Course 4 - Activity 3: PTMs as a Powerful Method for Communication - Share Your Reflection

 Think constructively on the following points: How often do you organise PTMs? What kind of discussions do you generally have with parents? Have you tried to explore how best they can help you and the school to work more effectively? Have you also tried to think about the general concerns of the parents and what could be the solutions from your side and/or from the school? Ponder over these questions with a creative and problem solving mind and share your reflections.


  1. tried to think about the general concerns of the parents

  2. PTA is a powerful method for communication between the parents and teachers ,staff members of the school.These PTA meetings are held 3 times in a year.In these meetings parents discuss their difficulties they and the children are facing and the teachers try to solve their problems Open discussions are done by the school staff ,teachers with parents regarding organising an event,picnic,a cultural programme etc.Here the school ask the parents how best they can help the school,the parents views are taken into consideration.In this way PTA works for the betterment of the school as well as the parents.

  3. Parent-Teacher meetings are always challenging but are necessary and very important for a true partnership, where the child is concerned. Usually, for these meetings, we update a Parent of the Child's progress and also take their feedback, so that we understand the child better and which will also help us to create an environment suitable for the chhild. Parents can help us teachers by participating in the various programs organized by the school. For example "Sports activity ",wherein a special activity is organized for the parents only. If parents participate in this activity, the child will feel more at ease watching the involvement of their parents. This can help in better development of the Child. Also by showing interest in the School programs, parents influence their children to see education as priority. This helps the school to work more effectively. We also should not forget to thank the parents for their support and involvement in the child's education. Also, always trying to be patient, understanding and polite towards their concern of their child, which will help us teachers to learn more about the child's needs. This in turn will help everyone, the students, the teachers, the school, the parents and the community.

  4. PTA is a powerful method for communication between the parents and teachers ,staff members of the school.These PTA meetings are held 3 times in a year.In these meetings parents discuss their difficulties they and the children are facing and the teachers try to solve their problems Open discussions are done by the school staff ,teachers with parents regarding organising an event,picnic,a cultural programme etc.Here the school ask the parents how best they can help the school,the parents views are taken into consideration


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