Course 03: Activity 5: Share Your Thoughts

 Think of your own ways to create a learning environment for your children. Share your thoughts. 


  1. To create learning environment for children

    1. Give chance to student to observing things and participation

    2. We should give children positive and healthy environment plus motivational good moral values when they come to school.

    3. Very Useful in class room teaching

  2. Encourage open dialogue in class room,set clear objectives.

  3. Children learn by observing, listening , exploring , experimenting and asking questions.

  4. To build a positive relationships with students and teacher.

  5. Outline classroom rules for positive behavior.

  6. Be funny and empathic in class. Student must not be afraid of asking. He/she should be free to express himself/herself.

  7. Children enjoy learning by listening, observing and participating in activities

  8. Create a physical environment that allows all students to feel content, comfortable and focused.

  9. Creating a secure physical environment with providing lots of toys for experiential learning while we acting as a facilitator.

  10. By giving them opportunities sothat
    they can expireance their learning

  11. Creating a secure physical environment with provision of many play manipulatives, books and hands on activities for experiential learning whilst the teacher remains a facilitator.

  12. The classroom environment has aardvark major lmpact on the way students of all ages learns.Although every child learns in an entirely independent way by initially setting boundries and standards creating safe and lnclusive environment andbeing consistent in the delivery of curicula,assessment and reflection.Aardvark teacher can provide an optimal learning environment.Let thames interect with peers and matirials their parents without any force in the class as well as outside the class and ler thames to express their feelings freely.

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  14. interactive learning provides the best grasp of a concept. providing TLM such as blocks makes children think logically, when the arrange by colour, size or shape
    critical thinking and reasoning is also enhanced while doing simple science experiments
    children when dressup and roleplay characters understand the social setup and also this develops values .

  15. Children learn by playing and doing.Role play helps a lot in learning.Ensure them express in their own way.They may use broken English or even their mother tongue.

  16. Yes it is good if Encourage open dialogue in class room,set clear objectives.

  17. Every child is unique. They will really enjoy learning everything when their minds are free and they create so many records while learning... This learning would be burden free and not restrict able in any mean

  18. Here are some ways I would strive to create such an environment:

    1. Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere:
    This might involve decorating the classroom with colorful and inspiring visuals, setting up cozy reading corners, and displaying students' work to celebrate their achievements.
    2. Student-Centered Approach:
    This might include providing opportunities for hands-on exploration, inquiry-based learning, and student-led discussions to foster curiosity and critical thinking skills.
    3. Differentiated Instruction:
    This might involve incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, adapting content to different learning styles, and providing extra support or enrichment as needed.
    4. Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement:
    This might involve praising their efforts, highlighting their strengths, and offering constructive feedback to support their growth and development.
    5. Collaborative Learning Opportunities:
    This fosters teamwork, communication skills, and empathy while promoting a sense of community and belonging in the classroom.
    6. Incorporating Play and Creativity:
    This might include art projects, dramatic play, storytelling, and imaginative exploration to stimulate their imagination and creativity.
    7. Cultivating a Growth Mindset:
    This involves teaching them about the power of effort, resilience, and the belief that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.
    8. Building Strong Relationships:
    This involves actively listening to their thoughts and feelings, showing empathy and understanding, and being a supportive mentor and role model they can turn to for guidance and encouragement.

  19. Conducting activities that will build the child's confidence like francy dress completions, speaking a few words on different fruits, vegetables, animals

  20. By engaging them in household activities and making them learn the importance of small tasks in life and what can be learned from those tasks.

  21. Each child should be given chance to listen, understand. Think and experiment with the concepts thought to them. And this way they will understand and learn better

  22. Encourage children to share their thoughts and experiences on a particular topic and answer the questions which they ask in most understand able language.

  23. Learning should be practical, they should learn by doing and discussion. Outdoor learning, roleplay help in joyful learning.

  24. Students participation in every activity should be joyful. When they get hands-on activity they should decide whether they want to do it alone or with peer or with a small group so they get fair opportunities.

  25. Student centric classroom should be there . Students participation in every activity should be joyful. When they get hands-on activity they should decide whether they want to do it alone or with peer or with a small group so they get fair opportunities.

  26. Each child should be given chance to listen, understand. Think and experiment with the concepts thought to them. And answer their questions in more understandable language so they learn better

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  28. Encourage children to share their thoughts and experiences on a particular topic and answer the questions which they ask in most understand able language.Each child should be given chance to listen, understand. Think and experiment with the concepts thought to them. And this way they will understand and learn ,better Conducting activities that will build the child's confidence like race competition , speaking a few words on different fruits, vegetables, animals etc.

