Course 8 - Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

Based on your understanding of various assessment strategies for language, literacy and numeracy, list down the key practices you would like to take forward in your assessment practices with your children. Share your thoughts in the blog post.


  1. preschool children; pre-primary sections generally comprise two years of education.
    Accurate data for ECCE institutions (play schools/preschools) in the private sector is not
    available - though anecdotal and observational evidence suggests a proliferation of such insti-
    tutions - from the very well-resourced to the poorly resourced. Private, and other preschools
    have largely functioned as downward extensions of school. Though some provide better infra-
    structure and learning resources for children, most primarily focus on formal teaching and
    rote memorization, with high pupil-teacher ratios and limited developmentally appropriate
    play-based and activity-based learning. Most of them have Teachers untrained in early child-
    hood education. They generally are very limited on health and nutrition aspects, and do not
    usually cater to children below 4 years of age


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