Course 04: Activity 2: Share Your Ideas

 Take a moment and think about the difficulties you generally face in school and try to find out which difficulties can be solved by the SMC members and parents around you.  Now as teachers try to reflect on how these people should be approached and asked to make the situation better. Share your ideas.


  1. Teachers try to reflect on how these people should be approached

    1. The students who are regularly absent to the school and who are not putting interest in learning then the teacher interact with the parents what is the real problem behind that kind of behaviour

    2. Students who show little interest in studies, are frequently absent and of course the parents who do not appreciate the teacher’s efforts or practices to help the child beg in track.
      I believe it is important for caregivers to keep an eye on the child’s class work notebooks as well as the concepts they are being taught in school, the follow-up activities to determine their understanding is equally important. The communication should be open from both ends and not judgemental but supportive

  2. Regular and healthy interaction with the parents to make them familiar about the concept and importance of fln

  3. finding schoolwork difficult, or having problems concentrating in class if others are noisy and disruptive
    exam stress
    tricky relationships with friends and friendship groups

  4. I find the problems of Absenteeism at school. This problem will be solved by SMC and parents. I call them time and again and organize counseling programs.

  5. For drop -out problem,we can talk with SMC and parents about the reason and for regular attendance also we can held meeting with SMC and parents.

  6. SMC can support with regards to the infrastructure. The needs of teachers with regards to literature and other support material. Teacher can totally focus on students upliftment and overall development...

  7. We can control the no. of dropped out children with the help of SMC

  8. The problems i faced in school are irregular and unpunctuality of students,behavior,health related problem and lack of awareness of parents about the overall development of learners.Envolment of parents and SMC are very crucial in holistic development of students together we can achive the goal of FLN programme successfully.

  9. academic support and infrastructure improvement are key areas SMC members can address. Teachers should approach SMC with specific proposals, emphasizing the positive impact on student learning. Engaging parents through regular meetings and communication channels helps build understanding and collaboration. A respectful, solution-oriented approach, highlighting mutual benefits, fosters a supportive partnership. Together, educators, SMC members, and parents can enhance the school environment for student success.

  10. As a student, I often encounter challenges like bullying, resource shortages, academic struggles, and wellness concerns. SMC members and parents can play pivotal roles in resolving these issues by advocating for anti-bullying policies, securing resources, providing academic support, promoting wellness initiatives, and ensuring inclusive education practices. To engage them effectively, teachers should initiate open dialogue, communicate clearly, highlight solutions, empower stakeholders, and maintain ongoing feedback loops. Through collaborative efforts, we can cultivate a supportive school environment that nurtures student well-being and academic success.

  11. There are some students in every class who are not able to achieve the MLL. If parents are taking a little interest at home to associate them surely they will be able to overcome the fear of studies.

  12. Regular and healthy interaction with the parents to make them familiar about the concept.

  13. Problem faced:
    Less cooperation from parents side in terms of giving enough practice or study time to children.
    Problem solved:
    By having one to one interaction with the parents, continuous counseling, and through SMC meetings, message can be conveyed

  14. Its important to involve parents and communities for FLN. For early learning and understanding the concept and numeracy parent have to communicate with school and teachers..

  15. Regular and healthy discussions will be organised.

  16. I think it is some time relatable ...We can control the no. of dropped out children with the help of SMC

  17. Irregularity in attendance, home works, reading etc must be check by smc members and parents too

  18. School Management Committees took a key role of the absentees to the school. They meet the parents of the absentees and explain the advantages of the government welfare schemes. So the parents get knowledge in this area and encourage the students.

  19. Some children are irregular to school. Also homework is incomplete. Parents need to take keen interest in the child's progress

  20. Regarding the school safety I am very sensitive and sometimes some children or
    person of the locality create problems with school water supply or kitchen garden of school in this critical stage strong bond with the SMC and and families helps a lot

  21. Parental involvement is very necessary for the overall growth of the child.

  22. Neligance of parents towards studies and skill development in early age.
    Sometimes SMC and higher authorities have to be strict about parents behaviour.
    It should be compulsory to attend ptm and understand the way of teaching to child.
    Sometimes infra , material related issues are there.
    In such situations SMC and higher authorities should take initiative and solve issue.

