students should get the feeling to say "I like to go to school ", and for these feelings to occur, I will consider the following: The classroom will be completely child-centered, where the child will be able to experiment and learn on their own Keeping in mind the holistic development of the Child, the Activity area/Interest area will be well provided by creating rotating areas and changing areas every 15 days. So, that the children gets lots of opportunities for hands-on experience in a happy and exciting environment. The kinds of Areas, I would like to develop to create a learning environment for my children on rotation basis are 1. Library and Literacy Area, having a book shelf with different books (story, comics, pictures, etc.) thereby improving the quality of language development. 2. Dolls/Dramatic Area, giving the children a feel of freedom with dolls, pots, dress-up clothes,old spectacles, etc . The child will be able to bring out it's emotions by acting or role playing, thereby giving me as a teacher a chance to understand the child better. 3. Discovery or Science Area Children love to explore and they are always curious, so this area enables children to investigate and learn facts with a magnifying glass, magnets and iron fillings, weights and weighing machines, etc. 4. Building Blocks Area is the place, where the children will always feel comfortable. Here the child uses it's imaginary powers, thereby exploring different concepts. Better the area having more and different types of blocks. 5. Math or Manipulative Area This area will help my children to recognize numbers in a better way. Having puzzles, matching and lacing cards,number rods, string beads, etc. will develop their thinking powers and they will also learn to solve problems. 6. In Art Area the child can bring out its emotions, being provided with types of papers, colours, stencils, chalks, dough, etc., All round development is seen of the child. 7. Music and Movement Area Music has power over the young and the old. Music promotes growth in self-confidence, improves language, understands emotions, development of motor skills, etc.,so having string instruments, deadlines, bells, tambourines, Audi-video player, etc. is a must. These Areas gives the Teacher, the opportunity to act as the facilitator and assist children to learn from each other, ask questions, explore existing possibilities and find answers to the required questions .
Children coming to school spend most of their time in their classroom so the environment of the classroom should be very pleasent,it should be lively,vibrant,colourful and very well ventilated and spacious.There should be activityor learning areas in the classroom to create Intetestfor learning in children.They should be built in such a way that they are accessible from all sides of the classroom.This will allow me as a teacher tosee all children and ensure their safety.These activity areas are library area where colourful picture books, magazines story books are kept,(2)Play area where different different colourful toys are kept for children to play like dolls,puppets,stuffed animals,cars truck etc(3)Music area where some instruments bare kept to be used while teaching them rhymes and songs,(4)Art area where colourful art and craft materials are kept for the children like crayons, colourful papers etc .I would uses these areas for different activities to teach the children and make learning more interesting.In this way children will enjoy and learn in a better way.
स्कूल आने वाले बच्चे अपना अधिकांश समय अपनी कक्षा में बिताते हैं इसलिए कक्षा का वातावरण बहुत ही सुखद होना चाहिए, यह जीवंत, जीवंत, रंगीन और बहुत अच्छी तरह हवादार और विशाल होना चाहिए। कक्षा में गतिविधि या सीखने के क्षेत्र होने चाहिए ताकि बच्चों के लिए इंटेटेस्ट बनाया जा सके। बच्चों में सीखना। उन्हें इस तरह से बनाया जाना चाहिए कि वे कक्षा के सभी पक्षों से सुलभ हों। यह मुझे एक शिक्षक के रूप में सभी बच्चों को देखने और उनकी सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने की अनुमति देगा। ये गतिविधि क्षेत्र पुस्तकालय क्षेत्र हैं जहाँ रंगीन चित्र पुस्तकें, पत्रिकाएँ हैं कहानी की किताबें रखी जाती हैं, (2) खेल का क्षेत्र जहां बच्चों के खेलने के लिए अलग-अलग रंगीन खिलौने रखे जाते हैं जैसे गुड़िया, कठपुतली, भरवां जानवर, कार ट्रक आदि (3) संगीत क्षेत्र जहां कुछ वाद्ययंत्र नंगे रखे जाते हैं और उन्हें तुकबंदी सिखाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और गाने,(4) कला क्षेत्र जहां बच्चों के लिए रंगीन कला और शिल्प सामग्री रखी जाती है जैसे क्रेयॉन, रंगीन कागज आदि। मैं इन क्षेत्रों का उपयोग बच्चों को पढ़ाने और सीखने को और अधिक रोचक बनाने के लिए विभिन्न गतिविधियों के लिए करता हूं। इस तरह बच्चे आनंद लेंगे और सीखेंगे l
