Course 09: Activity 6: Share Your Thoughts

To assess the child on number operations, a teacher frames a question paper at the end of the lesson with multiple choice questions only. Another teacher divides the concept of number operations into smaller sub-units and observes how the child responds to activities designed for each sub-unit. The teacher maintains a file of each child's sample work done in that unit in a portfolio and uses it to write the report looking at their portfolio. Which strategy would you like to adopt in your class and why? Share your thoughts. 


  1. Replies
    1. I will opt for second method to know level of each individual child present in class.

    2. I would adopt the second teacher's strategy, which involves dividing the concept into smaller sub-units, observing student responses, and maintaining a portfolio of sample work. This approach provides a more comprehensive and nuanced assessment of the child's understanding of number operations. By breaking down the concept into smaller parts, the teacher can identify specific strengths and weaknesses, and tailor instruction to meet individual needs. The portfolio also serves as a valuable record of student progress over time.

  2. I would use the strategy of portfolio. This strategy would help in assessing the child continuously.

  3. I will goes on second method.

  4. I will opt for second one because it will help me to know that whether a child is clear with the concept of not ..

  5. I will opt for the best question pattern as per the requirement of assessment in the math class.

  6. I will opt for the best question pattern as per the requirement of assessment in the math class.


  7. Observation method is the best way to keep a track of performance of the students which can help the teacher to understand the concept clarity of the students.Whereas MCQ pattern will just help to know objective based knowledge and not the critical or application based.

  8. I would like to use 2 activity. 1. I'll divide the unit in small sub units and will keep checking the progress by testing my students with the help of MCQs. I'll identify the common wrong answers and remediate in the class before moving to the next chapter.

  9. I prefer number 3 option. I keep one diary to assess the students individually and continuously.

  10. I would definitely go for the second option because it can help me to take care of each student individually and make continuous efforts with MCQs questions.

  11. strategy 2 is more effective as it keeps a check on individual progress of child .

  12. I would prepare a MCQ question paper and also maintain a profile for each and every child.

  13. I'll adopt 2nd option from above and maintain file of students.

  14. I would definitely go to the second option

  15. I will opt for second option because it will help me to know about a child whether he/ she is clear with the concept or not.

  16. Try Mcq and a bit of second method

  17. I would choose the second option because it show me how child is getting answer...... Means the way.

  18. The second options for individual growth in learning process.

  19. Different methods can be followed because.we can allow students to prepare question bank by giving small sub concepts of their own interest. They can make chart models experiment,can keep the records of observations.Through all these activities teacher can matain the report of pupils performance.

  20. There is not just a single strategy to assess the child...I will choose it according to the situation

  21. I would adopt the second strategy and asses the child.

  22. I would go with second method of assessment as it has scope to give better picture of student understanding/learning

  23. Second method would better help in understanding.

  24. I will go for the 2nd option because there is continuous assessment and the teacher can get to know about the child's learning gaps and can guide the child accordingly.

  25. It's depending upon the child's ability, Some body says the correct answer directly and some body can only identify the correct answer from choice. Assessments are different kinds. Choose the method whichever applicable.

  26. Children who comes to school are belong to diverse communities. Hence it's better to which method is adaptable.

  27. Observation, portfolio, rubrics yoon activity, play way are some of the methods of assessments.

  28. Portfolio strategy would be far better for promoting holistic development with integrated approach.

  29. Observation, play way method and use of portfolio is the way forward for holistic education of the children.

  30. I would rather choose the second option because it ensures that the students had learned the number operations.

  31. I will chose the second way of assessing. Since this method will explain about the child

  32. I will adopt the second method for assessment because it will give a better way to diagnose the areas in each sub unit where students are facing trouble. Teacher can accordingly scaffhold

  33. I prefer the second one.

  34. I will opt for the best question pattern as per the requirement of assessment in the math class.

  35. i will adopt formative assessment pattern as it help me to help child where he need it

  36. We will adapt the 2nd strategy as it vl give the clear understanding of each and every concept of the student and it also increases the confidence of the child.

  37. Anyhow the methods applying to teach are varies between child to child.

  38. i will go with question pattern

  39. The second one is preferable because by this child might be struggling and provides opportunities for target.

  40. The second opinion would be preferable as because individual attention could be given to each student.

  41. I will opt for the second opinion.

  42. I will opt for the second option as that would help me to assess the child at multiple domains.

  43. I will adapt the method of the teacher who divides the concept of number operations into smaller sub-units and observes how the child responds to activities designed for each sub-unit. I'll maintain a file of each child's sample work done in that unit in a portfolio and uses it to write the report looking at their portfolio.

  44. Second method is more appropriate.

  45. The second teacher's strategy is better. It is more reliable and precise and provides an opportunity to analyse and correct the learning deficiencies.