  23. An open and a free space of interaction should be maintained for betterment of the education.

  24. PTM should be conducted and executive members may be approached to help.

  25. Time to time interaction with parents is very helpful to make a healthy learning atmosphere.

  26. The problems faced in class is regular absence of the child without proper reason and behavior in class and completion of work on time. But all this can be solved by speaking to the parents.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. We can call the parents teacher meeting atleast in a month and discuss about our problems concerning our students health, studies, school infrastructure and so on and find solutions to our problems.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Parents encouraged to participate

  31. Problems faced in the classroom is absence of the students without any particular reason, health issues, not completing the assessments at a given time etc.these problems can be identified regularly and suggest the parents, students for their better performance

  32. Partnership is very important in this age,this is the growth stage of kids,it's important to improve all skills from childhood in kids

  33. Collaboration of parent,teacher and student partnership and their coordination is very important in improving the teaching-learning process.

  34. The problems we often faced in our time is the discussion issue...but regular interactions with parents and teachers can make the teaching learning process more easier

  35. To enhance performance of students

  36. 1)Students Registration through online is helpful for both the school and parents as it saves alot of time stadind queues.
    2)Managing appropriate acourses effectively is very essential for school to come up with accustomed to requirement of the institution.

  37. We conduct 3-4 PTM in a year, 1st at the opening and last at the closing session of the school and 2 just after the first (inJuly) and second(in October)
    Semester. Mostly dicuss about
    child's academic performance , health, behavior, how they feel about the school life and how do the children help in household chores as we all knew that education is not only about reading and writing. Its about all round development of the child.

  38. Parents can play a crucial role in fostering the right mix of values and can share ideas with the teachers for better understanding of the child.

  39. PTMs are the strong way to have transparency in the real efforts made at home and in school for the betterment of students.It is the real tool in hand to plan a combined effort for the same. PTMs should be scheduled monthly for primary children . But on the same hand urgent meetings are required as per the situation arises. Also regular conversations on weekly basis are required for students who need help.

  40. Counsel parents. Interact on a regular basis about Ward's performance

  41. The difficulty faced is children not doing HW not bringing activity materials, not able to read and write by themselves.
    The SMC and parents can support the teachers in this case by conducting orientation, PTM and in advance announcement material required for activities to parents.

  42. Regular interaction with parents will help

  43. Problem faced
    Less cooperation from parents side in terms of completing homework, regular practice problems solving.
    Problem solved
    By having one to one interaction , continuous councelling through SMC meeting.

  44. Student who has less interest in studies could be continuously monitored with the help of parents and SMC members and regular meeting with them by the teacher could help to find the lifestyle and the means to improve the wards overall development.

  45. It's crucial for caregivers to actively monitor their child's academic progress by reviewing classwork and understanding the concepts taught in school. Equally important is engaging in follow-up activities to gauge the child's comprehension. Open and supportive communication between parents and teachers is essential, fostering a collaborative and non-judgmental environment aimed at helping the child succeed.

  46. Children sometimes find it difficult to complete their tasks and parents are also reluctant to participate in their child's progress. A balanced collaboration and mutual undersatnding is needed to actively work for child's progress.

  47. We can bring change in students who are not focusing on class room activities with the help of parents.

  48. As a teacher , must attend to the problems of stress of students to develop a better teaching learning atmosphere

  49. Parents encouraged to participate.

  50. Parents can ensure regularity in attendance.
    Appreciation prizes can be given regularly
    Motivational classes can be held

  51. Regular and healthy interaction with the parents to make them familiar about the concept and importance of Foundation Literacy and Numeracy.

  52. Students sometimes find it difficult to complete their tasks on their own and need help and guidance at home. A balanced collaboration and mutual understanding is needed to actively work for child's progress. SMCs serve as a bridge between parents, teachers, and the school administration, promoting transparency, accountability, and quality education. Their active involvement contributes significantly to building a strong parent-teacher relationship and ensuring better educational outcomes for students.

  53. As mentioned in the NEP 2020 PTMs play a crucial role in solving most of the problems.Our school is a local body school ZPHS .All the children come from agricultural families.The parents say that they find very less time to spend with their children. Most of the parents are illiterates and they complain that they cannot monitor the students in completing their home assignments.Many a times the parents take their children to the fields to assist them,thereby students dropout from the class for some days.

  54. Request for adult interactions

  55. PTM's or PTI's play a major role so as to initially build a communication bridge and eventually a connect so strong that parents start sharing even day to day apprehensions with their ward's CT so as to seek guidance and answers. The trust is very high if you have a good connect with the parents and this helps in finding out solutions to each and every problem. Those good connects also become bridge between other parents of the same class/school by building a smaller community in itself! The perculation of messages and care about each other is very high and helps in long building relationships....

  56. Parents can play an important role in children s life

  57. Parents to be encouraged to participate in the learning environment.The interaction between Parents and other community members will enhance the quality of education.


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