Course 09: Activity 6: Share Your Thoughts

To assess the child on number operations, a teacher frames a question paper at the end of the lesson with multiple choice questions only. Another teacher divides the concept of number operations into smaller sub-units and observes how the child responds to activities designed for each sub-unit. The teacher maintains a file of each child's sample work done in that unit in a portfolio and uses it to write the report looking at their portfolio. Which strategy would you like to adopt in your class and why? Share your thoughts.


  1. FLN is to ensure that children attain skills of reading and numeracy.

  2. Here the teacher need to observe the learning skills.
    Their understandings about FLN typed question.
    Their understandings about numeracy and countings.
    Their observation
    At last make the Rubric on it.

  3. Differential Learning. As per child's understanding


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