Course 11: Activity 6: Share Your Ideas

 Think about one ICT tool that you can use during remote learning. How will you use it to make your teaching learning process interactive and help students to understand the basic content being taught? Share your ideas. 


  1. Integration of ICT in Teaching - Learning and Assessment

    1. ICT is an important tool during online classes. Live worksheets is a good example for students

    2. Online quizzes and simulation games can make the classes lively and interesting to the students. The students are able to grasp concepts faster and ensures constructive learning approach.

    3. I would like to use youtube videos to share important information and visual imagery. I would also like to use Microsoft TEAMS to conduct online classes. With the help of TEAMS I would be able to interact with students, and they can answer my questions or share their opinions through chat box.

    4. I used Google classroom to make my ward attend the classes and explain the topics with the help of digital board and video content from different platforms to make their understanding better. I used Google forms to take their assessments during pandemic.

    5. Interactive videos, Online quizzes, Geogebra, Test on MS Form and simulation games can make the classes lively and interesting to the students. The students are able to grasp concepts faster and ensures constructive learning approach.

  2. Teachers should use ICT to introduce, reinforce, extend, enrich, assess and remediate student mastery of curricular targets.

  3. ICT is an effective tool during online classes. Liveworksheets is a good example.

  4. making use of interactive liveworksheets.

  5. ICT is a very effective tool for effective learning . In modern days it is a need of time that we use technology in learning . By using ICT learning can be long lasting.

  6. ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology. As the name suggests are tools that handle information and produce, store, and disseminate information. ICT comprises of both old and new tools. Old tools include radio, TV, Telephone. New tools comprise computers, satellites, the Internet, and wireless technology.

  7. Animation, text, interaction, drawing and painting,quiz.solving etc

  8. Replies
    1. ICT comprises of both old and new tools. Old tools include radio, TV, Telephone. New tools comprise computers, satellites, the Internet, and wireless technology.

    2. In modern days it is a need of time that we use technology in learning . By using ICT learning can be long lasting.

  9. Google Form Quizzes, Animation, drawing, painting, VR

  10. Ict tool - You tube for various Scientific experiments and their working. We can also use Augmented Reality to do all these. Students will learn the Demonstration and practical applications of various Scientific Principles, inventions ,activities, etc.

  11. ICT tools can make learning easy, full of curiosity and with fun ..

  12. ICT is an effective tool during online classes.By using ICT teaching can be long lasting.

  13. Remote learning us something where teacher is virtually teaching the students. ICT helps to bridge the gap between students and teacher. Teacher can very effectively teach the concept with visuals, videos, pictures, audio clip etc appeal the senses of students during remote learning.

  14. I may use self made videos and share

  15. The teachers can use Whatsapp as one of the ICT tools for remote learning. It can be interactive also and can be revised by the students several times.

  16. During remote learning as a teacher we could use ICT Tools like whatsapp, youtube, google meet etc to make our teaching learning process for intarective and help students to understand the basic content being tought.These tools could make fun,intrest and meaningfull teaching learning process both students and teachers.

  17. It has many feature.....ICT is an effective tool during online classes.By using ICT teaching can be long lasting.

  18. The teacher can use WhatsApp as one of the learning material

    1. learning material can be sent to children through app

  19. One ICT tool that I would prefer to use during remote learning is quizzes. It is very useful to make our teaching learning process interactive and help students to understand the basic content being taught. .

  20. We can use pebbles, sticks or waste clothes or materials as ICT tools and can make concept understand in fun ways..

  21. E pathshala is one of the ICT tool to explore and it will be helpful

  22. We can use, Google, Ms-Powepoint, ms word, Email also Diksha.

  23. ICT is very helpfulin the case of remote learning. visuals, videos, pictures, audios etc..can be used to make learning fun.

  24. ICT enhances interest and excitement in students which in turn encourage them to try out new things,explore and build their knowledge

  25. ICT is helpful for online classes for teaching and interacting and live worksheet for assessing children

  26. ICT is very effective tool to enrich teaching learning experience when used appropriately

  27. ICT is an important and helpful tool.

  28. I can use different tools like..
    Google meet
    E pathshala for textbooks
    Jam board
    Live worksheets to keep students engaged and productive

  29. Google classroom is free blended learning platform that offers a variety of benefits for both students and teacher.

  30. At the foundational and preparatory stages of school education, ICT (Information and Communication Technology) plays a pivotal role in supporting teaching, learning, and assessment. Through interactive educational software, multimedia presentations, and online resources, ICT engages students, making learning more interactive and enjoyable. It facilitates personalized learning experiences, allowing students to learn at their own pace and style. Moreover, ICT enables teachers to assess students' understanding effectively through online quizzes, interactive exercises, and digital assessments, providing immediate feedback for both teachers and students. Overall, ICT enhances the teaching-learning-assessment process, making it more dynamic, efficient, and student-centered.