Course 5 Activity -5 Children respond more to clourful pictures and sc6 but they don't react much when they see prints.To get them use to prints it is necessary to create a print rich environment.Children are most comfortable in their well-known environment like their house and classroom . I would put up colourful posters in different areas of the classroom .The posters will be vibrant and colourful with block print .Each area of the cla6 will have a colourful poster with the area name printed on it,like Th e Library where differ6 colourful picture books and story books are kept,the music area will have a poster with a beautiful cartoon playing music and The Music World Printed on it.In this way each area of the classroom will have its name printed in bold colours with cartoons and desig printed on it which will draw the attention of the children this will help them to learn how to read prints.I would also create a word wall with common rhyming words written on itso they may learn new vocabulary.
The classroom will be completely child -centered , where the child will be able to experiment and learn on their own.I would like to have colourful posters in different areas of the classroom,so the child will excited to attend class regularly.
A safe place with all the facilities and we'll lit and we'll ventilated with all the facilities for the children to enjoy and experience different things
Learning environment should have more emphasis on practical aspects. Value, discipline and life skill sessions should be conducted almost every day that helps in making responsible citizens.
1. Provide emotional support, love and attention. 2. Encourage reading 3. Create special learning spots. 4. Encourage independence experiences. 5. Include them in meaningful
Learning environment should be colourful and lively, the must help the students in every aspect.Iwill make the class room colourful and attractive by posturing comics, pictures and even provide play material too.
Before coming to school, Child live in comfort zone, after coming to school So i will provide a playway place, joyful atmosphere, Personal interaction based atmosphere.
Children coming to school spend most of their time in their classroom so the environment of the classroom should be very pleasent,it should be lively,vibrant,colourful and very well ventilated and spacious.There should be activityor learning areas in the classroom to create Intetestfor learning in children.They should be built in such a way that they are accessible from all sides of the classroom.This will allow me as a teacher tosee all children and ensure their safety.These activity areas are library area where colourful picture books, magazines story books are kept,(2)Play area where different different colourful toys are kept for children to play like dolls,puppets,stuffed animals,cars truck etc(3)Music area where some instruments bare kept to be used while teaching them rhymes and songs,(4)Art area where colourful art and craft materials are kept for the children like crayons, colourful papers etc .I would uses these areas for different activities to teach the children and make learning more interesting.In this way children will enjoy and learn in a better way.
To create a good learning environment for children:
1. Safe Space: Ensure they feel secure and comfortable. 2. Play and Learn: Use games and outdoor activities for learning. 3. Cater to Different Styles: Mix visual, auditory, and hands-on activities. 4. Encourage Questions: Let them explore and ask questions freely. 5. Model Learning: Show them that learning is fun and praise their efforts. 6. Routine and Flexibility: Have a consistent schedule but adapt to their needs.
This setup helps children enjoy learning and grow at their own pace.
Children environment is very important for us. We planned for good and healthy environment.its help to happy with them. Good environment means students happy leaning and create learning. Art is the super weapon for children learning part So the class room had more art based on their learning
With all cultural differences children when they are in the classroom, they are united by education. If we will provide them fun and loving environment then they will definitely learn better.
Healthy learning environment plays an important role in learning. so, each child get opportunity to express their views and thoughts.students will express themselves only when they enjoy learning and feel attached .