  46. The second method is better.

  47. I would use a portfolio method as it helps to keep a track of the child's day by day progress

  48. I will opt for second method to know about the progress of the child

  49. The second method.
    Because every child should learn and since every child has different learning outcome hence the teacher has to assess the child continuously

  50. Second method. Continuous learning assessment

  51. I will opt for the second one

  52. I prefer the second teacher's strategy as it provides a detailed, ongoing assessment through activities and portfolios, allowing for personalized feedback and a deeper understanding of number operations.

  53. would use the strategy of portfolio. This strategy would help in assessing the child continuously.

  54. I would like to use the second method. It will help me to know the child better.

  55. Second method because it gives an opportunity to lokk into every child's fln skills.

  56. I would adopt the second strategy. Dividing the concept into smaller sub-units and observing activities provides a deeper understanding of each child's grasp of the material. Using a portfolio to track progress offers a comprehensive view of their skills and areas for improvement, leading to more personalized and effective feedback.

  57. I would adopt the second strategy, where the concept of number operations is divided into smaller sub-units, and the child's progress is observed through activities designed for each sub-unit, with their work collected in a portfolio.

  58. MCQ would be the first way to teach apart from that we can also apply play way methods. Like with colour full balls . We can access a students learning through the ways that attracts a child

  59. I would use the strategy of portfolio. This strategy would help in assessing the child continuously.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I will opt for second one because it will help me to know that whether a child is clear with the concept of not.

  62. I will opt for the second one to know the level of understanding of individual child.

  63. Using different assessment strategies and changing each as per feasiblity . it should be flexible as per the needs of the class.

  64. I'll break down the complex concepts into manageable parts and use MCQ

  65. I will use second method. As after every subtopic checking of the understanding of that particular concept is important then only teacher can go further to the next concept.

  66. I will use the 2nd method as it will enable me to check each aspect of learning and also know where the problem lies so that that issue is addressed and worked upon

  67. I would adopt the second strategy of dividing the concept into smaller sub-units and using portfolio-based assessment. Here's why:

    Holistic Understanding: Breaking down number operations into sub-units allows me to assess specific skills (e.g., addition, subtraction, place value) and identify precisely where a child needs support.

    Active Engagement: Activity-based assessments make learning interactive and enjoyable, fostering better conceptual understanding.

    Individualized Feedback: Portfolios provide a comprehensive view of each child’s progress over time, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

    Personalized Learning: Observing responses to activities helps tailor teaching strategies to suit individual learning styles.

    Encourages Reflection: Portfolios encourage children to reflect on their own work, promoting self-awareness and accountability for learning.

  68. I wish to adopt the strategy of dividing the concept into smaller unite & maintain a portfolio of the work done by the child.

  69. Portfolio assessment Portfolio is a collection of students' work representing a selection of performance. It often documents a student's best work. It may also include information such as drafts of his/her work, his/herself assessment of work, and parents' assessment.

  70. I would like to adopt the strategy of second teacher wherein the sub topics will be divided for the better understanding of students.

  71. I would like to opt for second method to know level of each individual child present in my class as it will give me better idea to clear their concepts.

  72. I feel like the second teacher method is a correct way to assess. As activities play a major role.

  73. Observation method is the best way to keep a track of performance of the students which can help the teacher to understand the concept clarity of the students. Whereas MCQ pattern will just help to know objective based knowledge and not the critical or application based.

  74. Second option is the better option as it will help a teacher to judge the students in a better way.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. As a teacher, I would prefer the second strategy—dividing the concept of number operations into smaller sub-units, observing how children respond to activities, and maintaining a portfolio of their work.

    This approach aligns well with continuous and comprehensive assessment, which is particularly effective for young learners in pre-primary and primary grades. Here’s why I believe it is more beneficial:

    Child-Centered Learning – Breaking down number operations into sub-units allows children to grasp concepts at their own pace and in a meaningful way. It also helps in identifying specific areas where a child may need more support.

    Holistic Assessment – Instead of relying only on a test, this method evaluates learning through activities, discussions, and hands-on experiences, giving a more accurate picture of a child’s understanding and skills.

    Encourages Active Engagement – Observing students during activities provides real-time insights into their problem-solving strategies and thought processes, making assessment an ongoing and interactive process.

    Portfolio-Based Reflection – Maintaining a file of students’ work helps in tracking their progress over time. This provides rich documentation of learning and serves as evidence for both teachers and parents.

    Reduces Stress – Young children may feel pressured or anxious during a formal test. Activity-based assessment allows them to demonstrate their learning in a comfortable, natural setting.

    Overall, this approach ensures that assessment is formative, developmental, and supportive rather than just a judgment of final scores. It helps in making informed decisions about further teaching strategies, ensuring that each child gets the guidance they need.

  77. Both methods are useful to check the understanding of child in handling single operation problem and multiple operation problem


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