  31. A teacher can use different platform like Google Meet, Zoom etc. where we can use interactive PPTs as well as listening labs online to enhance teaching learning.

  32. Using OLabs for the chemistry practicals will make them experience real lab atmosphere without any harmful injuries.

  33. I like to use Tux paint to express their views on the learnt concept

  34. Google classroom, microsoft teams,

  35. Simulation works out well .it makes lively classroom atmosphere

  36. Number of ICT Tools can be used for different teaching contents.Using Google meet for online classes, getting live worksheets,simulations are really helpful which I would like to involve in my teaching.

  37. ICT helps us to make our students' learning very useful. It is to extend, enrich and assess the learning experiences of the students.

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  42. We can use various ICT tools for assessment to keep students engaged and productive. These include:

    Live Worksheets
    Google Forms
    These tools offer interactive and varied methods for assessing students' understanding and maintaining their interest in the learning process.

  43. ICT is a important tool. ICT making use of interactive Liveworksheets.

  44. Various live worksheet and sites are available to make the class interesting and joyful.

  45. Online tools like Google Forms and cloud based tools for TLA plays a vital role in remote learning and assessment process

  46. Simulation is best for science teaching

  47. Even Google classroom would be good for classroom interaction

  48. ICT, which stands for Information and Communications Technology, encompasses tools that manage information and facilitate its production, storage, and distribution. It includes both traditional tools, such as radio, TV, and telephone, as well as modern tools like computers, satellites and wireless technology.

  49. various ICT tools such as google workspace, kahoot app, live worksheets, etc can help enhance the understanding of students.

  50. Drawing, painting,animation etc are very useful in learning of classification of objects having same color, shape, size etc

  51. ICT tools can be used in various way to inculcate education to the children in more fun way like using Paint, Google Classroom, PPT module and various other

  52. We can use power point, name picker, videos , Google classroom to make our teaching effective,

  53. ICT TOOLS:
    Online classes (Google classroom)
    Live Worksheets
    Digital assessment
    Online quiz
    YouTube videos

  54. Google meet, Microsoft Teams, AI tools like Google lens, Quick draw, etc., online quizes

  55. ICT enhance the learning objectives with particular interest. Class room activity can be turned into fun learning with the help of digital technology.any activities can be conducted online and kept for further analysis rather than assessment only through tests.

  56. ICT is a tool that helps in digitilization

  57. ICT plays a vital role in teaching learning process

  58. collaboration encourages interaction among students even in remote settings.

  59. ICT is a very effective tool for effective learning . In modern days it is a need of time that we use technology in learning . By using ICT learning can be long lasting.

  60. ICT is an important tool for efficient teaching

  61. ICT integration can take teaching learning process a long way forward

  62. ICT Tools: Google classroom, Tux Paint, Tux math, Eduactiv8, Gcompris etc

  63. ict is an important tool

  64. Various valuable educational videos of related subjects available on internet, youtube provide additional help in better understanding of subject knowledge.

  65. Geogebra and google meet are important ict tools which enhances teaching learning process.

  66. Empowering children with ict will create an interest for learning and. enhance their creativity

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  68. Teachers should use ICT to introduce, apply, extend, enrich, assess and remediate the mastery of students as well as achieving curricular targets.

  69. To keep pupils motivated and productive, we can employ a variety of ICT tools for evaluation.

  70. Teacher can use animated videos and worksheets and variety of ICT tools.

  71. ICT like google classroom, online classes, google online quizzes provide real date and time of students learning process. It have been benefit for achieving many curriculum assessment.

  72. ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology. As the name suggests are tools that handle information and produce, store, and disseminate information. ICT comprises of both old and new tools. Old tools include radio, TV, Telephone. New tools comprise computers, satellites, the Internet, and wireless technology.

  73. ICT can make lively class room

  74. ICT is a important tool for children

  75. ICT enhances interest and excitement in students which in turn encourage them to try out new things,explore and build their knowledge

  76. It fosters effective communication between teacher and students.

  77. I would use Zoom for remote learning, utilizing its breakout rooms for small group discussions and interactive features like polls and quizzes to engage students and reinforce understanding of basic content.

