Course 08: Activity 1: Share Your Thoughts

What are the various forms of assessment that you can use with children at the foundational stage? List the types of assessment – specially think of forms of assessment other than paper-pencil test. Share your thoughts in the blog post.


  1. Replies
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    2. FLN is made clear by the resource person

    3. The assessment can be a day to day basis also. For small children it can be in any form. Oral, activity, expression, creative, drawing whatever can be done in school in any form.

    4. Observation done in class or outside the scope of classroom, Project based learning assessments, Peer assessment, oral assessments

    5. Learning Assessment should be done regularly in different ways like oral, activity based, project based, role play etc

    6. Observation Report, activities, task based, project, story telling, peer Observation, performing arts etc.

  2. Observational assessments, Portfolio based assessments, performance based assessments, Peer assessment, self assessment, story telling and narratives.

    1. Assessment can be daily based oe weekly based

  3. According to me there should be Assessment for learning like we should make students enough confident to share their answers and we can do correct them. Assessment is improvement of children not judging the children.

  4. Children are assessed by observation, preparing portfolio, seeing their performances, observing their peer assessment, observing their self assessment, using play way method etc. and the students students are being assessed every time.

  5. Observation,oral discussion, practical demonstration,peer assessment, portfolio etc

  6. Students can be assessed by group discussions,orally, debates, etc.

  7. checklist , activities , oral , reading

  8. Oral, group discussions, peer assessment, elocutions etc

  9. Observation and portfolio are main assessment tools at this stage.

  10. Types of assessment are Diagnostic assignment, Formative assessment and Summative assessment. Peer checking and self assessment of their task or works would help them to realise their mistakes and motivate them to perform better.

  11. Step 1 : Prepare Anecdotal records for each student in the class that gives insight on their learning needs
    Step 2 : Then make an assessment plan that includes audio-visual as well as interactive test material depending upon the learning outcome of the lesson. For instance, if the learning outcome is arranging numbers in ascending and descending order, then test material can an interactive play based interface where the child is required to drag and drop numbers in the correct sequence
    Step 3 : Based on the score of the test, give positive and relevant feedback to the student

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  13. Observations, communication, social skills,poetry recitation, reading etc.

  14. Chrisann1 February 2024 at 19:36
    Observations, communication, social skills,poetry recitation, reading etc.

  15. Forms of assessment : cal and response activity,group discussion, reasoning assessment

  16. For a young child, expression of thoughts should be first thing assessed. it can be done during story telling, group play and drawing. The comprehension of thoughts is more important than language comprehension of language. once critical thinking is developed , teacher can move ahead with children writing their thoughts .

  17. Observational Assessments,
    Portfolio based Assessments,
    Performance Based Assessments,
    Peer Assessment,
    Self Assessment etc. are the various forms of assessment that we can use with children at the foundational stage.

  18. I can use quiz method, observation method, project method as an assessment technique apart from paper pencil test.

    Any method of assessment in which subject is assessed without informing him or her is good. Because here we can get the raw data.

  19. Observation, oral and written test, activities, port folio and assessment.

  20. It should be in an informal way. By observation, through oral discussion, portfolios, participation in conversation,peer assessment. These are few ways to assess the beginner.

  21. Observation oral and written test

  22. Observation, oral and written test, activities, portfolio.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Orals of nursery rhymes, numbers, alphabets

  25. Speaking skills,observation oral assessment.

  26. Tell a story, ask something on tjeir experience, Oral question for example if o will give you an Apple then one more apple, No how many apples you have now, Ask to recite a poem.

  27. Observational assessment practical demonstrations story telling reading and hands on project.

  28. Assessment of children on all the essential aspects of their growth and development will be compiled in the form of HPC, which is descriptive and analytic rather than merely numerical. Type are1. Planning
    2.gather evidence
    3.reflect and asses
    4.anecdotal record
    6.event and frequency

  29. By observation whether written or oral.

  30. OBSERVATION,peer assessment, self assessment ,active participation, story telling and narratives

  31. Continuous oral assessment using check list, helps the teacher to improve on her pedagogy.

  32. As pe the FLN course LSRW will be applicable.

  33. Foundation assessment with assessing the basic conceptual knowledge.

  34. Continuous observation, recording the observation, giving opportunity to listen speak , read and writing activities can be done.teacher must keep all the relevant documents of the pupil performance and maintaining Port polio for each and every student this can helps to suggest for better results and for improvement

  35. Observation, oral test, group discussion

  36. Assessment through oral method, portfolio,peer discussion can be done.

  37. By continuous observations
    By conducting several activities
    Making portfolio

  38. 1) Observation of the child and analysing evidence gathered as part of their learning.
    2)Daily behavior and check in

  39. Other than pen paper test Assessment for learning can be done through observation, portfolio,self assessment and peer assessment

  40. By portfolio assessment, oral, written test, role play

  41. Children/Students can assessed also through various activities, group discussions, small project, art and craft, puzzles etc.