Creating meaningful and engaging learning experiences is essential to help students retain knowledge, develop critical skills, and foster a love of learning. Here are some strategies to design impactful learning experiences:
creating learning environment is required to achieve the target goal during the class. it is needed to ensure that there is safe space. grouping children as per the requirement is necessary. providing a chance t o use teaching learning material is required. as per the subject the classroom should be fully equipped.
Actually,The classroom will be completely child -centered , where the child will be able to experiment and learn on their own.I would like to have colourful posters in different areas of the classroom,so the child will excited to attend class regularly.
Learning environment should have more emphasis on practical aspects. Value, discipline and life skill sessions should be conducted almost every day that helps in making responsible citizens.
Learning levels of various children should be assessed and then accordingly activities should be designed to improve them. Like children who can read well, will be given stories to read and understand.
Learning environment of the children should be observing and play full. Environment should be such that the learner is free and ready to express his/her emotions, queries. It should be safe and secure . They should be given opportunities to learn by Hands-on experience. Stimulating and enabling environment where children can have easy access to all the learning corners.
By creating various learning corners for children like Reading corner, science corner, appreciation corner, peer interaction corner which can motivate the children to get involved in the learning process as per their interest and pace.
As a teacher we need to first connect to the children and need to know their needs, interests and abilities. Also we should consider their learning styles like some are visual learners, others are auditory while some are kinesthetic... so each learner is unique and we need to cater to their learning styles..
Creating various corners for learning is very important and helpful in competency based learning. Appreciate little efforts is also very important for learners.
It can be achieved by creating a warm and inviting physical space, greeting students at the door, and using positive language and tone of voice. Teachers can also build relationships with their students by showing interest in their lives and experiences outside school.
I would create a vibrant, inclusive learning environment by fostering curiosity, encouraging collaboration, and using interactive activities. Flexible seating, hands-on experiments, storytelling, and technology integration would cater to diverse learning styles. A supportive atmosphere with positive reinforcement, open discussions, and personalized instruction would help every child thrive and succeed.
Creating a rich learning environment for children involves fostering curiosity through hands-on activities, such as science experiments, art projects, and nature exploration. Encouraging open-ended questions and discussions helps develop critical thinking, while a cozy reading nook filled with diverse books nurtures a love for learning. Lastly, incorporating educational games and real-world problem-solving tasks makes learning both fun and meaningful.
Watch the video film “Khula Aakash” 2014 from the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XjDHOrcJyw and reflect on it. Think about what is ECCE? Why is it important? How does ECCE provide a basis for learning in school and life? Share your reflections.
Visualise the significance of FLN Mission and ponder on what can be the role of ECCE in achieving the goals and objectives of FLN? Share your thoughts.
Reflect on the experiences provided by you to children in the early years. Are all children being provided the same set of instructions and have fixed testing schedules or variation in learning is accounted for? In your opinion, what are the benefits/limitations in using a learner-centred approach? Share your reflection.
Think of your own ways to create a learning environment for your children.
DeleteDo it yourself activities which the child learns through active participation
DeleteWe can create various corners for children. Reading corner, science corner, appreciation corner, peer interaction corner.
DeleteIn addition to that each and evey effort of the child can be appreciated in the form of rewards. Children can be given set goal of tasks to be completed on a daily basis.
Environment always has a strong influence on how Adults or Children act. So the classroom should be pleasant to look at, wherein, the students should get the feeling to say "I like to go to school ", and for these feelings to occur, I will consider the following:
ReplyDeleteThe classroom will be completely child-centered, where the child will be able to experiment and learn on their own
Keeping in mind the holistic development of the Child, the Activity area/Interest area will be well provided by creating rotating areas and changing areas every 15 days. So, that the children gets lots of opportunities for hands-on experience in a happy and exciting environment.