  78. CT is an important tool during online classes. Live worksheets is a good example for students

  79. I would use microsoft teams and zoom for remote learning because both are extremely user friendly

  80. ICT is an important tool during online classes. Live worksheets is a good example for students

  81. ICT took helps to explain the concept in an easy way. We can prepare quizzes and make them to understand well

  82. Google form, Google classroom, zoom meeting

  83. One effective ICT tool for remote learning is Padlet. It’s a versatile digital platform that allows for the creation of interactive boards where users can post notes, images, videos, and links

  84. ICT is an important tool in today's modern world in the field of teaching . Children find it interesting while learning digitally. Quizzes can be organised which is very beneficial for the children.

  85. One effective ICT tool for remote learning is Google Classroom. I would use it to share interactive lessons, quizzes, and videos. It allows students to participate in discussions, submit assignments, and receive instant feedback, making the learning process more engaging and helping them understand the content better.

  86. Online classes in zoom or Google meet can generate different learning experience for the children during holidays and vacation can make them in touch in learning process.

  87. Powerpoint presentation, pictures can be used

  88. ICT tools like Google meet, Microsoft teams can be used to conduct online classes for students in remote areas. We can make worksheets , create quizes and ppt by using Microsoft powerpoints to engage students in the class. We can show informative videos related to particular topics to the students , so that there will be better understanding of the topics.

  89. One effective ICT tool for remote learning is Zoom with its interactive features like breakout rooms, polls, and screen sharing. I will use Zoom to facilitate group discussions, conduct live quizzes, and provide real-time feedback on students’ work, making the learning process engaging and ensuring a deeper understanding of the content.

  90. Apps like google meet or zoom can be used to conduct online classes. Apps like teachmint, kahoot, quizzez e.t.c can be used for conducting assessment as they are interactive and can be used during class times itself. Augmented reality can be used to make the classes more interesting. For this we can make use of apps which are available in play store itself like Fectar.

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  92. One effective ICT tool I could use during remote learning is Kahoot. I will use it to create interactive quizzes and polls related to the topics being taught. This will engage students in a fun, game-like environment while assessing their understanding of the content.

  93. Think about one ICT tool that you can use during remote learning. How will you use it to make your teaching learning process interactive and help students to understand the basic content being taught? Share your ideas.

    Quiz topic wise using Kahoot, Quizlia, Quizalice, etc. Teaching can be made interactive using it students ranks
    Using geogebra, simulations, animated videos, ppt, audio visual aids.

  94. I would like to use youtube videos to share important information and visual imagery. I would also like to use Google classroom to conduct online classes.

  95. Online assessments can be used to evaluate students' skills, knowledge, and learning quiz and game platform too help learners take up learning eagerly

  96. Smart boards and interactive online quizzes will help to enhance knowledge of students

  97. I'll use ICT in class by giving them opportiunity to match the picts with the alphabet by using software

  98. Tux math ,geoboard and all ICT links shared is wonderful resources for teaching

  99. One ICT tool I would use for remote learning is Kahoot. Kahoot allows me to create fun, interactive quizzes that engage students and make learning exciting. I can use it to review basic content by designing quizzes related to the lesson, like math problems or vocabulary questions. During the quiz, students answer questions in real-time, and we can discuss the answers together. This keeps them involved, encourages participation, and helps reinforce key concepts in an enjoyable way.

  100. ICT experiment is a revolution in the field of education.

  101. ICT enables teachers to assess students' understanding effectively through online quizzes, interactive exercises, and digital assessments, providing immediate feedback for both teachers and students. Overall, ICT enhances the teaching-learning-assessment process, making it more dynamic, efficient, and student-centered.

  102. Wonderful teaching learning process

  103. One effective ICT tool for remote learning is Zoom. It can be used to make teaching interactive by incorporating features like screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, and breakout rooms. I can share colorful presentations, videos, or animations to explain basic concepts visually. Using the whiteboard, I can draw or write in real time, encouraging students to participate actively. Breakout rooms allow for small group discussions or activities, fostering collaboration. Polls and quizzes keep students engaged and help assess understanding. Additionally, I can record sessions for students to revisit, ensuring no one falls behind and learning remains accessible to all.

  104. “Technology will never replace great teachers, but in the hands of great teachers, it’s transformational.” – George Couros

    ICT tools for teaching and learning make the teaching experience fun for both the students and teachers.

    Google Classroom

    Google Classroom, as the name suggests, is a virtual classroom that makes learning easy and fun. Teachers can integrate educational apps or websites and create interactive assignments.

    Slideshow, a small game, or an entertaining YouTube video full of information can be included. This way, kids learn better and enjoy their learning experience.

    Google Classroom also allows to go paperless. Paperless assignments can be created and students can be graded within a few minutes. This way, time can be saved and Teachers can focus more on improving the learning experience.

    A separate drive folder can be created for assignments, grade sheets, attendance sheets, etc. and can be accessed on mobile or laptops.