  42. Children can be assessed in various ways like testing there observations skills, story telling and asking the question related to it, asking them what if questions,there behaviour with others and many more.

  43. Children are assessed through various methods such as observation, portfolio preparation, performance evaluation, peer assessment, self-assessment, and play-based activities. This continuous assessment ensures that students are evaluated regularly.

  44. Any method of assessment in which subject is assessed without informing him or her is good.

  45. Speaking skills,observation oral assessment.

  46. By portfolio assessment, oral, written test, role play.

  47. various activities- quiz,oral

  48. Assessments make us to know how far our goals and objectives are achieved in the form of learning outcomes. These assessments need not be paper pencil assessments. We can evaluate a child's progress by his responses towards any learning activity. For instance, we can see the behavioural change in the child after continuously listening to the moral stories.we can assess the change.Infact I admit that there are no parameters to measure these changes. Likewise assessments
    can be done during and after the learning activities.

  49. oral test,activities,games,puzzles,quiz.

  50. Written test, oral test, quiz game, group discussion, problem solving games likes puzzles and craft maths games.

  51. 1.observation method 2.conversation method

  52. Making the students read in the class, helding quiz competition on various topic, story telling, debate competition are some of the various form of assessment I would use for children at foundational stage.

  53. Continuous observation, recording the observation, giving opportunity to listen speak , read and writing activities can be done.

  54. At the foundational stage, various forms of assessment beyond paper-pencil tests include:
    1. Observational Assessment: Teachers observe children’s behavior, participation, and interaction during activities.
    2. Anecdotal Records: Brief, written observations of significant incidents in a child’s day.
    3.Performance Tasks: Tasks Activities where children demonstrate skills and knowledge, like storytelling or problem-solving.
    4. Self and Peer Assessments: Encouraging children to evaluate their own or classmates’ work.
    5. Games and Quizzes: Interactive and engaging assessments that can reveal understanding in a playful context.
    These methods provide a holistic view of a child's development and learning progress.

  55. Observation of students behaviour and way of learning is most important to this stage

  56. Assessment tools and processes should be designed such that they are a natural extension of the learning experience for the child.
    Assessment in during the foundation phase is largely informal, and is ongoing.

  57. Oral observation and written should be done

  58. Oral observation, peer assessment in group activities

  59. Portfolio based assessments, performance based assessments, Peer assessment, self assessment, story telling and narratives.

  60. 1 : Prepare Anecdotal records for each student in the class that gives insight on their learning needs
    2 : Then make an assessment plan that includes audio-visual as well as interactive test material depending upon the learning outcome of the lesson. For instance, if the learning outcome is arranging numbers in ascending and descending order, then test material can an interactive play based interface where the child is required to drag and drop numbers in the correct sequence
    3 : Based on the score of the test, give positive and relevant feedback to the student

  61. Teacher should use anecdotal records for each student and observe each student so that competencies can be assessed and this can provide teachers insights about student learning and then he/she can modify her teaching accordingly to the needs of the learners

  62. Quiz, presentation, discussions

  63. The different types of assessments are:Observational assessment, peer assessment, self assessment and port folio assessment.

  64. Peer group learning through playing puzzle,games, playing games where they count numbers, identify the colour name etc

  65. This assessment methods helps capture a fuller picture of a child's development. Moving beyond paper-pencil tests makes learning more enjoyable and provides valuable insights for both teachers and parents.

  66. Same concept should be tested in different ways like writing, oral, drawing and presention of their own like story.

  67. At the foundational stage, assessments can include observations, portfolios, interactive activities, and oral presentations. Tools like learning journals, creative projects, and peer feedback also provide insight into children’s progress. These diverse methods, beyond traditional paper-pencil tests, allow for a more holistic understanding of each child’s development and learning journey.

  68. Oral assessments, Assessment through activities peer assessment

  69. Oral, reading and activities

  70. Students of this age should be taught by Play-Way Method. This strategy can make children more curious about learning new things.

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  72. Observation, oral test, group discussion.