  29. Creating learning experience inside and outside the classroom must be attractive and we must provide different learning opportunities according to the needs of the students. such as story telling drama recitation experiments activity based learning Play waymode of teaching learning process

  30. Interactions amongst themselves and adults. Give some time for activities of their choice

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    1. Encourage open dialogue in class room,set clear objectives

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  33. Providing healthy environment enriched with motivation

  34. Providing healthy environment

  35. Enable the class room environment as child centred which enables them to explore their interests without any fear .

  36. Give platform to students to come out with their own ideas,thoughts

  37. Giving them opportunities to Express their point of views,come up with new ideas and building knowledge in their own way

  38. Magazine,arts ,music ,puzzles equipment to easy learning meterial and experimental material is need to create interest in children

  39. Role play, puzzle, quize, competition among the students can be done,

  40. 1. Make books available to your children. functional learning spaces for various activities. 3. Follow a daily routines at home. 4. Create a language rich environment.

  41. Story telling, roleplay and encourage the students to ask questions

  42. An environment where students will teach or give explanation of a concept in their own language and way will motivate and make them confident

  43. Will provide students space to express themselves freely in the classroom where teacher can scaffold the activities and discussion

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  45. Provide space for every child to explore by himself or herself to learn. We need to do play based approach, toy based approach, story telling, etc to help learn faster and enjoyable and fun way.

  46. In order to create learning environment for students we as teachers should provide ample opportunities for experiential learning ,role reversals, Play acts, creating material , observation and interactions

  47. The best way to create the learning environment is by finding the child interested in, creating the interest, building the curiosity in children.
    Last but not least by providing play based, experiential learning to children.

  48. 1) Children play the puzzle,quize,and role play, story telling 2) Encourage the students to ask questions 3) Provide space for every child to explore by himself or herself to learn

  49. hands on experience. learning by doing

  50. Experiential learning. Practical and project based learning will guide the students to enhance their skill.

  51. Children learn by doing, observing, listening , exploring , experimenting and enquiring.

  52. Children learn better by observing, exploring and doing by themselves under the guidance of mentor

  53. Following are the ways which I would like to strive to create such an environment:

    1. Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere:
    This might involve decorating the classroom with colorful and inspiring visuals, setting up cozy reading corners, and displaying students' work to celebrate their achievements.
    2. Student-Centered Approach:
    This might include providing opportunities for hands-on exploration, inquiry-based learning, and student-led discussions to foster curiosity and critical thinking skills.
    3. Differentiated Instruction:
    This might involve incorporating a variety of instructional strategies, adapting content to different learning styles, and providing extra support or enrichment as needed.
    4. Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement:
    This might involve praising their efforts, highlighting their strengths, and offering constructive feedback to support their growth and development.
    5. Collaborative Learning Opportunities:
    This fosters teamwork, communication skills, and empathy while promoting a sense of community and belonging in the classroom.
    6. Incorporating Play and Creativity:
    This might include art projects, dramatic play, storytelling, and imaginative exploration to stimulate their imagination and creativity.
    7. Cultivating a Growth Mindset:
    This involves teaching them about the power of effort, resilience, and the belief that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.
    8. Building Strong Relationships:
    This involves actively listening to their thoughts and feelings, showing empathy and understanding, and being a supportive mentor and role model they can turn to for guidance and encouragement.

  54. Psychological studies have revealed that Environment influences and has a deep impact on child's learning.As a teacher we should facilitate a learning environment which fosters learning.When we present any teaching learning experience in a playful way,the child acquires it unknowingly.We should plan the teaching learning experiences before going to the classroom.There are so many activities for engaging students where they can learn by involving in those activities.

  55. Creating a good learning environment for children involves a mix of structure, creativity, and adaptability.
    I have mentioned below a few:-

    1. Study Space: Set up a dedicated area in the house for studying and learning. This space should be free from distractions and stocked with necessary supplies.

    2. Flexibility: Allow for flexibility in learning schedules and methods. Every child learns differently, so be open to adjusting the approach based on their needs and preferences.

    3. Incorporate Technology: Utilize educational apps, online resources, and interactive learning tools to supplement traditional methods. Technology can make learning more engaging and accessible.

    4. Encourage Curiosity: Foster a sense of curiosity by encouraging questions, exploration, and experimentation. Provide opportunities for hands-on learning experiences whenever possible.

    5. Celebrate Progress: Recognize and celebrate your child's achievements and progress, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost motivation and confidence.

    6. Outdoor Learning:- Take learning outside the traditional classroom setting. Explore nature, visit museums, attend workshops, or participate in community events to broaden their horizons.

    7. Parental Involvement: Stay actively involved in your child's education by offering guidance, support, and encouragement. Show interest in their learning journey and be willing to assist when needed.

    8.Encourage Independence: Empower children to take ownership of their learning by allowing them to make choices and decisions about what and how they want to learn. Let them make mistakes bcoz this is how they are going to learn.

  56. Giving children their own space with proper arrangements,equipments needed to learn can also be a good learning environment


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