    Google Classroom allows virtual meetings. Parent-Teacher meeting sessions can be hosted online and It’s beneficial both for the Teachers and the Parents.

    All in all, Google Classroom offers a complete solution for online teaching.

  105. During remote learning as a teacher we could use ICT Tools like whatsapp, youtube, google meet etc to make our teaching learning process for intarective and help students to understand the basic content being tought.These tools could make fun,intrest and meaningfull teaching learning process both students and teachers

  106. Google Classroom also allows to go paperless. Paperless assignments can be created and students can be graded within a few minutes. This way, time can be saved and Teachers can focus more on improving the learning experience.

  107. Live worksheets,you tube videos,animation,different apps,online quizzes etc enhances the teaching-learning-assessment process, making it more dynamic, efficient, and student-centered.The students are able to grasp concepts faster.

  108. I can use Google meet and incorporate tools like videos and quizzes to help the students learn in better way.

  109. Online quizzes, youtube videos, live worksheets can be used for making online interactions with the students more ineresting.

  110. I will use online quizzes and you tube videos

  111. Teachers can integrate educational apps or websites and create interactive assignments. You can include a slideshow, a small game, or an entertaining YouTube video full of information. This way, kids learn better and enjoy their learning experience. Also, Google Classroom allows you to go paperless.

  112. ICT Tools:
    Google form, Google classroom, zoom

  113. Different tools can be used as a ICT Platform

  114. Varieties of tools are available as a ICT platform.

  115. ### **ICT Tool: Google Classroom**

    **Why Google Classroom?**
    Google Classroom is an effective ICT tool for remote learning as it allows teachers to share lessons, conduct assessments, facilitate discussions, and provide real-time feedback. It creates an organized, interactive, and accessible learning environment for students.


    ### **How to Use Google Classroom for Interactive Learning**

    #### **1. Delivering Content in an Engaging Way**
    📌 **Use:** Upload lesson materials, videos, and interactive slides.
    🔹 **Example:** If teaching *"Water Cycle"*, I would:
    - Share a short YouTube video explaining the process.
    - Upload images and infographics to simplify complex terms.
    - Provide a short reading passage with key vocabulary highlighted.

    #### **2. Encouraging Student Interaction**
    📌 **Use:** Discussion boards and question prompts.
    🔹 **Example:** After watching the video, I would post a discussion question like:
    *"What would happen if there were no evaporation? Reply with your thoughts!"*
    Students can respond in the comment section, promoting critical thinking and engagement.

    #### **3. Conducting Live Q&A and Doubt Sessions**
    📌 **Use:** Google Meet integration for live classes.
    🔹 **Example:** Schedule a 30-minute interactive session where students can ask questions in real time, ensuring concept clarity.

    #### **4. Enhancing Learning with Quizzes & Assignments**
    📌 **Use:** Google Forms for quizzes and self-assessments.
    🔹 **Example:** Create a multiple-choice quiz on the *water cycle* where students get instant feedback on their answers.

    #### **5. Collaborative Learning & Group Activities**
    📌 **Use:** Google Docs & Jamboard for teamwork.
    🔹 **Example:** Assign small groups to create a **digital storybook** on "A Drop of Water’s Journey" using Google Slides.

    #### **6. Supporting Students with Limited Internet Access**
    📌 **Use:** Offline mode & scheduled assignments.
    🔹 **Example:** Upload lesson materials in advance so students can download and access them even when offline.


    ### **Conclusion**
    By using Google Classroom, I can make remote learning **interactive, engaging, and accessible** while ensuring that students actively participate, collaborate, and understand the content effectively.

  116. One ICT tool that can be incredibly effective in remote learning is **Kahoot!**, a game-based learning platform. It allows educators to create quizzes, surveys, and interactive games that students can join in real-time using their devices. Here’s how I would use Kahoot! to make the teaching and learning process interactive:

  117. One ICT tool that stands out for remote learning is Zoom (or similar video conferencing platforms). Here's how I would use it to make the teaching-learning process interactive and help students understand the basic content like Real-Time Interaction and Engagement, Interactive Polls and Quizzes, Interactive Hands-On Activities, etc.

  118. During remote learning as a teacher we could use ICT Tools like whatsapp, youtube, google meet etc to make our teaching learning process for intarective and help students to understand the basic content being tought.These tools could make fun,intrest and meaningfull teaching learning process both students and teachers.

  119. During remote learning as a teacher, I would use Google Classroom. For smooth communication between teachers and students, to publish classwork, homework, worksheets, and assignments.

  120. Online quizzes and simulation games can make the classes lively and interesting to the students.


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