The kinds of Areas, I would like to develop to create a learning environment for my children on rotation basis are
1. Library and Literacy Area, having a book shelf with different books (story, comics, pictures, etc.) thereby improving the quality of language development.
2. Dolls/Dramatic Area, giving the children a feel of freedom with dolls, pots, dress-up clothes,old spectacles,
etc . The child will be able to bring out it's emotions by acting or role playing, thereby giving me as a teacher a chance to understand the child better.
3. Discovery or Science Area
Children love to explore and they are always curious, so this area enables children to investigate and learn facts with a magnifying glass, magnets and iron fillings, weights and weighing machines, etc.
4. Building Blocks Area is the place, where the children will always feel comfortable. Here the child uses it's imaginary powers, thereby exploring different concepts. Better the area having more and different types of blocks.
5. Math or Manipulative Area
This area will help my children to recognize numbers in a better way. Having puzzles, matching and lacing cards,number rods, string beads, etc. will develop their thinking powers and they will also learn to solve problems.
6. In Art Area the child can bring out its emotions, being provided with types of papers, colours, stencils, chalks, dough, etc., All round development is seen of the child.
7. Music and Movement Area
Music has power over the young and the old. Music promotes growth in self-confidence, improves language, understands emotions, development of motor skills, etc.,so having string instruments, deadlines, bells, tambourines, Audi-video player, etc. is a must.
These Areas gives the Teacher, the opportunity to act as the facilitator and assist children to learn from each other, ask questions, explore existing possibilities and find answers to the required questions .
Children coming to school spend most of their time in their classroom so the environment of the classroom should be very pleasent,it should be lively,vibrant,colourful and very well ventilated and spacious.There should be activityor learning areas in the classroom to create Intetestfor learning in children.They should be built in such a way that they are accessible from all sides of the classroom.This will allow me as a teacher tosee all children and ensure their safety.These activity areas are library area where colourful picture books, magazines story books are kept,(2)Play area where different different colourful toys are kept for children to play like dolls,puppets,stuffed animals,cars truck etc(3)Music area where some instruments bare kept to be used while teaching them rhymes and songs,(4)Art area where colourful art and craft materials are kept for the children like crayons, colourful papers etc .I would uses these areas for different activities to teach the children and make learning more interesting.In this way children will enjoy and learn in a better way.
ReplyDeleteस्कूल आने वाले बच्चे अपना अधिकांश समय अपनी कक्षा में बिताते हैं इसलिए कक्षा का वातावरण बहुत ही सुखद होना चाहिए, यह जीवंत, जीवंत, रंगीन और बहुत अच्छी तरह हवादार और विशाल होना चाहिए। कक्षा में गतिविधि या सीखने के क्षेत्र होने चाहिए ताकि बच्चों के लिए इंटेटेस्ट बनाया जा सके। बच्चों में सीखना। उन्हें इस तरह से बनाया जाना चाहिए कि वे कक्षा के सभी पक्षों से सुलभ हों। यह मुझे एक शिक्षक के रूप में सभी बच्चों को देखने और उनकी सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने की अनुमति देगा। ये गतिविधि क्षेत्र पुस्तकालय क्षेत्र हैं जहाँ रंगीन चित्र पुस्तकें, पत्रिकाएँ हैं कहानी की किताबें रखी जाती हैं, (2) खेल का क्षेत्र जहां बच्चों के खेलने के लिए अलग-अलग रंगीन खिलौने रखे जाते हैं जैसे गुड़िया, कठपुतली, भरवां जानवर, कार ट्रक आदि (3) संगीत क्षेत्र जहां कुछ वाद्ययंत्र नंगे रखे जाते हैं और उन्हें तुकबंदी सिखाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है और गाने,(4) कला क्षेत्र जहां बच्चों के लिए रंगीन कला और शिल्प सामग्री रखी जाती है जैसे क्रेयॉन, रंगीन कागज आदि। मैं इन क्षेत्रों का उपयोग बच्चों को पढ़ाने और सीखने को और अधिक रोचक बनाने के लिए विभिन्न गतिविधियों के लिए करता हूं। इस तरह बच्चे आनंद लेंगे और सीखेंगे l
Course 5 Activity -5
ReplyDeleteChildren respond more to clourful pictures and sc6 but they don't react much when they see prints.To get them use to prints it is necessary to create a print rich environment.Children are most comfortable in their well-known environment like their house and classroom . I would put up colourful posters in different areas of the classroom .The posters will be vibrant and colourful with block print .Each area of the cla6 will have a colourful poster with the area name printed on it,like Th e Library where differ6 colourful picture books and story books are kept,the music area will have a poster with a beautiful cartoon playing music and The Music World Printed on it.In this way each area of the classroom will have its name printed in bold colours with cartoons and desig printed on it which will draw the attention of the children this will help them to learn how to read prints.I would also create a word wall with common rhyming words written on itso they may learn new vocabulary.