  73. Peer Assessment , assessment on regular basis to check their foundation is more.important. ...

  74. Project Based Assessment
    JAM Activities
    Group discussions/ activities
    Research based

  75. Assessments can be through observation, speaking , engaging activities and exploring surroundings.

  76. Different forms of assessment that we can use are observational assessment, preparing anecdotal record, performance tasks and interactive & engaging assessment by games.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. In the foundational stage of education, it’s crucial to use assessments that align with the developmental needs and learning styles of young children. Traditional paper-pencil tests may not be effective in capturing the full spectrum of a child’s understanding and abilities. Instead, using diverse assessment methods can offer a holistic view of each child's progress, skills, and areas for improvement.

  79. Students progress should be assessed on daily weekly monthly and yearly basis as that teacher can try her best to make learning at most effective manner

  80. Ultimate aim of assessment is to observe the learning gaps and help the child to flourish

  81. Making a group and ask to
    do something creative.Observe everyone.

  82. Continuous Observations are a great way of assessing students at this level Oral skills can be assessed through recitation reading engaging students into activities and conversation too is v effective way of assessing

  83. children are assessed by observation, preparing portfolio, seeing their performances, observing their peer assessment, observing their self assessment,

  84. Yes only observation is the best here to assess them.

  85. 1. Observation-Based Assessment
    Watching children during play, group activities, or class interactions.
    Notes on their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.
    2. Portfolio Assessment
    Collecting samples of the child’s work over time, such as drawings, crafts, or activity sheets.
    Helps track progress and showcases their learning journey.
    3. Play-Based Assessment
    Using games, puzzles, or role-playing to observe skills like counting, problem-solving, or collaboration.
    Example: Assessing math skills through a sorting or matching game.
    4. Oral Assessments
    Asking open-ended questions or having conversations to gauge understanding.
    Example: "Can you explain how you built this tower?"
    5. Activity-Based Assessment
    Designing tasks like storytelling, block-building, or simple experiments to assess creativity, reasoning, and motor skills.

  86. Assessment is a tool that helps us to know how comfortable the learner is at one particular learning level and how smoothly she/he can be elevated to the next level.
    Assessments should be specific; brief; feedback oriented; spontaneous & planned as well;
    Assessments can be done in different learning areas like personal, social & emotional; cognitive; creativity; communication & language;
    Observational-Bubble talk; free-play; structured play-jig-saw puzzles; maze; team race; individual race;dance; Oral & auditory-story-telling; rhymes; role-playing; picture-talk; object talk; songs;; Game based-digital designed game; sankes &ladders; ; small group games; individual;

  87. The assessment can be a day to day basis also. For small children it can be in any form. Oral, activity, expression, creative, drawing whatever can be done in school in any form.

  88. Continuous Assessment on daily basis should be done. Children should also be assessed on the basis of their response in the class, activities, creativity, speaking skills, puzzles, quiz, games etc.

  89. The teacher should do daily assessment based on observations, peer assessment, creative expression, participation in school events.

  90. Continuous and comprehensive assessment based on observation of class response, drawing skills puzzles and quizzes

  91. Observation,oral discussion, practical demonstration, portfolio can be used yo assess children

  92. Children should also be assessed on the basis of their response in the class, activities, creativity, speaking skills etc

  93. Children should be assessed continously based on skill taught, language and motoe skills

  94. Assessments should be done through observation, speaking , engaging activities and exploring surroundings.

  95. Due to assignment students will learn some extra knowledge about topics

  96. For assessment :
    1. Use of puzzles to check cognitive level
    2. Use of flashcards to initiate discussion or check recall an recognition ability regarding the learned content.
    3. Asking about the morals of the story while assessing for written content.

  97. For assessment:
    1. Use of flashcards
    2. Use of puzzles.
    3. Dramatization of characters read in the story

  98. Formative Assessment, through portfolio, note book, through varios teaching aids

  99. There are different types of assessment, like role plays, story telling, group discussion

  100. Continuous evaluation/assessment of the learner should be there

  101. Continuous evaluation will help the educators to find problems

  102. Formative assessment, summative assesment, diagnostic assessment


  104. At the Foundation Stage, assessments for children primarily rely on observation of their daily activities, analyzing their created artifacts, and using anecdotal records.

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  106. Observational assessments, Portfolio based assessments, performance based assessments, Peer assessment, self assessment, story telling and narratives.

  107. Oral assessments, performance-based assessments, self-assessments

  108. Observation, oral and written test, activities and assessment.

  109. Formative assessment
    Assertive assessment
    And activity based assessment

  110. Assessment like listening, oral, pen paper, quiz and puzzles
    Group discussion, debates can be conducted.


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