The classroom will be completely child -centered , where the child will be able to experiment and learn on their own.I would like to have colourful posters in different areas of the classroom,so the child will excited to attend class regularly.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteclassroom must child centered and interested and colourful
DeleteA safe place with all the facilities and we'll lit and we'll ventilated with all the facilities for the children to enjoy and experience different things
ReplyDeleteLearning environment should have ample objects for interaction.
ReplyDeleteLearning environment should have more emphasis on practical aspects.
ReplyDeleteValue, discipline and life skill sessions should be conducted almost every day that helps in making responsible citizens.
1. Provide emotional support, love and attention.
ReplyDelete2. Encourage reading
3. Create special learning spots.
4. Encourage independence experiences.
5. Include them in meaningful
Start to positive tone, smile often , be supportive and friendly with students are most important to create positive learning environment.
ReplyDeleteLearning environment should be colourful and lively, the must help the students in every aspect.Iwill make the class room colourful and attractive by posturing comics, pictures and even provide play material too.
ReplyDeleteBefore coming to school, Child live in comfort zone, after coming to school So i will provide a playway place, joyful atmosphere, Personal interaction based atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteChildren coming to school spend most of their time in their classroom so the environment of the classroom should be very pleasent,it should be lively,vibrant,colourful and very well ventilated and spacious.There should be activityor learning areas in the classroom to create Intetestfor learning in children.They should be built in such a way that they are accessible from all sides of the classroom.This will allow me as a teacher tosee all children and ensure their safety.These activity areas are library area where colourful picture books, magazines story books are kept,(2)Play area where different different colourful toys are kept for children to play like dolls,puppets,stuffed animals,cars truck etc(3)Music area where some instruments bare kept to be used while teaching them rhymes and songs,(4)Art area where colourful art and craft materials are kept for the children like crayons, colourful papers etc .I would uses these areas for different activities to teach the children and make learning more interesting.In this way children will enjoy and learn in a better way.
ReplyDeleteAlow them to express
ReplyDeleteSelf experience
ReplyDeletewonderful insight
ReplyDeleteDifferent ways to communicate their thoughts.
ReplyDeleteLearning environment should have ample objects for interaction.
ReplyDeleteLearning environment should be good for students
ReplyDeleteDiy activity, video, fields trip
ReplyDeleteVarious activities should be introduced to make learning more interesting.
ReplyDeleteTo create a good learning environment for children:
ReplyDelete1. Safe Space: Ensure they feel secure and comfortable.
2. Play and Learn: Use games and outdoor activities for learning.
3. Cater to Different Styles: Mix visual, auditory, and hands-on activities.
4. Encourage Questions: Let them explore and ask questions freely.
5. Model Learning: Show them that learning is fun and praise their efforts.
6. Routine and Flexibility: Have a consistent schedule but adapt to their needs.
This setup helps children enjoy learning and grow at their own pace.
Children environment is very important for us. We planned for good and healthy environment.its help to happy with them. Good environment means students happy leaning and create learning.
ReplyDeleteArt is the super weapon for children learning part
So the class room had more art based on their learning
With all cultural differences children when they are in the classroom, they are united by education. If we will provide them fun and loving environment then they will definitely learn better.
ReplyDeleteMake sure all students are equally considered and provided ample opportunities to experience learning.
ReplyDeleteHealthy learning environment plays an important role in learning. so, each child get opportunity to express their views and thoughts.students will express themselves only when they enjoy learning and feel attached .
ReplyDeleteCreating meaningful and engaging learning experiences is essential to help students retain knowledge, develop critical skills, and foster a love of learning. Here are some strategies to design impactful learning experiences:
ReplyDeleteWe should create a experiential creative and engaging learning environment in the classroom
ReplyDeletecreating learning environment is required to achieve the target goal during the class.
ReplyDeleteit is needed to ensure that there is safe space. grouping children as per the requirement is necessary. providing a chance t o use teaching learning material is required. as per the subject the classroom should be fully equipped.
Using visual aids, models and role play activities can induce effective learning in the classroom.
ReplyDeleteActually,The classroom will be completely child -centered , where the child will be able to experiment and learn on their own.I would like to have colourful posters in different areas of the classroom,so the child will excited to attend class regularly.
ReplyDeleteLearning environment should have more emphasis on practical aspects.
ReplyDeleteValue, discipline and life skill sessions should be conducted almost every day that helps in making responsible citizens.
Learning levels of various children should be assessed and then accordingly activities should be designed to improve them. Like children who can read well, will be given stories to read and understand.
ReplyDeleteLearning environment of the children should be observing and play full. Environment should be such that the learner is free and ready to express his/her emotions, queries. It should be safe and secure . They should be given opportunities to learn by Hands-on experience. Stimulating and enabling environment where children can have easy access to all the learning corners.
ReplyDeleteHealthy learning environment plays an important role in learning.
ReplyDeleteBy creating various learning corners for children like
ReplyDeleteReading corner, science corner, appreciation corner, peer interaction corner which can motivate the children to get involved in the learning process as per their interest and pace.
learning while doing is way to make the students learn.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher we need to first connect to the children and need to know their needs, interests and abilities. Also we should consider their learning styles like some are visual learners, others are auditory while some are kinesthetic... so each learner is unique and we need to cater to their learning styles..
ReplyDeleteThere should be connect to education of children and a child
ReplyDeleteA need of connect with children,education and educator
ReplyDeleteCreating various corners for learning is very important and helpful in competency based learning. Appreciate little efforts is also very important for learners.
ReplyDeleteIt can be achieved by creating a warm and inviting physical space, greeting students at the door, and using positive language and tone of voice. Teachers can also build relationships with their students by showing interest in their lives and experiences outside school.
ReplyDeleteBy enabling them to ask questions.
ReplyDeleteBy enabling learners to ask questions
ReplyDeleteDifferent activities should be introduced to make learning more interesting and effective.
ReplyDeleteGive chances to student to observe things and participation
ReplyDeleteI would create a vibrant, inclusive learning environment by fostering curiosity, encouraging collaboration, and using interactive activities. Flexible seating, hands-on experiments, storytelling, and technology integration would cater to diverse learning styles. A supportive atmosphere with positive reinforcement, open discussions, and personalized instruction would help every child thrive and succeed.
ReplyDeleteLearning and interactive environment like maths corner reading corner art corner makes the learning process more interesting and interactive
ReplyDeleteCreating a rich learning environment for children involves fostering curiosity through hands-on activities, such as science experiments, art projects, and nature exploration. Encouraging open-ended questions and discussions helps develop critical thinking, while a cozy reading nook filled with diverse books nurtures a love for learning. Lastly, incorporating educational games and real-world problem-solving tasks makes learning both fun and meaningful.